
reincarnated as a succubus

a 22 years old gay man dies,he meets the goddess of reincarnation,lust,beauty and is reincarnated as a succubus #funtari #bottom fem mc #sexy mc

DaoistDh4rMN · Fantasy
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5 Chs

body creation!!!(2)

When I looked at the woman she seemed pretty surprised so I asked her if she was alright and she answered "yes I'm okay,anyways mortal yo-" I cut her off by saying "what do you mean by mortal" and she answered "my name is Arura and I'm the goddess of reincarnation,sex,lust,beauty and you mortal,you are dead" ......…."w-wh-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DEAD" I yelled at the goddess "it means that you died,but worry not I'm hear" she said so I asked her"what do you mean",and then she started to explain that in a human life everything that you do gives you karma points(kp):

0-10,000-you go to hell

10,000-20,000,000-you go to heaven

20,000,000-100,000,000,000-you become an angel

"So how much kp I got"and she said"you got about 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 kp"...….

"HOW MUCH!?!?!!"I yelled,I didn't understand why did I have so many kp,but then she answered "I was shocked as well when I first looked at your kp ,to get this amount of kp and in only 22 years is amazing"..."well what now,because I'm obviously not an angle,so what am I?" And she said"as the goddess of reincarnation,sex,lust,beauty I decided to reincarnate you but of course with some gifts"

Time skip:

Me and the goddess stood in front of a big shining stone and the goddess told me to touch it as I did a screen popped in front of me:






Strength-need race

Agility-need race

Beauty-need race

Sexiness-need race


Need race


As I looked at the goddess I understood that she wasn't able to see the screen,but I still asked her what do I need to do and she answered "you can pick what will you be in your next life"so I asked her "what world am I going to"and she answered "the world you are going to is a fantasy world full of magic"I was so excited because i was an otokue before I died,the goddess said"I would live you here so you could pick what would you like"after she disappeared I looked at the screen and clicked at race:









After that I clicked on gender and I was pretty surprised about the number of choices:






I really need to think this through but after a couple of time I picked female for 2 reasons:

1.I like men/males

2.I like men but I also what to get pregnant+start a family

After I picked female I looked at all of the races,I didn't even need to think about it,I immediately picked succubus,because if you don't know succubus is a lust-demon(only females)that is really sexy exactly what I needed to seduce men,after I picked the race I needed to choose my name but I alreyhad the perfect on' Lily',after all that my status looked like this:







what do you think about this chapter it’s longer??

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