
A Game

Ning watched the 3 of them go over to a table and sit down. He didn't immediately sit down too as there were only 3 spots at the table.

"You can go elsewhere and play if you like," Lisa said. 

"It's fine," Ning said. "I will just watch for now." He stood behind the 3 of them and looked at the dealer who was handing out cards.

It had been a long time, so he had forgotten about the specifics on almost everything back on earth. He knew about cards and how many there were, or he thought he did, he couldn't remember any of the games that were played with the cards. 

"What are we playing?" Lisa asked. 

"This table is for 'find the duplicate'," Elina said. The dealer was a bald man wearing a white shirt under a red waistcoat. Ning was quite surprised to see a rather massive stack of cards in his hand. 

As far as he knew, there shouldn't have been this many cards in general. He leaned onto Reever and asked, "do you know about this game?"