
Matches in Zero Gravity

The droids carried the two of them and flew them to either side of the nearly 100 meters wide spherical room and left them in the air.

With zero gravity, both Ning and the young man in front of him were hanging in the air unable to move at all.

If they wanted to move, they would have to use the Burst mode on their gun. Ning prepped his two guns. He placed the left one on Shoot and the right one on Burst.

"How many rounds would you like the battle to be?" A robotic voice asked from below them at the hub.

"3," the man said. "Are you okay with that?" 

"First one to get shot twice loses? Yeah, I'm okay with that," Ning said.

"Game mode set to 3 rounds. The game will start in 15 seconds."

The voice started counting down, and Ning and the man prepped themselves to fight.

"3… 2… 1.. Begin!"