
Final Stretch

People wondered where the lightning came from at all since the price wasn't supposed to have any way to use lighting at all.

The audience wondered if just like the princess, he too had dual cores.

The prince breathed in and out as the pain in his chest slowly subsided.

The princess also got up, bedazzled by the fact that she was electrocuted, and it had been all because it had gone through the holes she had created to break and see.

"You!" she shouted from afar as she struggled to stand up straight. "You tricked us all."

The prince took a deep breath and chuckled. "It's all about the long con, sister," he said. "The more you make someone think something works one way, the more you can surprise them with the sudden twist."

The princess's eyes fell onto the axe on her brother's left hand. The white handle of the axe that always dropped white mist from it no longer did.