
Reincarnated as an Archangel in the Omniverse

My name is Mael, and I was reincarnated by a new God named Clark. Due things he had done in the past the Omniverse is in a slow spiral towards destruction. He has asked me to assist him in saving the Omniverse from collapsing by helping prevent the destruction of worlds throughout reality. Author Note: The worlds visited in this novel will not follow their canon storylines exactly. There will be difference in what happens, so please be warned.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 28 - Plan In Motion

---Mael POV---

"In six years the Fire Nation intends to do a massive offensive on the North Pole. They want to get to the Ocean Spirit La and the Moon Spirit Tui, if they kill them Waterbenders will lose their bending abilities.", I warned Hakoda, "Are you able to warn them of this? They won't likely listen to me, and getting that close won't be possible without a fight."

"Yes, we can get a message to them.", Hakoda agreed.

"Now hold on there, lets not forget they abandoned us down here.", Kanna pointed out, "How many times did our request for assistance fall on deaf ears? We have suffered for decades without so much as a single ship showing up to help us."

"Be that as it may, if the spirits die Waterbending stops completely. Your granddaughter is a Waterbender, shouldn't you be concerned with that at least?", I questioned with a concerned look.

Hitting me on the shoulder, she said I shouldn't use her granddaughter against her in an argument. Saying that I was only trying to think of the big picture, I apologized to her.

"I will make sure the message is passed along, I promise.", Hakoda swore, "It's the least I can do for saving my family."

"I assume the two ships that lured you away fled?", I asked.

"Yes, we knew something was wrong when they fled instead of fighting us.", he replied.

"Understood, how would you like to commandeer the two ships with me?", I questioned with a smirk.

Giving me a grin, he wholeheartedly agreed to it. Saying he would gather the men, it only took a few minutes for everyone to gather round. Telling them we would use the ship I came on to get close, I said once we were alongside them we would kill them.

"I need you to knock a few of them out if you can. My plan is to make it look like Earthbenders attacked them while we were on route here. That will take the heat off of your people, and redirect it on a non-existent enemy. Since I am the Fire Lord's grandson, I will say there is no Waterbenders left here and that it was all a ploy.", I told the men.

"Sounds like a plan to us.", Hakoda agreed with a firm nod, "Let's go!"

Boarding the ship, the warriors hid below deck as we left the settlement. Steering the ship was a bit more difficult than I expected, but between Water Magic, turning the rudder, and pushing random buttons...I managed to weave my way through the ice fields. Spotting the two other ships at the rendezvous point, I pulled alongside one of the ships and dropped anchor. Coming down to the deck, the neighboring crew looked around for everyone else.

"Where is Commander Yon?", the captain of the ship next to us asked, "Is that bastard already drinking without us!?"

"You could say that.", I chuckled, "Why don't you join him!"

Immediately the man exploded into a red mist causing his men to stumble backwards. With the captain dead, the Water Tribe Warriors rushed out of the hold and jumped onto the other ships. Protecting the men from the Firebenders, I let them handle the ones who were using just weapons. Vaporizing the Firebenders with a flick of my wrist, they all tried running away from me to take cover. Since I was using magic though...even that wasn't enough to block my attacks.

By the time we had assumed control of the other two ships, only ten soldiers were alive. Laying in a heap, the men were all unconscious and weren't in any state to fight back. Tossing them onto my boat, I gave Hakoda a firm handshake and a nod once again.

"Take the boats and the supplies back to your people. I will make trips down here to bring you supplies and Waterbending Scrolls for your daughter.", I promised, "I will only approach the settlement using Waterbending. If you see a Fire Nation vessel approach, treat them as an enemy and destroy them."

"Thank you for all the help, I haven't had this much excitement in years.", he laughed.

Parting ways with the warriors, I started heading back to Whaletail Island.

---Several Days Later, Whaletail Island---

Altering the crew members memories, I made them think we got ambushed by Earth Nation rebels in the ice field. All of them wouldn't remember anything about what really happened no matter who interrogated them. Keeping them asleep in the hold, I wouldn't let them wake up till after the island was destroyed.

As I pulled into the dock, I was irritated to see that there wasn't a soul to be seen anywhere. These idiots were so sure that no one was going to attack them that they didn't even have a night watchman on duty. Taking the opportunity to free the hostages, I told them to take the spare ship at the dock and return home. Giving me words of gratitude, they swore they would never forget my kindness. Once they were off, I turned my attention to the men who were asleep in the barracks.

"Special Forces my ass...", I sighed rubbing my forehead as I walked in, "Iroh, Lu Ten, and Zuko are going to have their work cut out for them. I hope the main military isn't this lazy..."

Putting a few men into a deep sleep, I adjusted their memories as well. The story would be that a day after we left, Earth Nation ships attacked the fort and pinned the men down on the island. They managed to hold out till my crew arrived, and managed to force the enemy to flee through a show of force by sinking two ships using Combustionbending and killing their commander with Lightning.

