
Recharge Pearls

Ning earned nearly 2000 pearls from the match he had just had. That was a good amount considering people would also bet on him quite a bit in this match where it wasn't well known who the winner would be.

Once done, he went to meet up with Saphandra to have some lunch.

She was getting harder to meet now that he had a job and she was off doing her own thing.

They sat down by the cafeteria to eat some food.

"How's your tutoring going?" she asked.

"Fine, I would say. It's annoying that I have to teach a 6-year-old kid, but I'm having fun too I guess," Ning said. "How about you? How are your studies going? You don't with the book?"

"Oh yeah, that history book, I'm done with it. I need some other book, but maybe not right now. I want to finish learning the language first," She said.

"Sure, that works too," Ning said.

"Oh right, I've come across some problems," Saphandra said.

"What's up?" Ning asked.