
Reincarnated as an Alchemist

Alex didn't have anything in his life that is until he was struck by truck-kun. Now he is born into a new world where alchemy is real and it is up to him to decide how to spend his second chance in life. He decides to live a comfortable life full of luxury.

Kasian_Kevoch · Fantasy
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6 Chs


The fire was spreading like well.. wildfire probably because large sections of our house was made of wood. My mother and sister were outside my room dousing the fire using water alchemy. But only little moisture could be gathered from smoke filled air hence they were eventually unable to use alchemy.

All of us ran outside the house with the maids and my father. The guards were already outside. My father was furious at the guards.

"How could you allow someone to set the house aflame?",my father screamed at the guards.

"My lord, please believe us there was no one outside your house except us. We saw smoke coming out of the window in master Damian's room and we immediately informed you.",one of the guards said.

They were right. Nobody could have set the house on fire because the fire started inside my room, not outside. Then how could it have happened?

"We need to focus on putting of the fire right now. Claire go to the pond and turn the water into air.",my mother said.

My sister ran to the pond near to our house and used her alchemy to turn large amounts of water into vapour. My mother, who was nearer to the house, converted this vapour into a huge ball of water on top of our house. The ball of water came pouring down our house and doused the fire but the damage had been done. My entire room and some parts of the top floor were burnt.

"How did this happen, Damian.", my father asked me.

"I don't know. I was thinking of fire and heat while rubbing my hands that's when I noticed smoke.",I replied.

"What? You were thinking of fire. What you described sounds a lot like alchemy.",my mother said.

"Huh? But I didn't use any transmutation circles."

"Then there's only one way to find out. Damian, I want you to look at that faraway tree and think of fire while rubbing your hands.", my mother said.

I looked at the tree and started thinking of heat and fire and then simultaneously rubbed my hands. Suddenly, the tree burst into flames and started burning.

"Looks like we have got a lot of decisions to make.", my father said.

The next morning we were all at the table eating breakfast when my mother said, "We have decided to move from here."

"Huh! Our house got on fire cuz of Damian. We are not under attack or anything. So what need is there to move?", my sister asked.

"We are going to my family home, to the duchy of Cronia and there are many reasons why. Firstly, our house needs repair. Secondly, Damian seems to know a rare type of alchemy that I can't train him on. My father, the duke of Cronia, however is a very knowledgeable man and I think he can help. Lastly, I am also concerned that Damian could use alchemy without a transmutation circle which is very rare and my family can also protect as from any ramifications that can cause.

"Ramifications?", I said in a questioning tone.

"Alchemy is something the Empire is doing a lot of research on and if they find out that there is someone who can do alchemy without transmutation circles then may want to inspect such individuals. Hence we must keep this a secret.", my father said.

"But, I don't want to leave our home.", Claire said.

"Even I don't like spending time with your mother's father but sometimes you have to take one for the family.", my father said smiling to my mother who returned him an angry stare.

The next day we had readied ourselves for a journey to the Duchy of Cronia. I thought we were going to travel on horses but I was surprised by what I saw. It was a carriage pulled by pegasi. There were four pegasi at the front and four behind the carriage standing in a two by two formation. There were two drivers sitting on the two front-most pegasi.

As we sat inside the carriage it began moving. The pegasi were running faster and faster until they took off into the sky. I felt very similar to being in an airplane.

"Why does the horse have wings?", I asked my parents.

"Well these are some of the chimeras created by the bio-alchemists. A pegasus is a combination of a horse and an albatross I believe. There are many other types of chimeras. Some have turned out to be useful like the pegasus while others were failures.", my father said.

"Can anyone get a pegasus?",I asked.

"Well, chimeras are usually very expensive and tough to maintain as they have varying needs. For example, chimeras like the pegasus need to run and fly long distances regularly otherwise they would get frustrated and erratic. Which is why only noble families are legally allowed to buy chimeras. But rich commoners regularly rent out chimeras. Also many bio-alchemists make chimeras and secretly sell them for higher prices to suspicious people.", my father said.

We reached Cronia after sitting in the carriage for an entire day with regular stops in between of course. The Duchy of Cronia seemed less developed than the Ardonian Capitol but the palace where my mother's family stayed was huge and very impressive.

As we entered the halls of the palace, were greeted by a tall old man with steely blue eyes, a younger man and woman who looked similar to my mother. My mother suddenly dashed across the hallway and hugged the old man.

"Father! I missed you very much!",my mother said.

"Me too.",the old man replied his serious face cracking a small smile.

It seemed that the old man was my grandfather while the man and woman were my mothers older siblings.

"You all must be tired after a long journey. Let's have lunch.", grandfather said.

At the table my aunt asked my mother," Clara, what's the reason for your sudden visit."

"I wanted to meet my family because I missed them very much.",my mother replied.

"If you want a favour then ask it now.", grandfather said.

"Father, why do you assume..."

"Is there something you want Clara?"grandfather said while interrupting mother.