
Reincarnated As A Sith

God killed me. That sucks... but he gave me the chance to live out every nerd's power fantasy. Now I have superpowers and live in a world populated by knights, dragons, and chilled-out zombies. And then there's a galaxy waiting to be conquered. Yeah... I think I got a good deal. (Self-Insert) (AU) (Sith Warrior) (Lemons) (Dark Themes) -Don't Like Self Inserts Don't Read - This is not my work

dark_elf_God · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: All Hail The King

"It still smells of shit even from here." I looked out onto the tops of the city from my balcony. The sun was setting on the first day that I had arrived in King's Landing. In my hand a goblet of Dornish Red, which I preferred to most of the other wines that Westeros had. I took a sip as my gaze moved from the sunset to the city below. People were moving from their jobs and duties back to home and hearth, a few patrols of Gold Cloaks passed through the streets.

"I think I prefer Winterfell over this shit heap." Pierce said from back at the table our quarters provided. We had been given a sole chamber in the Red Keep until the day in court where I would come before King Aerys. Tywin's little slight toward me to show who was truly in charge between us. It mattered little, I would soon be leaving for Lyarra's room.

"I quite agree, how they take pride in this place is beyond me." Quinn said, putting a hand to his nose as the smell of the city was starting to reach up to the Red Keep. My guess was that people were throwing out their buckets of shit and piss from the day's bathroom uses. Plumbing … god fucking damn plumbing was a thing here! And yet not in King's Landing. "My Lord, please tell us that this city will not be our home for the coming future."

"Not at all, there will be times when I or you will have to live here for long periods but my plans have us far from here for the most part." If all went to my plan, then I would be granted a seat on Robert's Small Council. Master of Laws or something. But I agreed with Quinn, I wanted out of this town as quickly as I could be. The idea of Harrenhal had been planted in Tywin's mind, the cursed fortress was ideal for me and my new Order of Sith. Rebuilding the castle would prove… a challenge. Fixing it up would require tech that Westeros didn't have, tech that I could provide but I will need to disguise it. What I really needed was a means off this world so I could bring in some Droid labor, clothe them head to toe and pass them off as hired workers. Either that or some other labor force. Harrenhal was fixable to someone with my knowledge and resources. And once I deal with the curse and have Quinn run the surrounding lands with flawless Imperial management, I will be lord of one of the richest holds in all of the Seven Kingdoms. It was at the very center, so trade would prove to be lucrative, and I could introduce various industrial improvements. Harrenhal was a waiting black gem, simply covered in char. "Now if excuse me gentleman, I have a waiting woman for me." I said before downing my goblet of wine and heading out the door with a slightly jealous Pierce grumbling.

"Ey… you can't-" The guard at our door said before I waved my hand over his face, putting him under my influence. His eyes glazed over and his mind went numb.

"You went to the privy for five minutes and when you came back nothing had changed. You did not see me leave and you heard nothing come from my room." I said and the guard nodded dumbly. I forced myself a little deeper into his mind and made sure that he would recall things exactly as I told them to be. With that out of the way I began my walk toward my little pet wolf. I could feel her waiting for me, knowing that I would come to her just as I did at the Twins.

"Cersei, you stop this instant!" I heard someone yell and then felt a bump to my side. I looked down and saw a young girl with golden blond hair look up at me with bright green eyes. Hmm… who could this be I wonder. She looked up at me, still fully in my Sith armor and robes, and didn't have a shred of fear in her. Just awe. Yup… that's Cersei. "Thank you…" I then looked up to see a woman coming down the hall, if I had to guess it would be Cersei's mother by the Lannister traits she had herself. "Thank you kind… Ser?" She said as she approached us and only now getting a real look at me.

"I'm no ser." I said still finding that line funny as all hell. "Naraiz Rhyhall my lady, I arrived today with Lyarra Stark to implore the King to help in the reestablishment of my Order here in Westeros." I explained as Joanna I believe her name was, took Cersei back from my side. The young girl was still looking at me with awe in her eyes, she was easily enamored with the sheer power I projected.

"So you are the man Lyarra was sent with, the way she described you I expected some sort of god among men." She lightly joked at my expense but I could tell that there was no true malice behind it. More or less Lyarra had simply not been able to control herself when talking about me when the two met. I suspected that was what the Queen dragged Lyarra off to anyway. "The two of you must be very close if she speaks so highly of you." Joanna said with a mind invested in seeing that there was more going on between us. And also she was probing for a possible ally in both I and Lyarra.

Smart woman… too bad Tyrion is going to rip her apart. I needed the Lannister family as they were in canon, Tyrion would never reach his full potential otherwise and the dwarf was too valuable a man to not have. It may sound cold but hey… such is the way of a Sith.

"I saved her son; and became a friend of the family afterward. I find Lyarra's intellect and subtle wit to be great qualities in a friend." I said vaguely not giving Joanna what she wanted but not denying anything either. "Who might be these beautiful maidens I am speaking to this evening?" I said giving a bit of charm to it all causing Joanna to lightly blush and chuckle at my flattery. Cersei however smiled and preened at my compliment before stepping out of her mother's arm.

