

"I will go feed some of these to the women so they can get stronger," Anya said. "Is there anything else you can help them with?"

Ning looked at them. "Go ahead and do what you want to. I will need to consult the system a little before I do anything else," he said.

"Okay," Anya said and went to feed the cores to the women who were extremely late and thus needed to be prioritized with the cores.

The woman that was pregnant the longest was a lady who had turned into a swordfish. She had the outer physique of a swordfish, including gills and a sharp point on her head, but her interior was still that of a mammal.

She was resting as a lot of her energy was drained into her child, trying to force it to cultivate even faster so that when she did deliver it, it was already a Spirit Transformation cultivator.

"How are you doing, Gina?" Anya said softly as she swam close to the girl.