
Reincarnated As An Assassin: Hwarang

Dan Tae, a boy dies as an unfortunate victim in a fatal car wreck with his parents but when the universe has bigger plans for him, he finds himself in another dimension of the world. He is reincarnated as the son of a noble in the Silla Era, but when he bears the mark of Maitreya, he is chosen to be part of an elite assassin who wields supernatural great powers, known as the Hwarang, flower knights and Dantae's fate as an assassin is sealed. In his past life, he lived in a dark lonely shell, away from the light of the world as a result of elevated bullying as he was a weak and frail prey for the terror hungry world, but when he gets reincarnated as a powerful assassin and is given the freedom and inexplicable power, he explores his capabilities and immense power he is reincarnated with. Legend had it that when Maitreya, a great god's physical form died on the soils of Silla, its spirit incarnated into the body of the young men who bore its mark, giving them a fragment of its tremendous power in the process. They are popularly known for their flawless beauty and their resilience along with their elegance and prowess. The Hwarangs are the most dreaded assassins throughout the three kingdoms of the Korean nation, feared and admired for their remarkable powers and skills. Behind their flawless and captivating beauty lay a cloak of darkness, will Dantae who is reincarnated as an assassin be able to resist the tempting darkness, or will he succumb to the darkness calling him? //////// This work is running for WSA 2023. For those that want to contact me about the book, feel free to dm me on discord: Mel_goddess123#0675 Follow me on IG: melaninngoddess_123

Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Ominous Prophecies

"Who are you?"

Her voice was hoarse as she spoke and her brown eyes were dilated as she stared at him in shock, as though she hadn't recovered herself from her ominous prophecy she spouted.

"Who else would I be but Hwarang?" He questioned her with raised brows sarcastically.

She was looking at him in a strange way, as if he was something else other than Hwarang, while he kept staring at her in silence. Her brown eyes flashed as if lightning had struck through it and her composed demeanour was suddenly retained.

"You said some things." Hwarang spoke carefully as he observed her intently, making sure she had come back from whatever dimension she was lost to.

She was no longer in a deteriorated state, but the way she stared at him was unfathomable and odd.

"I know very well what I said." She said in a firm tone as she straightened her clothes and tucked the strands of hair that had come loose from the wind back in place.