
Giant Rock

Ning tapped into his core and pulled some pure Essence from it. He drove the Essence into his sword and quickly created a spike out of the ground that shot in the leader's direction.

The leader dodged and shot the arrow at Ning. Ning dodged as well, but the spray of rock from the fire arrow still hit him in the back.

Fortunately, his body was so strong that he didn't even feel any pain at all.

He saw the leader create another fire arrow and shoot it. 

Ning couldn't help but wonder why he only kept on making fire arrows. There had to be a reason for it, but he couldn't figure it out right now.

He ran up to the leader and swung at him. Rock sprayed from his sword, but the leader was ready for it.

A pillar of fire erupted from the ground, creating a barrier of sorts that protected the leader. Before the fire pillar could even disappear, another fire arrow came flying out from inside.