
Practice Match

Ning looked at the people that were gathered around him and the sword they held to their side.

"Are these your students?" Ning pointed to the ones that were standing guard all around them.

"They are," the Cardinal said. "But not my best. You can go against them if you want to, but my son said you boasted about your abilities being quite above par."

"I must say it is not a boast on my part," Ning said. "If you wish to see me fight, I will."

"Cardinal Elias seems as though he will be arriving a little late. Why don't we spend some time in the training field once you are rested," the Cardinal said.

"Oh, no need for that. I'm well rested. We can start right away," Ning said.

The Cardinal raised an eyebrow. "Very well, let us head on over if you wish for it."

Tim and Jasmine were abruptly forced to leave their place and walk away to the battlefield that was behind the mansion.