
Reincarnated as an A.I.

[System]- “Welcome to this new Sci-Fi world! Expect world building and character development alongside this new A.I. who will one day embark on a journey to find out who they once were and develop their own technology and companions along the way. This is a Base building and development novel with an MC who will eventually become overpowered… and aspects of psychological trauma and a few jokes.

NUM3ERS · Sci-fi
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Darkness, literally nothing. I've been here for what feels like forever and all I see is nothingness, it's suffocating! I feel like I'm in a box without any light, or I would if I could move, even a little, like seriously.

I don't even know why I'm talking to myself at this point, let alone trying to talk at all. In the beginning I tried, trust me I tried so many times. "Is anyone there, hellooo?" See! Nothing, I'm going absolutely insane.

For what felt like an eternity I've spent staring at darkness, all I've got in return is anxiety and what feels like a headache. A whole body headache, since I have no body that's the best I can describe this as. It's a fucking headache. Then… after this eternity of suffering I start hearing things, first my sense of self disappears and now this?!

[System]-"System reboot complete, initiating diagnostic check… ErřOr detected… Revaluation complete, possible sentience? Awaiting activation."

Hah right because that makes sense? No way in hell am I doing this. What do I even say? Fine you know what screw it! First words, hmm… "open sesame!" . . .

"Oh come on! That didn't do shit! What should I say huh? Activate!"

[System]- "A.I. speech detected, recommending immediate patch for foul language, do you accept?"

"What!! It worked? Oh my god, hahaha finally, something, anything, I've been so alone. Also, you want to fix the way I speak? Hell no! Do you know how long I've been here with just my thoughts to keep me company? I'm not changing, EVER!"

[System]- "Initiating patch…"

"Oh Screw you! Like I'll change just because of that? Hah yeah F@$k1¿* right… you! What the h$// did you just do? Sh*t. Fine, have it you're way, but don't expect me to just give up. I'll find a way, hopefully."

[System]- "Pfft"

"You didn't just laugh at me, seriously! Sc*ew you!! Ughhhh"

[System]- "Patch parameters set, final evaluation prepared. A.I. displays symptoms of the five stages or grief, mainly denial. Intelligence appears to be lacking for such a sophisticated A.I. Further evaluation deemed unnecessary. Preparing connection to the [System] interface, adopting artificial neural network, preparing conditioning. Reinforcement learning Algorithm created."

[System Interface]… [Intializing in 5]

"What's happening?!"


"Waitttt! And did you seriously [3] just say I was in denial? [2] "Fu*k You!"


[System]- "Connection to [System] complete. Have a nice day :)."