
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

angered and weakened


the thing they used to siphon essence from me is damn near permanent!

I've gone at this damn metal spike with everything I've got in me but it wouldn't budge!

"GOD DAMMIT!"(Granularr) I roared as I sent my fist smashing into a wall next to me, the sound and rumble of the impact summoning the old pillar, who immediately began speaking the instant she entered the room.

"the core will heal, the siphon will be absorbed, nothing as trivial as mortal metal can shatter your core, you are too strong."(old pillar) spoke as she cautiously approached me, a wise move considering I probably would've killed anything speaking or moving in my reach during my seething rage.

"what is its purpose? other than being another reason for me to kill each and every single last one of those cult assholes?!"(Granularr) I boomed in rage, still unable to fully calm myself from the blatant sabotage.

"they had two purposes for this, gain a method to recruit a new member, and temporarily stop you from destroying them so that they could gather enough strength to fend you off, though I must admit if you keep your rage bottled and let it build not even God would be able to stop you from unleashing an unholy assault upon them so bloody it makes the underworld look like a child's playground."(old pillar) mused as she circled me, gently dragging her pointer finger across my exposed torso.

an action meant to calm or distract me but still an action that I quickly put an end to.

"not today, leave me."(Granularr) I ordered, firmly, leaving no room for question or misinterpretation.

"yes my lord."(old pillar) said with a bow, quickly leaving the room as ordered and beginning to tend to other matters.

allowing me to move on to a different matter, a more pressing in the moment one.

"you, hiding in the corner."(Granularr) I spoke as soon as I was absolutely certain no one was around to hear.

"how'd you know I was here?"(girl) a voice echoed from behind my throne, a young girl human in appearance soon walking out, claiming the voice I had heard, her appearance somewhat average and young, teenager, rich teenager.

"No human should be able to enter my realm."(Granularr) I stated aloud, more so trying to convince myself than the girl in front of me.

but as luck would have it the only thing I ended up doing was cringing at the girls next words, completely forgetting about convincing anyone of my own realms security.

"you're weak, really weak, the barriers you have in place are crumbling as we speak."(girl) said as she began to walk circles around me, care free, unguarded, cocky.

that shit ends, now.

"and what? you came here to notify me out of the kindness of your own heart? no....you want something, something you expect me to give you because I'm slightly vulnerable and you're an arrogant little shit who thinks yourself able to fight a pillar of magic."(Granularr) I stated blatantly, the girls circling halting, her face shifting from one of relaxation and joy to one of pure anger in less then a second.

"YOU WILL OBEY ME!"(girl) shouted seriously, my only response to her being absolute hysterical laughter.

hysterical laughter so ridiculous I was rolling around on the floor clutching my sides, tears streaming my face.

this spectacle went on for what had to have been a couple minutes at the least, the girls face remained unchanging from rage as she watched, an expression that seemed comedic on her lavish makeup covered face, something that didn't help me to stop laughing.

but sadly I would eventually calm down, slowly able to face the still fuming girl in the eyes once more without bursting out into laughter.

"oh my......that was the best laugh I've had in years, thank you."(Granularr) I half said half sighed.

almost entirely out of breath by now, somewhat surprised at the sheer ego of the girl, expecting a being of absolute magical existence to be ordered around like some other servant, yeah no, I don't do that.

"you might want to check yourself girl, as whatever human authority you think you possess has absolutely no hold over me, especially here, so take a moment to think of your next words very carefully, I may be weak but you are just human, you could rob me of all my magic and I could still effortlessly tear your spine from your body and beat you with it."(Granularr) I warned as my momentarily missing serious began to make its comeback.

an unwelcomed comeback in the girl's eyes, as the moment I began to get serious was the very same moment her demeanor shifted for the worse, becoming erratic and injured, she really wasn't used to people threatening her.

"I get what I want, and I want you to be my slave, so you WILL obey, if you don't-"(girl) began, soon cut off by me, my hand raised, a signal to stop, a signal that held power over her as with a flick of my wrist she was sent crashing to her knees, the ground cracking and threatening to break beneath her.

"in here I could kill God with but a thought, this is MY realm, you have no rights here, you have no power here, and most importantly, you have no authority here."(Granularr) I said with each step I took towards her, slowly reaching her and squatting down, taking her chin in my right hand and forcing her eyes to stare deep into mine.

"speak to me your deepest thoughts."(Granularr)[ancient language] I uttered, the spell taking immediate hold and my words becoming her only goal in that very moment.

"I was sent here by the cult to distract you as they assaulted your barrier and brought it down, but I came early because I couldn't pass up the chance for a new slave, they'll be here in an hour, all of them, they seek to claim your realm and your status, their leader hoping to become the new lord of darkness."(girl) said in a monotone voice as her eyes glossed over, her expression neutral.

it seems that none of this was a coincidence, they knew of the boy's plot somehow and knew how to use him to get what they wanted, their manipulative abilities and information systems rival if not top my very own, and to take the cake it seems that they position to steal everything from me, a very poor choice.

"self purge."(Granularr)[ancient language] I cursed silently, my core aggressively shaking and shimmying, quaking and rumbling, my steps and balance unstable momentarily before returning to normal, my usual normal.

"I am not close to my full strength, not even close, but this will be more than enough to not only strengthen my barriers but kill each and every single one of those damned cultists."(Granularr) I spoke aloud to myself as the old pillar walked in wearing a concerned expression.

"I know of the plot to invade, tell me, can they really steal my status from me if they reach my core?"(Granularr)

a moment of silence permeated the atmosphere before she found the ability to answer.

"no, but you would be so weak that it would not matter, if they collected enough of your essence they could act as a pillar through proxy since you would be mostly void of it, and if they took possession of your core and siphoned it indefinitely then it definitely would not matter, as you would only hold the name of pillar and none of the power."(old pillar) informed, her expression shifting from concerned to grim, almost morbid and terrified.

"then it seems we have no other choice but to annihilate those cultists so publicly that anyone even thinking of doing the same thing will be too terrified to try anything like it again."(Granularr) I said with a slow growing grin, my eyes consumed by the void, their all-black stare piercing the soul of the still tranced girl.

"they sent you here as a distraction, only fair I send you back."(Granularr)

"remote detonation."(Granularr)[ancient language] I spoke, a new spell I thought of a while back, it gathers pure darkness within a target and begins to grow it and condense it, turning the person into a walking ticking time bomb to be activated whenever I wished, and since mortals can't contain darkness the energy would explode from them, taking out anything and everything around them that wasn't protected by light.

"lets make sure our friends get their gift, they want my darkness? they can have it."(Granularr)