
Inner World

The girl looked at Nigel with wide eyes, but not for the reason Nigel would have expected her to.

"But you are a girl," the little girl said. 

Nigel was slightly surprised. "Yes?" she said. "What's wrong with me being a girl?" she asked.

"They said you were a man," the little girl said.

Nigel looked around at her wives, who chuckled lightly in response. "What did you guys say?" she asked.

"She's probably confused because she learned that you were married to us and had fathered children with us," the woman said.

"Oh, I see," Nigel said. "I just made a male body for a second so I could get them impregnated. That's why I'm a father. Although, I would rather be called mother by my children."

The girl's confusion reached a point where she didn't even want to question what the lady in front of her was saying.