

The fishermen pulled up the anchor and immediately started moving. Ning jumped back onto the boat and looked around for people that were possibly injured.

He helped a few of them when he noticed weird looks given in his direction.

"What's up?" he asked the fishermen that were making weird glances.

"A-at the sea floor, was there no monster?" one of them asked.

"Monster? If you mean sea beast, then there were a few but they didn't attack," Ning said.

"No, no, the monster you know. THE monster?" the fishermen asked.

"I'm afraid I do not know what you mean," Ning said. "Either way, there was no monster. Your anchor was just stuck on some rock, that's all."

"See? I told you there was no Galthymore," another person said.

"Galthymore?" Ning wondered what they meant. He was about to ask the system what it was when the fishermen started freaking out again.

"What happened?" Ning asked only to find them scared because of his turtle.