"I am Cersei Lannister, daughter of Lord Tywin and Lady Joanna Lannister." She said proudly like she had been rehearsing that for years and now finally was able to bring it out. However, it was very likely that she had already been given Tywin's stern lecture that she was a girl and not to do boyish things. Enough time must have passed to where she would have devoted herself to her own means of killing her enemies as she told Eddard Stark. I also know that she and Jamie must have already done something, as Joanna separated the two after they were caught in Cersei's bed exploring each other. How far that went could range from simple kissing to maybe something more. Either way I still had an idea of what I was dealing with.

"And I of course am Joanna Lannister and I am no maiden." She said placing a hand to her swelling belly and it was at least nice to see her showing some love to Tyrion. But I couldn't help myself.

"But you are beautiful, that you can't deny." I said and it was true, she was very beautiful. It was clear where Cersei would eventually get her looks from. Long golden hair that shined like the metal that her family was known for, eyes as green as emeralds, a warm face that only had a hint of amused trickery. And a body that was like many other noble ladies of the south, slimmer than those of the North but still had a healthy fullness in the right places that only came with a life where food was never a worry. Even in her pregnancy her beauty was never diminished.

"Lyarra said you are from across the Sunset sea but you sound like you're from Drone with that silver tongue of yours." She said with an arched eyebrow and I could sense she was enjoying every moment of this. While at the same time hating it. She wanted to feel like this but not coming from me. Mmm… Tywin is not treating his wife right? Interesting, and makes sense in some scenarios. "What are you doing out this late?" She asked before looking down the hall. "Maybe visiting someone, but who would you know besides your followers?" She asked innocently like she didn't already know. Oh I like her… too bad she does love her husband otherwise…

"I could ask you the same." I said before looking down to Cersei. "Just what were you doing out so late youngling? Visiting someone?" I said drawing all of Joanna's attention back to her daughter, checkmate. She was trying to find Jamie, and Joanna would be having none of that. I don't understand the brother sister love. Naraiz's sister ended up being the Smuggler and she was a pain in his ass. She had a fine ass… and now my two sides are fighting it out. Great, migraine and no pills to shut it up.

"I just…" Cersei started but stopped at feeling her feet leave the floor.

"Let us return this adventurous youngling back to her room for the night." I said as I held up my hand clearly showing off my powers. Both Joanna and Cersei were shocked at the fact Cersei was now floating just off the floor. The young girl tried to swim her way out of whatever force was holding her up but that proved futile. "Come on… keep trying and you'll get it eventually." I joked and chuckled a bit and Joanna seemed to be able to pick up my jovial mood and clamed down knowing that her daughter was no longer in danger. But someone didn't get it.

"Let her go!" I felt another little person hit me, more on purpose this time. But my eyes widened as I felt them try to steal my sword. Before his little fingers could even touch its hilt I swished around and grabbed Jamie by the throat. I pulled him up and glared right into his eyes. My own blazing yellow as my fury bled into the one place my Mask could not wholly hide.

"That was unwise, boy." I growled, the Dark Side oozing out of my body as I glared right into the blond boy's soul. Nearby I could feel the Dark Side slither and coil around the nearby women and worked its usual effects on them. It didn't exactly work as positively as I would want it, the feelings both women had for the boy whose neck I currently had in my fingers made sure of that. But the Dark Side's claws did not leave even after I would regain control. And I did quickly, I dropped both Jamie and Cersei, gently I would add.

"That's why you assault my son, because he nearly touched your sword. It's not like he would have been a threat to you even if he had." Joanna accused and I could feel her anger toward me clear as day. She was also angry at Jamie for trying to steal my sword but all of that was overshadowed by my attack of Jamie. I quietly pulled out the Vibro-blade and turned it on. They watched in fear as it began to vibrate in a way that to a primitive understanding looked like a nearly invisible blur. With a slash to the stone wall, it cut through easily.

"My sword has special properties, and yes… in the hands of your son he would not be a danger to me. Can't say the same for the user untrained in its use. He would have not been prepared or be able to hold the hilt once it was unseathed and likely it would have jumped out of his gripped and who know what could have been cut off." Jamie gulped at my dread warning and I could sense that my actions were somewhat forgiven by the womenfolk, at least on a deeper level. Cersei was still livid at me on the surface while Joanna was mostly just upset I was so rough. "Now if you excuse me Lady Lannister, I do have places to be." I said and before turning and leaving the stunned and conflicted Lannisters.

I awoke to the day that I would be the one of the most important in all of Westeros' history. The day King Aerys gifted this world to me by giving me the means to take it. I'm sure no one would call it that until many years after it was too late, but it was the truth.

"Master…" I opened my eyes to the soft moan of Lyarra laying naked next to me. Her arms wrapped around my side and her face was buried in my chest. Her gloriously enormous chest was pressing into me as she slept blissfully content. I smiled at the Stark so soundly sleeping next to me before moving a few strands of her hair away from her lovely face. Honestly every time I see her look so genuinely happy with me like this, it chips away at the guilt I have for changing her on such a deep level. However the moment was ruined by a sudden pain shooting through my leg. My right leg.

"Fuck… this had to happen today." Untangling myself from my clingy bedmate, I sat on the edge of the bed and laid my right leg out on top of the bedding. I dropped the portion of the Mask that covered my leg and watched as it revealed the black metal of the prosthetic that it really was. With a few taps to the hidden buttons on my artificial leg various plates lifted up to reveal the inner works of the cybernetic leg. "I don't want to be dealing with this now." This was the highest tier in cybernetics the Empire had to offer, along with my own Sith Alchemy. I knew how to fix it but I really wanted to be able to spend the morning preparing my speech with Lyarra.

