
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

A break of my own, entry into the temple of the war goddess

not even fifteen full minutes later...

I had never seen such a pathetic sight before.

pillars of power, laying on the ground before me, groaning in pain and defeat as exhaustion dripped from them.

"have them spar against one another, instruct where needed, I need to get the fuck out of here before I lose my sanity."(Granularr) I ordered Ope as I threw open a portal and flung myself through, not wanting to spend another god damned second with these lost causes.

an issue I forced to the back of my mind as my sight adjusted to the dark interior my sealer now found herself within, my dark vision kicking in automatically for the two of us as I adjusted the amount of power I was exuding, I was cloaking myself, as we weren't alone.

standing before my sealer stood a robed woman, a sword and thick robust metal plated armor beneath the thick cloth, an aura of a warrior adorned her entire frame as if it was but another layer of armor, another piece of gear she had picked up over the years.

she was grizzled, scarred, yet ultimately still feminine and beautiful, her curves hourglass while her arms and legs were thick with hardened muscle.

give me a break here, I'm still a dude, she was hot.

"glad to see you're awake."(robed armored woman) said as she noticed my sealer stirring.

"and you can use a power of the gods, how interesting, does it come from our enemy the god slayer, or is it a gift from the gods themselves?"(robed and armored woman) inquired as she knelt down to where we were eye level.

"let me handle this."(Granularr) I told my sealer as I gently pushed my words out in her voice.

"what do you mean?"(Granularr) I asked her in my sealer's meekest voice.

"huh?"(robed and armored woman) couldn't help but utter, she was shocked both by the confusion clearly displayed on my sealer's face, but by the authenticity in her voice, my subtle claws in her mind forcing her to believe me weren't exactly helping her either, no, they were helping me.

"do you not know?"(robed and armored woman) asked as she inched a bit closer, her eyes locked on ours, studying them, studying the glint and glow in the shadow.

"know what?"(Granularr) I pushed through again in the meek voice.

at this point she was already mine, my claws successfully in deep, I owned her mind, her thoughts were but puddy in my hands.

this was infinitely better than training some useless fucks.

I was actually having fun.

and then I wasn't.


the noise erupted in an echo all around the room as another woman came charging in, her hand quickly clamping down around the eyes of the robed woman before she turned to my sealer, a rage filled expression adorning her face.

someone was in a shitty mood, this was going to be.......interesting.

I thought as I studied the woman, she was weak, at least compared to me, but she would give most of the mortals I've met a good run for their money, aka, she would beat the ever-living fuck out of them.

"the girl is possessed, and you almost were too, YOU IDIOT!"(newcomer) the woman shouted in dumbfounded outrage at the person whose eyes she was holding shut.

she wasn't completely correct, but it was close enough to where I was able to use it for cover and change the situation to my advantage.

"I am but a humble servant of the darkness, this young girl was sacrificed to be my puppet, my master instructed me to come here yet he has abandoned me, I wish to serve a new lord."(Granularr) I told the two in my Jake voice, my human voice.

can't exactly use my pillar voice, damn thing would give me away in a heartbeat.

"a traitor huh? and what makes you think we won't just end your measly existence here and now?"(newcomer) interrogated as she dropped her hold on the eyes of the other woman, her steps bringing her closer to me, she was curious, though I don't think she would ever admit it aloud, good thing was, she didn't need to, her thoughts were already streamlined before me.

"because I have something another one of the darkness is interested in, a key to the realm of darkness, the very source of power for the very being of existence, if he were to capture that...."(Granularr) I began only to trail off, their interest already peaked, they may have served the war goddess, but their minds betrayed them, they wanted power, recognition, appraisal and fame, and the best way to do that?

the "god" of darkness.

who knew that the one asshole I was working to tear everything from piece by piece would be the ticket in for my whole plan to start?



ope pov...

they were horrible.

I mean really, I've met mortals with more innate combat sense than these sad excuses for powerful being.

I realize that pillars control their bodies at a much more deeper level than mortals do and if they lose the will to fight they also lose the ability to fight, but I mean come on here, to lose it to THIS degree?!

just how hard were they forced down by these invading gods?

how brutally were they defeated for their pride to be in such tatters that not even basic lessons were sinking in.

was this the beginning of the end for the pillars?

did they have it in them to survive?

I wondered as I had a lightbulb moment.

I had just found the answer to all of our problems, and he just so happened to be in the one place we needed him to be, the war goddess temple.

I might be scolded for this, if I survive, he's sure to praise me for centuries!

I thought as a mischievous smirk grew on my face while the plan formed and swirled in my thoughts, slowly taking shape.

oh would lord darkness would be proud of me.