

Awide rectangular Portal, wide enough to be walked by three people abreast, that linked the gazebo and a certain location was conjured in front of us. From here, we could see a wide flatland on the other side of the Portal. 

"Shall we?" 


Mom and Mother then locked their arms with mine before we made our steps toward the Portal. And in a matter of seconds, the three of us skipped the immense distance between our residence and the dungeon and successfully transported ourselves. 

"Okay, we are here." 

"Ahh," Mom took a deep breath, "what a nostalgic feeling..." 

"Indeed, Claire. It has been a long time since we were inside a dungeon." 

In front of us was a vast grassland that was surrounded by walls. From their reactions, Mom and Mother must have been reminiscing about their adventurer days.

"By the way, Raphael." Mom then slightly tightened the lock of her arm on mine. "We are inside the dungeon, right?"