"Master?" Lyarra woke up after a few moments of her arms searching for my presence. After finding my warmth lacking she lazily sat up and yawned, now having been awakened from her slumber. It was actually very cute to see her act in such a canine-like way when she yawned. But then all her attention focused on my exposed leg. "What happened to your leg?" She asked in a slight panic but my small chuckle at her reaction calmed her.

"A rather irritating Jedi chopped it off… even after all we went through." I said wistfully. The Jedi in question was the Jedi Knight class of the MMO. One Miraluka named Rulud. Absolute prick and totally on the Light Side to no fucking end. Come to think about it… he might be why the Jedi are what they are now. Satele was always telling me how Rulud wanted the Jedi to be more proactive in the Republic and the Galaxy at large. It didn't matter that we fought side by side against the Eternal Empire, he still saw me as Sith and my words of warning about the Balance went unheeded. Granted we had our own problem child in the form of Darth Nox… bitch couldn't fall further into the Dark Side if she tried. Was I bitter about other things concerning Nox? Yes. Did it change the fact she was a psychopathic nutcase? No.

"And what you have now is not your leg?" She asked with trepidation in her voice as she slowly approached me. I could understand her reaction, this was a far cry to the level of tech she knew. Even the Holo-transmitter was more approachable than this by leaps and bounds.

"It's a replacement, created out of metal and my Sith Alchemy. I don't expect you to understand the inner workings or even the basic concepts that go along with this leg, but please don't worry over it." I said as my fingers entered into the inner mechanics of the limb. I grunted in minor pain as some of the nerves sent feedback, though it was over once I was able to turn off the nerves in the leg. A sigh escaped me and I then moved my hand back to the seam where flesh met metal, I pushed on the Force in a very specific way and heard the familiar click of the leg detach. Just below where my skin ended, a small rim of metal sealed off my stump of a leg and the separation between my body and the fake leg occurred. Lyarra watched with a morbid curiosity as I pulled my leg off and with the Force floated it over to a nearby table. "That fucking thing…" I grumbled as Lyarra came from behind and held onto my body in a lazy yet comforting manner.

"You can't be like this today, you will be meeting with the King." Lyarra said as she wrapped her arms around me while pressing her ample chest into my back. I smirked as I felt her light kisses along my neck and collar. It was… nice, having someone care about me like this. My new mind only could recall the times when various other women in my Sith life did this as information. And this certainly never happened in my earth life… which felt more real than the Sith one. So this was new to say the least.

"I know my pet." I chuckled as I reached back as I reached back and gave the wolf woman a small pat on the head. It was just funny not to, and it was made even more funny by the fact she actually beamed with joy when I did it. I should feel shame for this… I really should. But the guilt of what I did was eroded by a personal need for love and the continued sight of Lyarra so happy. "I need you to be perfect today, people will be looking for any way to find out information about me after today." The Master of Whispers had already been trying his damnedest to find out about me since coming here. But he was no spider, more like a giraffe. Tall and looking around for the nearest tree to nibble at.

"I will master; I have been speaking with Joanna, Nysah, and Rhaella. They've helped me better understand what to say and who to speak to." She said proud of what she had learned in the past few days. Lyarra had been very used to being the highest authority in the land besides her husband. As well as not having to deal with the games these southerners play. Northern folk didn't play politics like these nobles here the south, they handled things in a more direct manner. Lyarra's new friends had been helping to give pointers about fixing how Lyarra should act at court. She wasn't going to wow players of the Game of Thrones but she was at least not going to be eaten up.

"You've gotten close to the Queen, Princess, and Lady Lannister." I said before surprising her by standing up, using the Force to simulate the lost limb. It was straining my body so I couldn't do this for long periods of time but for now it would be okay. I walked over to the small bowl of fruit that had gone uneaten during last night's dinner. Lyarra knew that her time with me was closer to ending than ever and was extra anxious to get all the benefits of my company as she could before returning to her husband. "Exactly what do they say about me?" I asked genuinely curious as my sole interaction with either had been on my day of arrival.

"Joanna was upset at you for attacking her son but I don't think she really means it." Lyarra shrugged knowing that all of the discussion on her master had been minimal. The three other women at times asked questions concerning him but Lyarra assumed they were waiting for my day in court. "Rhaella tends to be quiet when you come up." Lyarra informed me as she pulled her tail around and began lightly brushing it with her fingers. I had noticed that Lyarra had taken to grooming herself much more actively than human would naturally do by hand. "I like talking with them."

"Oh, then you have a reason to stay in King's Landing for a little longer." I said as I tossed an apple between my hands. Any small excuse to keep her here would be used. "Send a raven to Winterfell saying you are trying to work out a deal between the crown and the north, or even the Westerlands. It will get you at least a little while." I took a bite out of the apple as Lyarra looked both pleased and slightly guilty.

"I…" She began but she stopped herself.

"No… speak, you are always free to speak what you want with me." I said knowing that she was not incapable of directly going against me. She was perfectly able to make her own choices and had her own free will. There was even the tiny possibility that she could turn against me, should something happen between us that would be grave enough to turn her. I knew that such an event could not have happened yet so she was at this time unable to go against my will. But I think she was now starting to understand that she still did have her own desires beyond what I wanted. Which was good, I needed her to build herself into a woman that she was never given the chance to be. A woman able to be beyond the man she was with. I wouldn't always be with her and she needed to be able to act semi-independently.

