
Reincarnated as an Enderkin with a system

A fan of Mha gets reincarnated and becomes an Enderkin with a system. will he shake the story with his powers?

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

lore about the end and training

When I looked behind me, I saw an Enderman it was 8 ft with purple particles swirling around him.

"What do you mean pure half -Enderman? And what is this place? I said confused

He looks at me tilling his head to the side as if I was strange. "Very well, you seem to be one of us yet know nothing about our history,

Then I will teach you about this End kingdom."

"This kingdom is called Janardan, it was the main place of power for the End territories, And was led by King asterisk. He said sadly as if remembering something

"There were many people who lived in these territories than Enderman and Half-enderman."

"Such as, the Enderkights, powerful sword welding masters whose job was protecting the king and queen as well as tamed the dragons." The man said with pride in his voice.

"Next, were the Ender witches, who specialized in different types of spells such as:

"Elemental magic with Ender, offensive spells like Ender blades and beams, defensive spells with barriers and so much more." He continued

"Then, were the dragons, led by their queen Abigail, the dragon's wings were so powerful that they were even able to break Netherite armor and their most deadly ability poisonous fire."

"There were hybrids but those were rare and dangerous. Queen Abigail, was a wise and determined Ruler for her people." He said his voice almost breaking

"Voidlings, were a race of end-kin that practiced void magic, they could create portals and rifts that led to pocket dimensions."

"However, the cost of this great and dark power was Void corruption, that drastically change their personalities and made them rabid to another species." He said his voice hateful as if recalling a bad memory

"Lastly, were the Half-enderman, like you were the creation of an Enderman and a human and were the most special of the enderkin race."

"They could harness the inate powers of their Enderkin parent and create new and powerful spells and abilities as well as use abilities of other Enderkin species." He finished

I never knew that something like this existed, and possibly how powerful these abilities and spells were. However, I had two questions that were on my mind.

"That is some pretty impressive history about the end species, however can I asked what is your name? "And why are you talking about them in past tense did something happen? I asked curiously .

He seemed pleased when I asked him about his name. "Certainly, young one, my name is ---------, the Royal teacher." He said with pride

I couldn't catch that so I asked him again but it was like something was censoring the name.

"As for why their is no enderkin here is because they all died, In the Civil War when that traitior [Redacted] started killing the Ender Lord's for their sacred artifacts."

"He, enlisted the help of the nether king, to take over the Overworld and corrupted the humans with his Void magic, making savage half-enderkin and releasing them into the human villages and killing the villagers."

"King Asterisk and Queen Abigail, United the remaining Enderkin from the surrounding territories."

"Many losses happened in that war and [Redacted] was eventually defeated by the King and Queen who sacrificed themselves, to stop the nightmare that [Redacted] created." He said angry and bitter at the name [Redacted]

"Owari, realized that this empty kingdom was not so empty as the spirts of the enderkin who died still remained.

And when [Redacted] was mentioned it set the spirits on high alert, their rage and spite encompassing everything.

They were so angry at everything, me, [Redacted], themselves, and even humans. I heard the sounds of enderman crying and the sounds of countless voices.

"Anyway, regardless of the war since you are the last enderkin, I will teach you how to manipulate Ender and how to properly use other Enderkin species abilities." He said in a kind teachly tone.

"Tell me, what species trait do you want to become from my explanation? He said waiting for my answer.

"I don't know I haven't seen the power of any of the enderkin species." I told him honestly

"Hmm, very well how about I teach you some spells that you can use with Ender, and when you return back here you can tell me which you choose." He said readying himself

I agreed and he he decided to first teach me offensive spells. First was how to make Ender blades.

"First close your eyes and feel the Ender that's circulating around your body like blood.

"Once, you feel it Grab and try to mold it while imaging the sword. Think , about how big you want the sword, the color and how sharp it must be.

"The sword will manifest on front of you and how many depends on your reserves." He said look at me patiently

I did what he instructed, I looked inside me and felt the Ender inside me. It looked like the size of a large pond, I grabbed the Ender and I thought of a sword.

It was an Arming sword, it was 35 inches and was well-balanced for cutting opponents. It was floating and the color was dark-green like Ender pearls with a purple tip.

"Not bad, but that is already more than what a young Enderman can do for its fist time. But, it's still nothing compared to this." He said

In a mere second, 8 greatswords all gargantuan in size, as lighting crackle around it.

And the color of the sword was yellow cobblestone, like endstone and magenta on the hilt of the sword.

I was shocked at how powerful those swords were and I wondered if one day I could get to that level of power.

"How about we work on your teleportation and see if we can make it easier for you? Show me how far you can teleport? He, asked his eyes lighting up.

So, I showed him my teleportation powers but he shook his head and said that to make it easier for myself I should considerate on where I want to go and not by instinct.

"If you want to teleport to a specific location first, you must imagine where you want to go and think of yourself moving there."

"It will become difficult when you first try however the more you teleaport the much easier and stronger it will become like a muscle." He, said explaining it and then showing me by teleporting to a tree.

I closed my eyes, and I thought about a room I visited earlier it was the Throne room.

It had purple banners on the wall, two thrones one of them black, purple, white, and Pink particles flowing around it, representing the colors of Enderman. This was the King's Throne.

The other Throne, was beautiful it had rectangular-shaped crystals, pointing upwards to the sky.

A ring of purple fire surrounding it, and two Eyes of Ender on the armrests. This was the queen's Throne representing strength.

But, what was interesting about the room was the large, Ender dragon between the two thrones.

It had an aura of dominance that put fear into you. It looked dead but I could still feel a lingering spirt inside the body, waiting for someone worthy.

When I opened my eyes, i was standing in front of the king's Throne, it was beckoning me to sit on it. To restore and continue the legacy of the End.

My body moved on it own, I couldn't even think before sitting on the Throne, and a surge of power enveloped me and I felt stronger than ever. Just then a system notification popped up.

[Host has found the Enderking Throne, does host wish to start the trials of the End?]
