
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

plans change, we have some recruiting to do

I had expected the naive childish light to change when confronted with war against someone she had no chance of beating, but this...this was pathetic.

not only had she gotten worse, her claims of growing up, total bullshit, she was like a sulking toddler, we'd gone BACKWARDS.

"fine, I'll come with you, don't expect me to be of any help to you though."(light) sighed as she motioned for the person beside her to follow us, a person who looked incredibly familiar.

"who's he?"(Granularr) I couldn't stop myself from curiously asking.

apparently, that was the wrong thing to do.

"you don't remember me, SERIOUSLY?!"(guy) shouted in shock as he stomped closer, trying, and failing, to get in my face, I was seven feet tall, he wasn't even close to my chest, dude was like five foot nine.

"should I?"(Granularr) I replied as I scanned the thoughts of everyone in the room, ah, looks like I should remember him, we've met.

"don't blame me for your entirely forgettable face and personality, I don't even know your name!"(Jake) I replied as I began to recognize the small man in front of me, he was that reincarnated hero dude.

"my name is JARED!"(Jared apparently) shouted as he stormed past me and into the portal time had opened for us, fuming the whole way, great, this was gonna be SO much fun, god I wish I could time travel, stop myself from doing this shit in the first place.

sadly though, only one among us can do that, and she absolutely refuses to.

it's seriously a waste.

I mean if you have the power to do something, why wouldn't you use it? morals, ethics, who needs any of those?

I do just fine without them.

"you coming?"(time) asked as she nodded to the slow closing portal, a question I sighed at as I forced my thoughts to the side and walked through the tear in space time, emerging in yet another realm alongside the two other pillars and the human, this one full of stars, planets, and impressive colored dust clouds amidst the void.

"cosmos."(Granularr) I greeted, my words irritating the man on the throne to the point of outburst.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE MY NAME IS COSMIC!"(cosmic pillar) shouted angrily, looks like he wasn't taking imprisonment all that well.

"well it is that time of the month."(Granularr) I remarked as I strode closer, my arms crossed in front of me, my eyes narrowed at him as if asking," are you seriously gonna make this more of a deal than it needs to be?"

"what do you want?"(cosmic) asked bluntly as he huffed off my look, good, he wasn't going to make this bigger than it needed to be.

"we're going round collecting the rest of the pillars so we can kill gods, if you want to keep sitting on your ass then you can stay here and mope for the rest of your life, or, you can come with us and actually do some good with your immortality."(Granularr) I proposed to the pillar, not caring in the slightest whether or not he decided to join, I could, should, have just done this on my own.

"I'm in."(cosmic) spoke without hesitation as he hopped from his throne and began walking towards us as time opened another portal.

"don't think that this means I forgive your treacherous ass, but for now, I won't try to kill you, as much as I hate to say it, we need you."(cosmic) forced as he vanished through the portal, I was genuinely stunned, he had never said that before, I'm impressed, he actually managed to swallow that planet sized ego of his.

I mused to myself as I too walked through the portal, where we then found ourselves in the realm of gravity, it reminded me of hell, small islands floating in random orientations amidst a color shifting void, on one of the larger ones stood a castle.

"it's just for decoration."(gravity) assured us as she jumped down from an island above us, landing next to cosmic, it was then where I noticed two things, 1: I'd never heard her talk before, and 2: her and cosmic seemed to be insanely close, if we weren't all related by blood then I would take them for obsessed lovers than anything else.

"we're taking the fight to the gods, darkness is back."(cosmic) said to gravity, her head nodding as she was apparently already convinced.

"well this is easy, let's go fight some gods."(Granularr) I said as I opened a portal of my own.

sadly, life wasn't that easy, it made sure of that.

"what about the rest of the pillars?"(time) asked with a raised eyebrow.

"don't need em, pillars of magic rely on the combined energy of all five of us, without it, they're weak, almost human."(Granularr) I dismissed as I made to walk through the portal again, and again I was stopped verbally.

"then give them power, if you can take it, then you can give it you greedy bastard."(cosmic) barked as he jammed his finger into my chest, something that only worked because Gravity was behind me, her hand latched onto mine as shadows swirled around it.

"let me explain something to you, my power only seems all encompassing because I actually explore it, you useless fucks wouldn't know the meaning of innovation unless it hit you in the face, and I have, all of you stick to whatever you're told like little children, puppies, or blind retarded people in a mob would, if you think I can just give power freely, you're an idiot."(Granularr) I sighed to the pillar as I freed my one hand and shoved cosmic back and out of my face.

"enough!"(Jared) barked as he rushed between the two of us, only for me to carelessly bat him aside, his body launching to the edge of the island, his only saving grace being his sword that he had shoved into the ground to stop himself, he would've easily cleared the edge had he not done that.

"listen up assholes, we're going to do what I tell you to do, if you don't want to, let me ask you this, who has a command structure? who runs an entire race? who controls a realm with an actual society in it? who has more combat experience? who has more experience with their powers? did you all win or lose after I was forced out of the world?"(Granularr) I asked all of them, dead fucking silence was the only thing I heard afterwards.

"you."(cosmic) quietly admitted.