"I don't want to return to Winterfell. I want to stay with you and my new friends here in the capital." That made me smile, her emotions were all bare for me to see. In truth she had begun to hate the city itself. The few people she met beyond Joanna, Nysah and Rhaella she detested. It was all fake smiles and brown nosing. Everyone here was out for themselves and there was much talk of honor but she could tell it was all just talk. She was a good soul in the end of it all and the fact there were hordes of poor outside the walls of the Red Keep and yet the nobles here feasted like they were in the middle of Summer while others were freezing in the winter cold likely infuriated her. But she wanted to stay with me, the man that had brought love into her life. And stay longer with three of the few women in her life that she could call her friends.

"I understand my pet I do. And I want you to trust me when I say I plan for you to eventually stay with me for the rest of your life." I said as I walked back over to Lyarra. I held her chin gently with one hand and lightly stroked behind her wolfen ear with the other. "You are mine, and I intend to keep you. But for now I have plans for your husband, he has his place in all of this. And for that part to be played as it should you need to keep up the appearance of the woman you used to be."

"For how long?" She asked as her head moved deeper into my grasp. Her soul eager to feel my touch more.

"I can't tell you." I said before kissing her forehead, that wasn't the answer she wanted but anything I say could alter her behavior toward Rickard. Get him to possibly head toward his death faster. "And even after you will need to spend some time in morning, then I will fake your death so you can live with me." I said before pulling away and walking over to the table with my leg so I could begin to work on it.

Lyarra stood in an annoyingly southern dress, it constricted her and made sure that there was minimal movement that could be made. She might not want to return back to her husband but she did miss the North. It was her home and the garments there while warm were made to be able to move around in. Danger lurked in the snowy hills of the North and not even noble ladies were given clothes that might make those dangers have an easier time.

"Stop pulling, you're going to rip it." Joanna quietly fussed as she discreetly shooed away one of Lyarra's hands from grabbing her dress. The two stood next to each other in the great hall of the Red Keep. They stood the closest to the great Iron Throne, Rhaella and her children were not in attendance and so Joanna and Lyarra were the highest of ranking nobility in the hall. Nysah wasn't attending court for her own reasons, Lyarra had been told it was very rare for the Princess of Dorne to come to these things. The King and his Small Court were still in the small meeting chamber behind the hall, likely discussing a few things about the upcoming hearings.

"Are they going to take all of winter?" Lyarra grumbled as she continued to fidget in her dress. Joanna sighed and resigned herself to just stopping Lyarra once she was in actual danger of disrobing herself, accidently or not.

"Well normally court is rather boring and quick during peace and winter. But…" Joanna looked back to Lyarra with a small smirk. "… there might be something that is causing the King to be late." Lyarra quietly laughed as she got the message. Her master would indeed be something that would need to be told to the king prior to actually meeting the man. Tywin would need hours just to explain why this was the first the King was hearing of this. A man from the Western lands beyond the Sunset Sea, a man that effortlessly beat one of the Kingsguard, a man able to move things with his mind. A man above all others Lyarra thought to herself with a small shudder of longing. A motion that was silently picked up by her Lannister friend. Deciding to change the subject in the hopes to pass the time with a different topic Joanna spoke once again.

"Perhaps once Winter is done and my child is fit enough for travel, myself and my children could come North." Joanna said, promptly drawing Lyarra's attention. "I think it would be good for them, some Northern no nonsense values to impart on my little cubs would do them good."

"Plus it could give Cersei a chance to be a little freer with her wild side." Lyarra pointed out making Joanna lightly laugh. The two had spoken about how Cersei would at times trick the Rock's servants into thinking she was Jamie. She would then attend Jamie's lessons with swords and horses, it wasn't until recently that the two began Joanna and Tywin could tell the two apart. Once that happened, all of Cersei's antics as her brothers stopped. "I'm sure she and Lyanna will be great friends." Lyarra said unknowingly, making her master laugh.

"And hopefully Eddard and Jamie could rub off on each other, the two are so different but each could use of the other in them." Joanna said in response and had a certain Sith lord was trying his hardest not to roll on the floor laughing. But any further talk was stopped by the loud opening of the Small Council's Chamber's door with the King giddily walking out. Joanna frowned as Aerys made his way around the Iron Throne and then began walking up the steps to the seat of the throne. Truly the symbol of the monarchy was a ugly thing, massive and misshapen, sharp and deadly, and beautiful and ghastly all at the same time. Lyarra however was more interested in the King himself.

King Aerys Targaryen was a tall man and certainly had a regal handsomeness to him. Normal Targaryen features as expected, though Lyarra had nearly expected his silver hair to glow with all the talk of it. His eyes however told a true story of his soul, Lyarra saw them twitch and shift from place to place. He tried to hide it but Lyarra saw it with her enhanced vision, his mind was looking for something. But that was deeper, on the surface he was excited and joyous. Likely looking forward to seeing her master and the fruits of his promise to move the Iron Throne without ever touching it. Her master had told her that it was the Master of Whispers that had sent the bard, as when her master showed him and Tywin his power to move objects with the Force it was the Master of Whispers that felt a sense of understanding along with the initial shock.

