
Reincarnated as a Saiyan in RWBY

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TheKonnan17 · Anime & Comics
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212 Chs

Chapter 95 - Technical Difficulties (2)

The group was walking thinking that this mission didn't require so many of them to come since it wouldn't be that much of an issue from what they have seen so far. Coco was thinking that her team was most likely sent on this mission just because they were the older students and to test how they work with the younger students.

Pyrrha was thinking that their team was sent because they needed more experience if they are to deal with a larger number of Grimm like how it was when the Grimm burst through the outer area of the city. She knows that Team RWBYS did the most when that happened and knows that she needs to work harder if she wants to keep her invincible title.

Shallot was walking along with Ruby and Velvet continuing the teachings for ki so they can do exercises when they don't have anything else to do. They could work on this and increase their practice which will help them in the future. If they had enough time and the things he was going to teach them, they would be even stronger than the teachers after only a couple of months if they go along with his personal training.

While they were walking among the cobble brick road into the forest they came across some more Boarbatusk. There were 14 of them this time and Team CFVY took care of it this time. Seeing the younger students deal with Grimm just as well as they could lit a fire in them to continue improving. Coco had her minigun tearing the Boarbatusk before they even know what hit them. She had gotten rid of the entire group by herself without any help from the others.

Shallot was rubbing his chin while thinking looking at Coco's weapon.

Shallot: 'Maybe I should have gotten a minigun... maybe I can get a flamethrower. I know that it wouldn't really be as effective as if I just used my hands and feet but I want to at least enjoy myself. I could flip through a bunch of weapons like a GTA character.

Maybe I can push my semblance to create a separate space to store things. I'll have to try to do something like that later but just messing with gravity is something I've been getting better with. The domain is something that has been useful and maybe I can go from there.'

Shallot was walking through the stone constructs looking at everything when they came across a bridge. They walked to the bridge and saw that it needed to be lowered.

Coco: "It looks like the gear over there is used to lower the bridge."

They went and started lowering the bridge which started moving and making a loud sound.


After the roar, the sound of rumbles of footsteps could be heard rushing towards them

The sound of Grimm could be heard coming from the sides of the cliff. From the sound, they could tell that they were some more Boarbatusk and just thought that they must be getting closer since it sounded like a larger number than before.

19 Creeps and 10 Boarbatusk came through. The Creeps had dug tunnels so that the Boarbatusk could come through. The Grimm started coming through the ground and surrounding them.

Shallot: "So... who's dealing with the Grimm this time? It would be overkill for all of us to go and deal with the Grimm especially me. I'm closer to a trainer overseeing a workout here."

Team JNPR went forward this time to deal with the Grimm. Since the number was slightly higher they did struggle with the number with having to watch constantly whether the Grimm was going to attack from their backside. The Grimm started to increase and more had come but they said they could handle it.

30 Beowolves and 2 Alpha Beowolves had come through and joined the group of other Grimm. Team CFVY went out to help with Team JNPR to deal with the larger amount of Grimm.

Jaune: [grunt] "Ugh could this stupid draw bridge take ANY longer?!"

The bridge was moving incredibly slow-moving centimeters at a time. They were having to deal with the Grimm while constantly fending from the Grimm that seem to know that they couldn't go anywhere.

Fox: "Almost there."

Nora was swinging her hammer enjoying herself smashing and sending Grimm flying through the air. Some of them crashing into other Grimm and others flying over the edge of the bridge into the ravine.

Nora: "I could keep this up forever!"

Pyrrha was also having a bit of a hard time with 6 Grimm attacking at once. She was using the pulverized metal she kept on her and started attacking with it. She was using her semblance to turn it into iron spears and piercing the Grimm around her and also making blades spin around her.

Pyrrha: "Hold tight! The bridge is almost here."

They took roughly 15 minutes to deal with the Grimm and the bridge was finished lowering. After they were finished they had already dealt with the Grimm and they were just waiting on them. Everyone on both Team JNPR and Team CFVY was sweating heavily from the large number of Grimm they had to go through.

Coco fixed her hair which was slightly messy from all of the movement from fighting the Grimm.

Coco: "Who made this thing. It is so inefficient that we could have possibly made an impromptu bridge faster than this thing lowered."

They then continued walking forward crossing over the bridge.

Ruby: "This mission is getting kind of boring just walking through the forest. I don't think we are going to come upon something unusual like the last place."

Since they were walking through the forest and were coming by fewer stone and ruins they were getting closer. What they came across was something they weren't quite what they expected. They saw a large number of cages placed everywhere. They looked at some of the traps and say that they were used recently since they didn't have rust on them.

Blake was studying and feeling around it.

Blake: "Since there is no rust build-up or even dust buildup on it it shows that it has been taken care of. Dr. Merlot might have another lab near here."

Ruby's eyes started sparkling thinking about all the stuff she got to see in the last lab.

Ruby: "Ohhh... I want to see some more creatures like those Grimm. They were so different compared to what we usually deal with."

Yang looked at her sister who was getting excited about everything that has been going on.

Yang: "You know that some of the Grimm could be a problem?"

Ruby looked towards Shallot then giggled a little.

Ruby: "If it's something dangerous Shallot will deal with it."

Shallot: 'Am I a personal hitman now... you know what she's not wrong. I wouldn't let anything happen to them since I'm here."

They started taking some pictures to add them to the file for the mission and sent them to Professor Port. While they were sending another report they found what they were looking for. The control center was only a couple of feet away from the cages.

Port: "Just as I thought: more sabotage from our friend with the symbol Dr. Merlot. But those cages... was he trying to capture more Grimm? Hrm... I don't like the looks of this. For now, let's just focus on the objective. Defend that control center while I undo the damage. Get ready!


[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here

https://www.pat.reon.com/TGM_Productions. (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]

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