
Big Jack's

"Ning, can we have some gold?" Jasmine asked as she and Tim were ready to head out.

"Gold?" Ning asked. "Is it for the mission I gave you two?"

"Yes," Jasmine said. "Is it alright if we ask you for money to help us?"

"Yes," Ning said and brought out a small pouch. He handed it over to Jasmine. "Now, don't get swindled or robbed. Go have fun."

Jasmine grabbed the bag and it immediately disappeared from everyone's view as she made it invisible and pocketed it. She then walked away Tim, leaving the penthouse to go down to the hotel.

She arrived at the front desk where she saw the man from before look at her as she approached. "Hi, would you mind telling me what is the best place around here to buy information? I saw a bunch of information sellers around when I was coming here."

"The best one would be Big Jack's Intelligence office," the man said. "It's down the road next to a pink gambling house. May I ask what this is about?"