"On this day in the two seventy three AC, we hold the royal court of King Aerys Targaryen the Second, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm." The Grand Maester called out to bring the court to silence. They all awaited closely for the proceedings to move along. While few were expecting this to differ, while others suspected otherwise due to the lengthy time the king took to arrive, they all still had to watch and listen. They wouldn't play the game poorly as doing so ended in ruin. "We have but one item for today." There were many small whispers at this, a few looks of shock and anger, and general sense of surprise. Then there was the opening of the Great Hall's doors and from it came Naraiz Rhyhall.

Lyarra watched from behind a stoic Stark mask of seriousness. While on the inside she had little else but doe eyes for her beloved master. He came in with such subtle power and authority. Never seeing the Iron Throne before and yet there was no hitch in his step at the sight of the massive chair. The Sith walked in like all were lesser than him and gave an aura that made everyone in the court submit to that idea. He had forgone the armor portion of his normal attire, showing that he was not here to fight but to discuss. Even his sword was missing, a statement that he didn't need it. But even with his strange armor gone, his black and red robes still cast an intimidating figure. His hood was up, shadowing his face and only allowing his lower face to be seen. His robes lightly billowed around his body with every step giving him a look of a powerful sorcerer coming to collect his due.

"Naraiz Rhyhall, Emperor's Wrath, Inheritor of Revan's Will, Dread Master… titles-titles-titles… I have so many that it might be hours to name them all." Naraiz said as he approached the Iron Throne. He waved off his words with such a causal gravitas that he couldn't be seen coming off as anything but humble and prideful at the same time. He then gave a small flourished bow as he took a knee to the Targaryen King. "I have come to this strange land in a time of my greatest need, my Order and country has been broken and turned to dust. I am all that is left of the Sith and the Empire, I have come humbly from across the Sunset Sea in hopes to find a refuge. A place to rebuild and regrow." There was a commotion of whispers, both excited and secretive.

"He does have a flare for the dramatic doesn't he?" Joanna whispered back to Lyarra with a small chuckle. Lyarra could feel none of her master's power in the air, he wasn't giving the best show that he could have. But then she knew that males had a different response to his power, often times aggression. Lyarra supposed that her master was holding back as to not show all his hand just yet. She looked up to the Iron Throne and it was plain as the winter snow that the King was eating all of this up. The fool, her master would never truly submit himself to anyone.

"I have been told much about your Order, but it is one thing to be told and another to be shown." Aerys spoke and the whole hall fell silent, they looked to Naraiz and he stood up. Lyarra could see that the king was trying his best to keep from bouncing in his seat with excitement. And if Rhaella was right, that was good because Aerys had a habit of cutting himself on that monster of a throne.

"My Hand has told me of your request, what you ask of me is great. A Lordship, lands and a keep, and my blessing and support to establish your Order here in the Seven Kingdoms." Again with the whispers, people were going mad with their hushed words as this was history in the making. Would this order become the next Maester Order, or would it be the next Night's Watch? Lyarra's eye twitched at the comparison, it was true the Night's Watch had fallen on hard times but it was still an honorable order worthy of respect. "Prove to me that the Sith are worthy of all of this.

"They are and so much more." Naraiz responded before raising his hands wide. At first nothing happened and Lyarra saw a small frown on her master's face. But then his body stiffened, and a wide smirk grew. The air in the hall grew heavy and a rumbling sound slowly began to pick up. Then a loud creaking sound echoed through the Red Keep, one that only came from old metal finally being moved after ages of stillness. Then the assembled nobility of King's Landing, members of houses from across the Seven Kingdoms, looked to the Iron Throne. It had been the source of the sound and everyone now was on the edges of their feet to see what happens next.

And they saw it… slowly the great symbol of the monarchy lurched forward, and then it was followed by the mad cackle of the King giddy as he held himself to his seat. Surprisingly not cutting himself on the sharp blades of the throne. The King's Small Council all stumbled back as the Iron Throne levitated off the ground, the Kingsguard all watched in horror as their king laughed in the air. The nobility of Westeros watched as the immovable was moved, as a sole man lifted up the Iron Throne without ever touching it. Seconds passed and slowly the great throne was rested back in place, not a single blade bent out of shape. There was a great thud and small billow of dust as the Iron Throne rested, the roaring laughter of King Aerys filled the hall as everyone else was shocked into silence. But then it was broken by a single cry of one word.

"Witchcraft!" Everyone looked to the High Septon who had a look of fury and hate as he pointed an accusatory finger toward Naraiz. "This is nothing but blasphemous witchcraft in our midst! Unnatural powers from the Lord of the Seven Hells. The Faith have purged your demons before and the purity of these lands will be upheld!" Lyarra wanted to rip this moron's throat out. She, unlike nearly everyone in the room, had zero respect for the Faith of the Seven to begin with, but now she actively hated it. What was worse was that his words seemed to be swaying many of the nobles against her master.

"BE SILENT!" The deafening angry roar of the king brought another quiet to the hall. "Would you call the powers of my ancestors heresy?! Would you call the very glory of old Valyria an afront to the gods?!" Lyarra and everyone listened and from the shade of red on the High Septon's face he very much would like to say those things. Lyarra however looked to her master and he seemed to be in a trance. He stood where he had been not moving a inch, he looked straight ahead oblivious to all around him. "I know what we have here, this power! This power that moved the Iron Throne is what crafted the greatest empire the world has ever known. My ancestors wielded this power, I know this. They used it to sooth the dragons and to craft weapons unseen by any eyes. Its art has been lost to us yes, but it shall return. And a new glorious age shall come about to the Seven Kingdoms because of it."

