
reincarnated as an anime character

An ordinary man dieing inside from a life spent working a dead end job goes to bed one Saturday morning after a binge session of a new season of an anime, and some gaming. While sleeping he dreams he gets messages granting him three wishes before being transmigrated into an anime version of Earth. This is his story as he lives out a new life in an anime world. ...………………………… But is it even real? Or is it all just some fever dream, maybe comatose delusions? But more importantly: Does it matter? Is everything he experiences any less real if he's only dreaming or in a coma? .................................... So I plan for this book to be fairly light-hearted but also tackle some deep questions at some point. There will be some cringe moments- including chuni AF moments. This could also be considered a fan fiction with elements from several animes and games being introduced either as part of the system the MC has or as things from the system. I might have some characters from different anime games movies or books popping up. Uploads may be slow, as I write the chapters on paper before typing them to post and because I write for fun, my daily life will effect the schedule.

Krystopher_Johnson · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Prologue, Introduction

have you ever had a dream so vivid you wonder if it isn't a dream but reality? A dream that encompasses months? That makes you wonder if reality as you knew it was the dream all along? Then you can understand what I've been going through.

It's been 6 months since I woke up in this crazy anime version of Earth... I'm still not sure if I'm just dreaming. As more time passes however, I begin to wonder if it even matters. After all, even if I'm dreaming, are the things I felt and the lessons I've learned any less real simply because they were experienced in a dream? I I don't know but I guess I've begun to sympathize with Kirito and Asuna.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. If I'm going to do this 4th wall breaking narrator thing, I should at least do it right- don't you agree Deadpool sensei?

So anyways here goes:

It was a Friday like any other, boring and soul numbingly routine. iZombie my way through yet another day of my dead end menial labor job and rushed home to binge-watch the newly released season 4 of Seven Deadly Sins; and play a little Skyrim and Minecraft maybe. so I've been watched the whole new season before playing in Skyrim for a while (that is to say, until I broke my PS3 controller over getting one punch by Alduin when I was a level 60 orc warrior) after which I played Minecraft. By the time I went to bed the sun had long been up.

I barely remember falling into bed. What I do remember is that all of this started the moment my head touched my pillow. That was the moment normal disappeared and this whole bizarre thing began.

alright so here's the beginning of the story. releases maybe slow but I plan on at least two or three chapters a week. that is however subject to change because I work in a factory and sometimes I may either be too tired to do anything by the time I get home or I may just have other things that I have to do. I hope all those that read this story will enjoy it.

also if you haven't read it I recommend reading Nanomancer Reborn by Reili. it's a really good story and pretty damn funny.

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