
Reincarnated As A Wolf : Reincarnation’s A Bitch

At the age of 25 Elizabeth Micheal is assassinated to keep a company secret under wraps. When reincarnated into another world for seemingly no reason she seems to have no care in the world. Will she find her footing in the world and finally set a goal. Will she find out what happened back in her world. Will she be offered a way back. Or will everything fall further apart then it already is. With her temporary new name of snowy what changes will she make to the world and what purpose will they hold. We might just find out.

Lulu_Mather · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Burned down

I wake up annoyed

Annoyed that people are staring at me!!

I just keep my eyes shut and hope they look away but they never do.

So after over twenty minutes, I open my eyes to the annoyance that is the handsome fool and the adorable but still annoying child

I close my eyes but seeing them together reminds me...

what am I gonna do with the kid...

Actually never mind... sense handsome dude still thinks I'm just a wolf then I can just hand the responsibility to him and just leave him it to handsome dude

I can protect him from harm and use him as a bed at night but... I'll leave everything else to handsome dude

Handsome dude seems like he could be a fine parent and they already look like they come from the same tree because they are coping each other by STARING AT SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANNA BE STARED AT!

Once I open my eyes and see that they're still staring at me like they expect something but I don't know what they expect from a 'dog'

My friends, I don't know how to break this to you but I CANT TALK!! Nor do I want to right now so BEGONE

I squint at them hoping that they'll just look away but they don't so I get up walk to the window and do what I did the night before which is jump out of it

And there you have it folks I'm free!!!

Okay okay just kidding... kinda

I start walking back to the tavern area although I now know getting drunk is definitely not an option with how I am right now I'm not gonna drink my thoughts away sadly

But I am gonna hang out there and see if I hear anything interesting

Right as I turn the corner I freeze

instead of seeing a busy looking tavern all I see is ashes and small pieces of what used to be the tavern

It takes me a while to get my senses back and start walking over but I'm still kinda shocked

It was fine yesterday?

I see people staring at it and whispering every once in a while but nothing big

I waltz over and just walk around the burned down Tavern

It looks so weird when it's all ashes of what it was

somethings are still intact but most are nothing but dust that will be blown away after a while by the elements

I wonder if they will rebuild it sometime soon...

Well who cares now I should just focus on what i should do now that my first option is clearly gone

I start walking around again and it takes a few minutes before something catches my eye