"M-my king, I beseech you to understand the danger that this creature represents." The High Septon struggled to get out having not expected this amount of anger toward his declaration. And he was now in a terrible position, as his faith and duty to the Seven was in direct opposition to what the King wanted.

"OUT! Leave or by my rule I shall make Maegor the Cruel proud with what I shall do to the Faith!" Aerys screamed at the top of his lungs causing the High Septon to quickly scramble out of the great hall. Lyarra had never seen such chaos, nor had she expected their king to act in such a… vocal way. But considering what Rhaella had said of her husband, it looked like the prospect of power her master represented enticed the true Aerys out into public. "I have seen enough to prove that the Sith Order is worthy, no… needed in the Seven Kingdoms. Today will be the day people look back and cry tears of joy that I granted the Sith Order my royal blessing to do as they need to bring our realm to glories only seen by old Valyria." There was a roar of nervous, almost forced, applause. And in it no one noticed Aerys hold his hand to his head in pain and only now was Naraiz moving as a normal man again.

It went wonderfully. Quick and grand, it happened so fast that the rumors of what really happened will spin just as fast. Days had gone by since the entire affair and things had not stopped being exciting for me. Oh sure I was locked up in the Red Keep by order of the King as he didn't want me going anywhere until the proper meeting on the founding of the new Sith Order could take place. His paranoia was showing and it was slightly irritating. But it mattered little, I could sneak out and listen to the reactions to it all from the nobility to the masses. Thankfully it all played out as I expected it to, people won't be able to recall anything but the most vital of moments, me lifting the Iron Throne, the High Septon being publicly castrated by Aerys, and the king's declaration of support for the Sith Order.

The first of which surprised me greatly, I was sure I could do it but then the amount of pushback I got from the throne itself was stunning. It was a Dark Side artifact! I didn't even realize until I tried lifting it, the power of the Dark Side was dormant and sealed away but the second I tried exerting the Force on it the entire throne roared in defiance. It happened in a matter of seconds, but to me it felt like… timeless. But there was a battle in the Force between me and the will of the Dark Side itself. I have only felt this way before a few times when interacting with particularly strong actifacts of the Force or when I was creating them. Thankfully since it wasn't the creation of a Dark Side artifact it wasn't so public. Instead it was a battle of dominance between myself and the vestige of Aegon Targaryen. The man was a Dark Side user! This world has so many secrets that I have to uncover! But that's besides the point. If the battle had been when the man himself was sitting on the throne or even been of his sons or grandsons… I doubt I would be able to budge the Iron Throne much less bend it to my will. But, I was able to. The power in the seat had waned in the years and there was a small piece of it that wanted a proper Master of the Dark Side to sit upon it once again.

Once that was done I was able to flawless influence the man that was physically sitting on it. The Iron Throne was mine now, it recognized that the Targaryen Blood was putrid in Aerys. That he was far from a true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. And so with my control over Aerys I gave a little bit of the madness that was coming. Hearing what the High Septon said had me in a rage, it answered so many questions but still… that baseless faith is dead. The Old Gods have some roots in the Force as the Weirwood trees are so bathed in the Light Side it nearly does come saying they are divine. But the Seven… worthless. And now I find out that they've been purging any Force Users in the Seven Kingdoms? That's the only thing I could take away from the High Septon's words. The certainty with what he said spoke more from real experience than just religious faith. He knew about the Force, even if he thought of it as witchcraft. How much does he know, how much does the Faith know about the powers of the Force. If they go around saying that I have corrupted the mind of the King then I'm in trouble. Thankfully with the idea that King Aerys is under the impression that the Force is the magic that made Valyria into what it was I have some clout. It isn't a hard leap of logic to make, and many will be swayed more toward the possible glory the realm could have rather than the cries of witchcraft. The Sparrows aren't a thing yet and religion isn't nearly as heavy in the minds of the nobility as it is in the commoners. And even then, loyalty to the local lord is more weighted in the masses than loyalty to the local Septon.

And lastly came the biggest win for me, although the win was rather hollow given how much it ended up being stacked in my favor. Whatever, I'll take it. Aerys giving me basically the green light to whatever the fuck I wanted in order to bring the Sith to Westeros. And that was the reason why I, Quinn, and Pierce were walking back to the throne room with a few new toys that I had made to help with that.

Lyarra was also with us as a representative of the North. I was told that similar nobles from across the Seven Kingdoms would be here at this meeting. Tywin would be there for the Westerlands, I generally knew his position. Janna and Jon Fossoway would be there both for the Reach, she being a Tyrell before marriage I knew to watch out for her. Of course the Princess of Dorne herself would be there. From what Lyarra has told me she likely was an ally and would hope so. Armond Connington would be there for the Stormlands, him… I knew his son… the man himself not so much. Surprisingly there was also Jon Arryn and his second wife Rowena, that was good as I planned on making sure the woman lived. The Iron Islands representative was Balon Grayjoy… what a joy for me. Lastly was the Blackfish, a real joy for me. All the lands in the realm were assembled after a few days of scrambling, it's almost like someone had called them to King's Landing prior to my meeting with the King.

