
Reincarnated As A Wolf : Reincarnation’s A Bitch

At the age of 25 Elizabeth Micheal is assassinated to keep a company secret under wraps. When reincarnated into another world for seemingly no reason she seems to have no care in the world. Will she find her footing in the world and finally set a goal. Will she find out what happened back in her world. Will she be offered a way back. Or will everything fall further apart then it already is. With her temporary new name of snowy what changes will she make to the world and what purpose will they hold. We might just find out.

Lulu_Mather · Fantasy
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33 Chs

What happened?

<p>"Ughhh.." I groan trying to stand up... pushing my back against the wall in another attempt to try and force myself up<br/><br/>'All I needed was to get to the phone.<br/>That's all you have to do… come on stand up'<br/><br/>I chanted in my head<br/><br/>I pushed my bleeding arms against the wall with closed eyes and wormed my way up the wall in an attempt to stand up<br/><br/>I open my squinted eyes and glance over at my dog<br/><br/>'She looks worse then when she got in a fight with that damn raccoon...' <br/><br/>I start unconsciously tearing up from pain as I finally managed to get on my feet<br/><br/>Using the wall as a point of power I pushed off and started staggering towards the phone<br/><br/>Just to end up desperately clinging to the counter not far from the cell<br/><br/>I could guess that all of this wasnt going to be worth it… I was going to die…<br/>But I need to at least try<br/><br/>I clang to the coubter and made my way to the phone at the speed of a sloth<br/><br/>When I finally reached the phone I dialed 911 with shivering hands praying for a miracle <br/><br/>When the call clicked and a dispatcher picked up <br/><br/>I began ignoring the standard questions being asked ,and I tried to get to the point point across<br/>The fact is "My dog and I are currently bleeding out from multiple knife wounds. We are locationed at…"<br/><br/>But I was talking so quietly though that I don't even know if the dispatcher heard me until I heard him trying to confirm my location and saying things about an ambulance being on its way<br/><br/>But I didn't really care much about the ambulance at this point<br/><br/>Before he could ask more questions the phone slipped from my hand making a smaking sound as one of my hands went straight up to hold my head <br/><br/>A raging pain and strange ringing noises broke out and stated resonating inside my head<br/><br/>My head had been clouded for a few minutes already but the pain hadn't been there before<br/><br/>Yet after a moment of throbbing pains the stinging from all my other limbs numbed… almost completely?<br/><br/>Time was slipping through my fingers yet everything in the empty apartment stayed the same except for the labored breathing not even above a whisper stemming from my dog <br/> <br/>I dont often try to talk to gods but-<br/>Dear god! Can't someone just come save my dog already <br/><br/>…<br/>…I just need her to live please...<br/><br/>I start blacking out as things around me slowly become less and less visible<br/><br/>Yet the pain in my head just kept getting worse<br/><br/>I as my grip on the counter faltered I began falling to the floor just a few inches away from my dog<br/><br/>The world around me looks so weird when it's spinning<br/><br/>My glaze burned into my dog and I couldnt help noticing her eyes looking oddly dull…. and that her pained whimpering had- stopped?<br/><br/>The loud ringing sound in my head intensifies at a terrifying speed than before making staying awake much harder<br/><br/>My eyes fluttered open and shut in a struggle <br/><br/>But just before I blacked, I managed to see someone hit down the door to my apartment and paramedics come in<br/><br/>I finally let my consciousness go....<br/><br/>Hopefully my baby dog will be fine now<br/><br/>________________________________________________________<br/><br/><br/>I slowly start opening my eyes and waking up<br/><br/>WAIT WAKING UP?!?!<br/><br/>I'm alive... I'M ALIVE<br/><br/>What about my dog... where's my dog<br/>Roxie what happened to Roxie...Roxie.. roxie....<br/><br/>As I look around I realize I'm in a cave and not a hospital room That I had expected to see<br/><br/>A CAVE!?!<br/><br/>I start trying to move and call out to my dog but all that comes out is a weird barking noise...<br/><br/>And then realized<br/><br/>Wait... WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!? Why do I have paws for god sake PAWS<br/>I have paws for hands and worse of all I feel weird<br/><br/>Shit shit shit shit shit shit<br/><br/>WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!?<br/><br/>Just as I think I'm gonna start having a panic attack I see words pop up in front of me<br/><br/>"This Is Your Second Chance At Life, Good Luck"<br/><br/>Maybe- just maybe I was supposed to be all calm and like realization hit me and I understand the meaning of life now or some shit but instead my mind was just..<br/><br/>'Jshsbshsgskgsbsughsgvsnsshsmshsmshnsjsgakagabysbsjsvsusbsissv...donuts...hsvsjsgsnshsbsksgsnssvsnsbjssbnssbbsnsjsbskshsalaolqbspquwyebmzlqweyuoppkjgfsazzcbnm'<br/>After what might have been seconds, minutes, or even hours I finally think I have confirmed what has happened to me but...<br/><br/>THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY I HAVE PAWS INSTEAD OF FEET!!!!!!!<br/><br/>Nor does this explain where my dog is!<br/><br/>WHAT TYPE OF SHITTY ONE SENTENCE EXPLANATION IS THIS!?! <br/><br/>Then as if reading my mind more words pop up<br/><br/>" Host was reincarnated as a wolf in a different world, and because you have been transferred to a different world currently knowing almost nothing.<br/>I am forced to give you a personalized system that was made to help you adapt as well as make things easier for you… bla bla bla<br/>This world is full of magical creatures… bla bla bla<br/>A rare few humans who are able to cultivate… bla bla bla<br/>You have been reborn into this world as a normal creature who can cultivate and evolve- bla bla bla"<br/><br/>Then as if knowing I was ignoring it for the most part it changed its tone<br/><br/>"But since you're not even strong enough to have a human form yet I am happy to tell you it's a far cry from even having to think about the cultivation part of your reincarnation<br/>Your evolved forms all depend on your first form you chose so they will only be shown when you do something useful with your life for once… kidding evolving would be to hard if that was the case<br/><br/>Your current status is as shown"<br/>________________________________________<br/>Name: None<br/>Gender: Female<br/>Species: Normal Wolf<br/><br/>Level: 1<br/>Points needed to get to next level : 100<br/><br/>________________________________________<br/><br/><br/>^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^<br/>That doesn't explain…. Anything!?!<br/>....<br/>Well okay.... who cares I'm hungry<br/>Ohh how I wish I could have some McDonald's right now<br/><br/>I get the gist of my situation and I'm fine with it.<br/>I guess I think it'll be cool<br/><br/>Wish I knew what happened to my dog though...<br/><br/>As I try walking forward I can't help but start swaying back and forth as I try and leave the cave<br/><br/>After a few minutes of doing small walks back and forth I finally get my walking under control by the time I get to the entrance of the cave<br/><br/>Looking around the area I'm in, it doesn't look half bad and it smells really nice<br/><br/>You can see trees for miles and the only thing stopping you from looking on farther is the trees blocking your sight!<br/><br/>Everything's just so… Green?<br/><br/>As I start looking around I only end up getting hungrier which makes me wonder if I somehow became a vegetarian or something by becoming hungry looking at nature<br/><br/>But then I see it, a rabbit sniffing some berries in a bush not so far away....<br/><br/>…. Guess I'm not vegetarian just…. stupid?</p>