
Reincarnated as a step-dad in a fantasy world

CAUTION : [TABOO] Betrayed by his most trusted soldier captain jack was killed, but when he thought it was all over he meet the soul of a man named Alex Eswald. Alex said to him "I will allow your soul to reincarnate in my body but on two conditions, you need to fulfill these conditions if not you will perish" "What are your conditions ?" "First you need to kill the bastard who betrayed me and get revenge for me" "Understandably, what is the second condition" "the second condition...you n-need to...to" "out with it" "you need to fuck..." "huh" "them all" "huh ?" "The second condition is that you need to fuck all those around me, but not just them, you need to fuck all the powerful women" "How am I supposed to do that ?" "Don't worry I will give you a gift that will help you in your journey, so do you accept and promise to fulfill those conditions ?" "I promise" follow jack as he becomes Alex through his journey to fuck all powerful women of his new world, it's not like he wanted it to happen, obviously, but you know, he had to since he promised. ======== Tags: Reincarnation - Smut - incest - incest Harem - No Yuri - No NTR (there might be netori) - Milf - Harem - Mature - R18 - Pregnancy - others races- Weak to strong *** Hello you all, I'm a new author and this is actually my first novel and I don't have that much experience so there might be some errors, but don't worry I will try to become better. I would like to be honest by saying right now that this novel is for me and fellows cultured peoples to enjoy. So, I assume that those that still remains in this place are all fellows cultured peoples. If you like the story, you should support it (you really should support) Release schedule: one chapter per day. Discord channel link : https://discord.com/invite/kQg7CBkP

isli · Fantasy
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243 Chs

Alex vs En (3) [BONUS CHAPTER]

The moment the golems finished being created, En ordered them to attack Alex, who was still walking towards him.


'Crush him before he notices you' ordered En.


Unbeknownst to him, Alex could see perfectly well when surrounded by smoke; if he couldn't, then why would he make it so thick?


It was actually stupid of En to think that Alex couldn't see far in the smoke like he himself couldn't, but it was understandable that he would think like that because despite his golems finally being available created, he was still feeling uneasy.


'Are they trying to sneak up on me?' Alex wondered incredulously as he saw one golem going to stand before En, surely for protection, while six other golems surrounded him while trying not to make noise, which obviously failed because how could golems made of earth be silent?


'With each decision that he makes, he seems more dumb to me,' thought Alex as he watched the golems'sneak up' on him.


When the golems were around five meters from him, they abandoned all pretense of hiding and charged at Alex from all sides!


In response, Alex created a sphere around him by using the extra corrosive smoke, then stretched it in all directions.


The moment the golems made contact with the smoke, they all dissolved completely!


Alex shrank back the sphere, then resumed his walk unbothered.


"Damn! It's becoming frustrating; what the hell is happening  there?"Exclaimed Talia


Since they couldn't sense Alex, everyone focused on sensing En and what he was doing. Just a few seconds later, they sensed his golems trying to surround something, and the next second, the golems disappeared, leaving them feeling frustrated.


Everyone could sense that Alex might have done something, but since they didn't witness it nor felt it, it left them with a sense of wonder.


The most curious of the bunch were the participants, because if Alex were to win this fight, then some of them might have to fight against him; they would prefer fighting him while knowing all the tricks he had up his sleeve. Alas, they couldn't even sense him, let alone know what he was doing, so they just focused on sensing En, who was currently about to shit himself.


'Fuck, fuck, fuck, what did he do?' Wondered En in agitation.


Since Alex wasn't far from him when his golems attacked, he could see what happened when the golems lunged at him, but his brain didn't manage to capture what happened next.


Now he was left with only one golem, and Alex was just a dozen or so meters from him.


"Why do you look so flustered? Weren't you arrogant just a few minutes earlier?" Taunted Alex.


"Humph, if you think you scare me, then think again," replied En.


"I don't scare you...for now," said Alex with an evil smile.


'What do I do? Escape and think of a plan. No, he is faster than me; I wouldn't be able to escape, plus I don't have much mana remaining,' thought En as he observed Alex still walking towards him.


'I need to fight him now, or I won't be able to do so later' resolved En.


Since he decided to fight, he didn't waste any more time. First, he conjured earth spikes just under Alex's feet, intending to impale him, but it didn't work; in fact, the spikes never appeared.


'Shit, it's not working' realized En.


He then conjured a large wall between him and Alex.


'Hmm? Why is making a wall?' I wondered, Alex, while continuing to walk in the direction of En.


When he got in front of the wall of earth, he just passed right through it and emerged on the other side.


What greeted him was a fist of earth coming straight at his face.


Alex tilted his head to the side and easily avoided the strike.


"You merged with your earth golem to boost your strength? Smart, but it's still not enough, and I'm done playing around."


With that, Alex raised his hand and brought it down with force toward En's shoulder. Since his palm was covered by the corrosive smoke, the earth protecting En's shoulder gave way, and Alex's palm made contact with En's shoulder.


Since his hand carried a great deal of strength, it didn't stop at just making contact with En's shoulder but pressed down on it, causing En's knees to buckle. In a split second, En was forced to kneel before Alex!




When En's knees made contact with the ground, it caused an explosion that cleared the smoke around the two of them.


"Finally! "Before she could finish her words, Talia came to a stop at the sight before her.


Not just her; everyone was shocked to see En on his knees while Alex was holding his shoulder.


'What happened?' I wondered about most of them as they looked at the scene before them.


'Do I stop the fight?' wondered Adrian as he also looked at the scene.


'No, it seems that he still hasn't given up; let's not act now' decided Adrian, seeing the will to continue the fight still burn in En's eyes.


Like Adrian, En had no intention to give up, even though he knew that it was actually over for him.


"And now what? You will beat me up because I insulted your little maid, huh? Go on!" exclaimed En, looking into Alex's eyes.


"You can do anything you want to me, but I won't give up!" Promised En.


The reason he was so stubborn and refused to give up, even though he himself knew that he had lost, was that for him, giving up on this fight was akin to admitting that he was inferior to Alex, someone who had believed there was no difference between nobles and commoners. No way!


En was one of those nobles who believed that nobles were far superior to commoners, while for Alex, there was no difference. So, for En, this battle was a clash of their perspectives, and if he were to give up, it meant admitting that Alex was in the right. He couldn't allow himself to give up in such a manner.


"I like that look of defiance in your eyes; let's hope it will last long," said Alex as he retrieved the tobacco pipe from the space ring.


He took a puff, then exhaled a dark red smoke.


After that, he enhanced the potency of the attribute of the smoke to such an extent that it turned pitch black.


The next moment, Alex controlled the smoke to enter En body!


En tried to resist, but utterly failed to prevent the smoke from invading his body.


"You said that you wouldn't give up, huh? Be my guest; resist for as long as you can," said Alex coldly.


The moment the smoke entered his body, En felt a splitting headache that caused him to clutch his head. Alex gladly released him and fell to the ground.


As seconds passed, the pain started to spread throughout his whole body.


Barely one minute later




Hello, author here.

Since it seems that no one read what I write in authorns thoughts, I will just say it right here and will continue to do so from now on if I want to say something important.

What I wanted to say was that I would appreciate if you could leave a review for the novel, I didn't ask this earlier because I thought that there was not much content for you to make a judgement, but I think that now there is enough content now for you to at least know if the story is good or bad, so don't be shy and leave a review or a comment to let me know what you think about the novel.

Only bonus chapter of this week

islicreators' thoughts