The great hall doors opened to me and my small party, we were the last ones to arrive. King Aerys of course was sitting on the Iron Throne, jittering with excitement he stood up the second he saw me. The man began to descend down the steps of the massive throne so that he could better be a part of this meeting. A table had been set up in the hall so that all the assembled nobles could sit together. It was shaped in a round table but with a small jutting square out so that there would still be a head of the table. A neat idea as it said that there was still a king but all others were equal.

"Lord Rhyhall, I am pleased to see you come ready for this meeting." Aerys said, addressing me with a Lord's title. Tywin, Janna and Jon Fossoway, and Balon Grayjoy all look displeased by this while the others seemed ambivalent. This was the best point to put them at ease for at least on the titles front.

"Your grace, while I am happy that you have granted me a lordship… I do believe that my status as leader of the Sith should take precedent. I have not even spent a full year here in Westeros, I do not think it would be right to call me something that Westerosi bleed and die to try and achieve." I said eloquently and a few faces softened, mostly notably those from the Reach. Tywin and Balon I wasn't trying to win over as their opinions were solid as steel. "The highest rank a Sith achieved in the Order was that of Darth. It was given to those that had reached and pushed the heights of Sith power."

"Then why if you claim to be such a powerful man of this order why did you not take such a title." Balon snorted and I felt nothing but contempt and dismission from the still young man. He looked to be about in his early twenties but he still looked much older. I assumed he just always looked like that. It was a fair question but I could use without the sass. But there was little to expect from the Grayjoy, he was as stubborn as you could get and loyal to the Drowned God. And I doubt they had very kind views to sorcery as he no doubt saw my powers as.

"Because I was made the Emperor's Wrath before I could take a Darth name, and the position of the Emperor's enforcer was considerably more important than that of Darth." I said not looking at Grayjoy and treating him like less than nothing. The others smiled at this while the man who was little better than a pirate growled. While it was true the Iron Born were hardy and great sailors, their customs were rather brutish. I knew it was smarter to oust them from the beginning than to try and make friends with them. "So your grace, instead of lord it would be more appropriate to call me by Darth Nagash." I said smirking inwardly as I gave myself one of the most badass evil fantasy names in history. I am such a nerd at times.

"Nagash?" The Blackfish said with a raised eyebrow.

"In addition to the title of Darth, each Sith that reaches that title is granted a personal Darth name. One unique to them. Nagash was a figure of renewal and rebirth in old stories in the Empire, I thought it appropriate." I explained while I could feel Quinn and Pierce confusion, but they shrugged it off as me just making shit up or this was just Sith stuff they didn't understand. How could they ever know I was naming myself after the greatest necromancer and death lich in all of Warhammer Fantasy. My jokes for myself.

"Most appropriate Darth Nagash, most appropriate indeed." Aerys said with a gleam in his eye before he motioned for everyone to take their seats. Aerys of course at the head of the oddly shaped table with Tywin next to him. Then came Dorne, the Reach, the Iron Islands, North, Riverlands, Stormlands, and the Vale. Everyone was given their place and once they were seated the meeting went under way. "Well even if you do not go by lord you are still getting a lordship, but where?" Aerys said, opening the discussion up for the lords and ladies to come in. I liked how he did this, anyone that didn't speak looked like they didn't support this move. Deciding to save them I spoke.

"I would be happy with a ruin or somewhere without a keep, be a good thing for my order to either rebuild or just create our own bastion." I said as behind me Quinn and Pierce set down my covered box of goodies. It drew some attention but because I didn't acknowledge it people assumed it would come up soon enough.

"Perhaps they could take Tarbeck Hall or Castamere." Jon Arryn suggested and ignored the small glare Tywin sent his way. It wasn't surprising that these two had no love for each other. But I hoped that this idea would not gain ground, both were useless in terms of natural resources and not worth much else.

"Bah, and ruin such a grand song." Aerys said mockingly toward Tywin and the King's Hand just took it with a stoic calm. While underneath he was actually glad that the king dismissed the idea for nowhere near the same reasons I had for feeling relieved. "What about Moat Cailin? You arrived in the North, why not settle in it too?" Aerys suggested and I felt Lyarra internally beam at the idea of me being even closer. Sorry my pet, but that ruin is not meant for me.

"Moat Cailin location would not do for an Order meant to serve all of the realm. It would give the Northerners yet another bastion against invasion." Balon grumbled but loudly enough for all to hear his complaint. Ah… even this early the Iron Born think of the days when they could raid and pillage.

"If we are speaking of a central location, then Harrenhal would best serve them." Tywin said just as knew he would. There were a few words of agreement and everyone then looked to the Tully in the room. "If I'm not mistaken then House Whent recently suffered a tragic downfall, they are without any members left since Lord Whent…" Jaesa did such good work if even Tywin was finding it hard to word the carnage that my darling apprentice set upon that House. And pinning it all on the Lord, it seems whatever she did was believable too.

"If the Sith will take the cursed place then he is welcome to it." Brynden shrugged, not seeing a problem with this. He knew his brother had no one that looked to be able to take the damned place off their hands. And the lands did need a ruler as it held an important trade route along the Kingsroad. No one else had any objections to it, as it would be a nice way to shoo off the Sith into an impossibly to garrison fort ruined by dragon fire. They had no idea that I had the means and eventually the ability to fix all of Harrenhal's problems and turn it into a fortress unseen before in Westeros once again.

