
Reincarnated as a wolf with a game system

After a dying from a car crash, Wendy wakes and finds herself as a wolf with a game system. Which she assumes that she has been reincarnated. She must learn to survive in the immortal world filled with beasts and people with powerful cultivation. How will she survive as a little wolf in this world? Read to find out. BTW this story is based on Wendy's pov

Rize_16 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Handsome guy wakes up

'Hey wake up.'I snarled and jumped on top of the handsome guy's stomach. But I only jumped because I checked that he has recovered fully before doing that.

Don't want to hurt him any further. After about five minutes, he finally woke up. But the first thing he did was panicked and glare at me. After a few minutes, he calmed down and realised that I was just a little wolf. The next thing he did was checked himself for injuries.

After that he ask "Did you cure me?" I nodded and waited for him to say 'Thank you.' But instead he laughed.

"A tiny little Wolf like you cured me I don't believe it at all."He said and patted my head. I got angry and felt like bitting his head off. But then he said "If you really did save me then I must return your favour. Would you like to come with me."

I nodded. He most likely is going to bring me back to his palace or something. "I am a treasure hunter but because of the theifs the other day who stole everything I found. Now I need to start from scratch and I would love to have company."He said.

Wait what a treasure hunter. That sounds awesome but I would prefer a palace. Oh well treasure hunting would be more exciting that way I can level up faster and explore more of this world. So I nodded yet again.

"Ok you may follow me but don't run away or make trouble."He said smiling and speaking as if he was talking to a baby.

I got a bit annoyed since he was treating me like a child. But still nodded or he might actually leave me behind. "Then get on."

He then summoned some kind of weird red horse. Then picked me up and place me down on the back of the horse before seating at the front.

I remember another chapter I saw in the Introduction manual. But didn't take much note of it.

{Summon Animal}

A person who is elder level or above can summon up to two animals. But the higher level you the more animals you can summon.

So the handsome guy is most likely in elder level. That's quite impressive for him. It's the second highest level.

"We are here Silver." The handsome guys says actually it's sad he doesn't have a name. Hm he calls me Silver maybe because of the Silver fur I have. How about we let him be gold so the two of us have similar names.

"One room for two days." Gold says.

"10 yuan." The person who was receptionist says. (Yuan is the currency here.)

Gold took out 10 coins and paid the man who in turn gave Gold a key to their room. The room was great. It had one king size bed, order in room service and a huge toilet.

The first thing I did was to jump on the bed and take a nap. I haven't slept for at least two days with what was going on.

While Gold took out a map and started studying it. Probably finding the next place to find treasure.

Sorry for updating this late but I will try to continue updating one chapter per week.

And thanks for reading

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