

The 4 beasts arrived close to Ning and saw the bloody tiger standing in front of an unhurt Ning.

It didn't take the 4 beasts very long to reach a conclusion on their own.

"Who are these folks?" Ning couldn't help but ask.

A snake quickly flew next to White Depth Field and started healing him with his water skills. "We came as soon as we could. Were you fighting all alone?" he asked.

"Yes, I was," White Depth field said. But he couldn't bring himself to say that it was just a normal bout, nothing serious.

"Who is that person?" the bird asked from the side.

Ning narrowed his eyes when he finally realized who these beasts were. 'Ah, they're from that land,' he thought. He had remained in their world for a hundred thousand years, but he had only ever lived near the tigers. 

The snake, bird, and the rest were the other beasts from the world that Ning simply didn't bother visiting.