"I would be more than satisfied with such a keep my lords." I said appearing as the ignorant foreigner that looked like he had just been handed a great gift. Tywin looked at me and hid the realization that I had just played him well. Before he could suggest otherwise the King spoke.

"Wonderful, then I hereby name Naraiz Rhyhall as Lord of Harrenhal and gift the surrounding lands and the keep to him and the Sith Order. The Title of Lord shall hereby be passed between Grand Masters of the Sith Order." Aerys said and I found the idea amicable enough, as it meant that no one would be trying to wed their daughter to me. It might bring them greater ties to the Order but that wasn't nearly as worthwhile as a normal alliance by marriage. There would be little to gain by marrying a daughter whose sons would inherit nothing. Plus the whole inheriting thing was not happening as by the time I would announce a new Grand Master of the order I will have already named myself Emperor. "With that settled, there is the matter of recognizing your authority on the matter of your domain." Aerys said before looking at all the assembled nobles. It was then when I gave a small crack into the devious bastard that I was. My stance changed slightly, dominant and predatory.

"Yes, your grace and I have spoken over the details of this over the past few days." I said shocking everyone but Lyarra in the meeting. Even Tywin was now looking at me with hidden fury. "May I state the agreement we came to your grace?" Aerys truly was a cruel bastard as he watched with a sickeningly smug smile as he waved his hand for me to continue. Beyond the discussion of where I would be placing my order, all the details of my place in Westeros had already been made behind closed doors. I had to thank the High Septon for that, his little outburst had given Aerys the idea if he had done this more publicly more fools like the High Septon would muck things up. "First off, is the subject of new members of my order. The Force is the name of my power and it is as part of nature as fire burning. Or as flowers blooming. Or water crashing on the shore. And some are naturally born with the power to feel the Force and interact with it. Over time however the power can wane and be lost if not used. Children to young teens are the ones who we will be looking for. These Force Sensitives can come from anywhere, from any walk of life."

"And I have given Darth Nagash here complete authority to take them into his order." Aerys chuckled at the stunned looks on the assembled nobles faces. This was far beyond what they thought would come from this.

"You're saying that he can just come and take our sons and daughters should they be born with this power?!" Jon Fossoway shouted and was immediately cowed back into his seat by Aerys' glare. Ah, Reachmen… only the Tarlys have any real backbone. Deciding to stop this riot before it began, I spoke up.

"That is only half the case." I said before uncovering the box that Quinn and Pierce had brought in with me. On top of it was seven necklaces, all of which had a pointed black stone carved with the Sith Rune of discovery at their base. The stone was attached to a small metal ring that could be placed on a person's finger. "I have created these Seeker Stones in order to find and discover Force Sensitives, if they are in range of someone with the power to wield the Force the stones will point toward them."

"You have your hounds then, but that still leaves the meat." Nysah stated and could sense that she was very against this idea. Taking children from their parents by force was the Jedi way, don't worry.

"Once these Force Sensitives are found, they will not be taken by threat of sword point. If they are commoners then an offer to come with their children or just a bag of Stags for their trouble." I said flippantly, getting a few more glares. Ironically I could tell that Balon was upset that we weren't going to be taking the kids by force. Pay the Iron Price huh? "For the nobility I doubt such offers will be worth much. But this is not slavery, once someone reaches the level of Sith they will be given a choice. They will start as Acolytes, and over the course of years they will be trained and once they pass a test, they will be allowed the choice to either leave the Order proper and return to their family. Or they may stay and continue their study and training to levels higher than the minimum." Of course by then they would have been fully indoctrinated into the Sith Order, but details-details.

"You won't be asking them to give up their name and titles to join?" Ah, they were thinking that this was like the Night's Watch or the Maesters. The question came from Armond Connington who had the most level head about all of this besides Lyarra.

"No, the Sith is only for life should you choose it to be after reaching a certain point. True, I will be holding quite a bit of the best training and secrets to those that commit." I then leaked out a little of the Dark Side. "And King Aerys has granted me the authority to kill anyone that leaves my order who is dabbling in things they should not be." I left that vague as to show just how broad that could be. I returned to the Dark Side back into its cage for the moment after giving that warning. I had no doubts there would be those that will try to create false orders out of those that leave my own, they will be hunted down mercilessly.

"All of you are to bring this to all your fellow lords and they are to tell their people the news. The Seekers of the Sith are under the King's Protection and to harm them is to invite the King's Justice." Aerys said with a firmness that left no room for discussion. With the news that people were free to leave the Sith once they had their training, many of those opposed to this were quiet. They weren't happy but they no longer were against it. They also couldn't argue against the King's orders. The rest of the meeting was going over the finer details of the Sith and its place in Westeros. What would we do in war, who would we give back to the realm, various trading deals. Many things, and most of them I was able to get the better deal on, the rest were fine. This was the beginning, I had Harrenhal, I had the means to get new members, and I had the King's support.

Author's Notes

So Naraiz has his keep, lands, and a big ol' stamp of do whatever the fuck you want from the King. But now he also painted a big target on his back for several people and groups. The next few chapters will deal with Naraiz wadding through the waters of King's Landing.