

One by one, the chefs started bringing out dishes that made Ning's mouth water just at the sight of it.

The various different dishes were truly something one could only dream of eating. However, even after the food was on the table and it was starting to cool, no one really gave a thought to eating them.

The Duke's eyes filled with anger while Lucius was one step away from pouncing on Ning.

The stepmother simply smiled at the situation, while Ori was dumbfounded at Ning's courage to speak, up against her father.

Trevain on the other hand was wide-eyed with surprise to the point that he did not even know if he was truly hearing it all correctly.

"What did you call me?" the Duke asked.

"Oh, I called you nothing. I called the version of your that would try to get his son married off without his approval, a scum. Which I hope you aren't, are you?" Ning asked with a smile.

"Do you know who you are speaking to?" Lucius asked from the side.