

Shara waited for the last test, not knowing what it was. She was confused to even begin with as to how any test was going to work. She couldn't see any spirits, couldn't hear them, or sense them. And they wouldn't even answer her calls when she called for them.

By now, she was beginning to wonder if this was all for naught. If everything had been a mistake. 

"Well, for the last test, you won't have to do anything," the woman said as she put aside the clipboard and looked around. "Frank!"

The ghost of Frank that was flying around the area, hoping that his work here was done was called over.

"What now?" Frank asked.

"Overtaker's test," the woman said simply. "Go possess her body."

"Oh, finally!" Frank said. "Something fun."

Ning frowned. "Aren't there any female ghosts around here that can do that? It doesn't feel right letting an old man—"