

The 4 Apostles and the director looked stunned as they watched the bleeding hand of the one that was supposed to be the victor of this little mock battle.

He was the one that was supposed to test the newcomer, not be the one that tried his hardest and still failed. How could that make sense?

As the group kept staring, Lee looked up with vicious anger in his eyes. "I will kill you!" he shouted at Ning.

Ning looked at him and smirked. "You already tried," he said and put on a mocking smile as he said, "and you failed."

Lee thought of attacking again, but his broken arm hurt just too much to even move it for now.

"Bak, heal him or something," the director said as he was the first to be out of their startled state.

"I… I can't. My healing skill is atrocious. I can maybe only close up the wound at best," he said. "Maybe Soo-Yun can do better."