

The bullets kept on coming. Even after it should have ended by now, the bullets kept on getting fired. 

'Damn those Invokers,' Ning thought. Between the loud noises and the bright sparks from the bullets hitting the metal, and the smoke coming off from the guns of the terrorists, he could barely figure out what was happening to the prince.

After all, the prince's safety was Ning's number 1 concern at the moment. 

The bullets stopped coming, and there was a moment of silence. Ning knew this was the moment and immediately threw the mess of a bench directly at the few Aether Grandmasters that were standing around. 

The magisters were too close to the prince for him to try hitting them. The metal accurately landed on 4 of the 6 grandmasters and incapacitated them. 

"What? He's not dead?" the terrorists looked at him surprised.