
Don't Shoot

Ning didn't have to worry about being poisoned as his body could handle it without needing his intervention much. However, he couldn't say the same about the other two in front of him. 

He looked up front and suddenly saw Lisa vomit out a whole bunch of juice onto the ground. He breathed heavily as she spat out what little juice there was in her mouth. 

"Oh no, honey," she cried out and immediately turned around towards Reever. Ning turned as well and was shocked. 

Reever was starting to foam at the mouth as his whole body spasmed uncontrollably. 

"No!" Lisa cried out. She put her hands on his chest and all she could do was watch them shake in fear. She was trying to do something, but she herself didn't know what she could even do in this situation. 

Her husband was dying of poison and the only thing she could do was watch him die. 

"Move," Ning stood up and immediately touched Reever's chest.