
A Plan

The two men looked at each other, asking each other with their looks as to how much they wanted to believe his stories. Not only that, if they did believe him, could they not do the same themselves too?

They had various Converters on their payroll too. As long as they got them to do Dust and try to learn it, they could make it too. The proof existed right before them after all.

"That is a good story, brother Ning," Jay said. "But I do have a question. After you got your powers, why didn't you report it? You could become an Officer or a Chief officer too."

"I thought of doing it," Ning said. "I was running out of money after buying so much Dust, so I needed more. But, when I thought of how much I could make by promoting, I realized that I would only be making enough for a full month of Dust."

"Now, I didn't need to buy Dust at this point, but the thought still kept me thinking in that direction, and soon I got to the thought. What if I sell Dust instead?