Damaging the ship before setting out again, spread the men out on the deck and woke them up. Yelling at them in a panicked tone, I wanted them to think the situation was dire and experience the real sensation of being in a near death position.

"All of you get up!! We don't have time to be lying around!!", I shouted at them, "Get down in the hold, and start pumping water out!!"

Stirring from their slumber, the men frantically looked around for what was happening. Seeing an illusion of several Earth Nation ships sailing away, they looked back at the ruined fortress they once inhabited. As all the memories I implanted came to their minds the men started rushing around the ship to keep us afloat.

"Damn those Earth Nation bastards!!", the men howled in anger, "We won't forget this!!"

Walking up to the wheelhouse with a smile on my face, I was looking forward to setting my assassination plan into action.

---Several Weeks Later---

Sending up a distress flare as we enter the Fire Nation capital harbor, the crew ran out on deck to wave at the soldiers gathering at the pier. Seeing our heavily damaged ship pulling in, I could see that some people were wondering how we were even still afloat. Once we were docked, I started my acting.

"Who gave the Southern Raiders their bloody information!!", I howled in anger as I jumped off the ship, "I want that man in front of me for disciplinary actions!!"

Frantically looking around for someone to answer, they parted ways as Fire Lord Azulon approached. Glancing over at the ship, I could tell he knew what caused the damage. I had purposefully used boulders and rocks to damage the ship to make it look more authentic.

"What happen?", he asked me, "Why are these men here, they should be on Whaletail Island!"

"It was a bloody trap!!", I told him, "I was with Commander Yon and three ships when Earth Nation rebels ambushed us. They used icebergs to hide their ships, and by the time we realized they were there we were surrounded. We fought bravely, but there numbers were just too great for three ships to handle. In a last ditched effort to save his life, Commander Yon offered me to the enemy in exchange for his life! I killed him and took control of the situation, I killed the enemy commander and managed to break through the blockade. When we returned to Whaletail Island, the fortress was destroyed and the survivors were barely holding off Earth Nation ships. We drove them off, but couldn't pursue them given the damage our ship endured...my apologies Fire Lord Azulon."

"No need to apologize, you did well!", Azulon said with a beaming smile, "Commander Zhou, I want you to take statements from the men on what happened."

Disembarking the ship, the crew thanked me repeatedly for saving their lives. Their actions were enough to sell Azulon on my story, and he was enraged. Turning to the Generals behind him, Azulon demanded to know where the information came from. Immediately the Generals started pointing fingers at people, which only infuriated him even more. Before he let loose on them, I spoke up.

"Fire Lord Azulon, please allow me to hunt down the Earth Nation rebels!! I will need a new ship and supplies sir, but I will avenge this humiliating defeat!!", I pretend to plead.

"You have nothing to be upset about.", he praised me, "Engaging Earthbenders in a naval battle isn't an easy feat as they keep their distance. Making it back here to inform us of their surprise attack is already a grand achievement. I will send Commander Zhao out to wipe them out, you should get some rest and recover from this. As of today I am giving you the rank of Captain and you will receive your own ship."

"Thank you Fire Lord Azulon!", I thanked him, "I will live up to the position you have given me!"

With that, Azulon told the Harbor Master to start repairing the ship. Ordering my crew to head to the barracks for food and rest, I told them to meet me at the pier at 6am tomorrow morning to train.

---3rd Person POV---

As Azulon returned to the palace, Ozai approached him out of curiosity. Having heard a heavily damaged ship arrived in the harbor and that Mael was on it, he came to try and curry favor from his father. Trying to paint an image of a weak child, Ozai was hoping to destroy the favor Mael had been gaining.

"Father, Mael is weak willed boy.", Ozai stated, "He should have never been allowed to leave the capital. His ship was-"

"You know nothing you ignorant son of mine!! Mael slew dozens of Earth Nation rebels that ambushed the Southern Raiders. He fought off a fleet of Earth Nation ships at Whaletail Island with a single ship, and managed to sail it back here riddled with holes.", Azulon seethed, "Do not think for a moment I am not aware you are trying to sway me on naming you heir to the throne. Neither of your children have the talent necessary to do what he did, you are spoiled child that I should have sent out onto the battlefield years ago."

Thinking about that for a moment, Azulon made a decision.

"Ozai, you will accompany Commander Zhao to find the Earth Nation fleet that attacked the Southern Raiders. I also leave locating the traitor in our intelligence network to you, do not fail me.", Azulon snickered, "You should also know Mael has been formally promoted to the rank of Captain. Maybe your children should take lessons from Mael...especially since they aren't talented enough to learn from books like he was."

Leaving on that note, Azulon left his son standing at the entrance to the palace. Twitching in anger, Ozai lost it and roared out in anger as the surrounding area burst into flames. Grabbing his face in anger, Ozai swore he would kill Mael with his own hands for making a mockery of him. His adopted nephew was gaining fame quickly, and it was making his life a living hell as Mael was also gaining his father's favor. If nothing was done to stop it, his chances of stealing the throne from his brother would disappear.