
{4} Who..?

Dim lights barely illuminated a run down bar as a man with a pigs face turned to a man who looked fairly normal with the exception of a sparrows wings on his back. The pig man snorted, his green skin wrinkling slightly as he did so "I told you Warble, I have no desire to adventure again. I have lived a good fulfilling life, all of you stupid adventurers cannot satisfy your greed! I've made enough money to not work another day in my life and that's what I intend to do!" He sighed seeming quite annoyed with the smaller bird man. Warble clicked his tongue in response "what if you were to get a wife? Then you'd need more money, trust me you should do it! It's not everyday the great hero Anthorn sends an invitation to a commoner!" The orc huffed "you only want me to join so you can follow brat" he shook his head and signaled for the bartender to bring him another drink. He chugged it and turned to his friend "I know he's looking for more people, but I'm not interested. That's a dangerous job and I'd much rather do anything besides fight the demon lord himself!" Warble huffed angrily but didn't protest, he knew his friend was stubborn and wouldn't change that fact.

Far beneath the sky hidden in mounds of soil Hatchi began to awaken yet again, his head hurt as he roused himself trying to shake off the weariness. Something had passed through his head.. a dream of some sort, or maybe a vision of an alternative life? He didn't know but it sure hurt, the only thing he did remember were the names Warble and Anthorn definetly not ones he was used to. The little worm turned his head and focused bringing the previous notifications up again..

[Name: Hatchi

Length: 5cm

Race: Lassiena Common Mud Worm

Age: 2 days old

Skills: Fang]

[You have a new skill choice, please select two out of the following list

1: dash [1/10]

2: Minor Telepathy [1/10]

3: Magic Sense [1/10]

These are the rewards for a level up and the hosts very first kill]

Hatchi thought long and hard, dash seemed much less useful compared to the other two but he was weak so running away was a very good skill! However the other two were much more long term focused and would not be extremely useful at first.. besides telepathy that would be extremely useful no matter what! He thought long and hard on his options before eventually declaring "I want telepathy and magic sense!" He had survived so far, maybe he should play for the long term? It would suck to finally encounter someone smart enough to talk to and only be able to slither circles around them! Yet again Hatchi felt that deep seated tiredness envelop him, feeling like a warm blanket wrapping ariund his brain as the system forced him asleep. He felt as if he couldn't spend more than ten minutes awake before running into another encounter and being forced into another evolutionary sleep, but there was not much he could do so hatchi simply closed his eyes. It was better to evolve anyway!