
Reincarnated as a Saiyan in RWBY

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TheKonnan17 · Anime & Comics
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212 Chs

Chapter 172 - Desghidoran Grimm

[One Day Later]

Shallot was standing in Ozpins office with Ironwood. Ironwood was using his semblance to try to think of ways against Shallot. If he was ever a threat to everyone, he wanted to have a backup plan. No matter how many simulations he ran, he couldn't think of a method.

"What are you going to do with Salem now that you have her," Ozpin asked since he did remember his time with Salem before her personality warped. Salem had an obsession with the relics and taking revenge on the gods.

The tournament was canceled the previous day and the students were given time to rest. Ozpin and the other headmasters decided to reschedule the tournament for next year.

They saw enough of each student to know who was ready for a hunter and huntress license.

"She is kept in a place where she won't be able to harm the cities. I also came here because I want to expand the city limits like Mountain Glenn. This time, however, I want to train a group of Hunters and Huntresses that will be the protectors of those places." Shallot explained since if he was going to leave the world and head back to his if he needed to come back, he wanted to make sure that the people he knows are still alive.

"What do you plan to do with the others?" Ironwood asked since two of them had been disguising as students of another academy." Ironwood said.

"I plan on using them to test a couple of my ideas. I will deal with the Faunus, Adam Taurus myself." Shallot said while looking at Ozpin.

"What are you planning to do with them?" Ozpin asked.

"That's for me to know. Cinder and her group won't be causing problems anymore." Shallot said to Ozpin.

"Was that the only thing you wanted to talk about?" Ironwood asked, still unsure of how to interact with Shallot. He gave him the head of Penny and told her to fix her so that his girlfriend wouldn't be sad anymore.

"That wasn't everything. I also wanted to know about these relics." Shallot said.

Ozpin and Ironwood froze hearing Shallot mention them. Ironwood would reach for his gun, but he knows that it would be useless against Shallot.

Ozpin wanted to know how he got information about the relics when he didn't keep any documentation on it and have only told a couple of people. Ironwood was one of the people that he revealed about the relics.

"Would you explain how you came across information on the relics?" Ozpin asked, trying to keep his calm.

"Information about the Relic of Destruction, which Salem knew. I got the other information because Ironwood had documentation on the others in his system." Shallot said while looking at Ironwood.

Ironwood's eyes opened hearing that thought that no one should have been able to get that information since he encrypted the data himself.

Ozpin turned and looked at Ironwood while squinting his eyes somewhat since he told everyone not to document the relics. The last time he told others about the maidens and relics, people hunted the maidens for selfish gains.

"I wanted to document them so that I could have my droids and people search for them if they are ever taken from the other headmasters. We had no countermeasures if they were taken without us knowing. I had to have countermeasures to find them if something happened." Ironwood explained his point of view.


Ironwood's scroll rang letting him know that a call was coming through.

"Hello?" Ironwood answered.

"We are being attacked, sir!!! We need back up!" A voice came from over the scroll.

"Report the status soldier!" Ironwood gave his order through the scroll.

"Sir, it's a Desghidoran Grimm. It has already fully matured and three ships have already been destroyed.

"Where is Winter!? Tell her to evacuate everyone and try not to fight it. It's a titan class." Ironwood said over the scroll.

"Isn't Titan class SS Rank Ironwood," Ozpin said while standing from his chair.

"SS Rank? This is the first time that I'm hearing that they have classifications to them. We were only told the different types of Grimm and how to deal with them." Shallot said while wondering if this Grimm would be any different from the rest.

Ironwood turned to Shallot thinking that asking for his help would be for the best.

"Can you go to the coordinates I send you and save my men?" Ironwood asked Shallot.

If Shallot could deal with a SS Rank Grimm with no issues then whatever plans he may be able to come up with might be futile.

Shallot thought about it and since Weiss's sister was there he didn't mind going. He didn't really get to know what her sister was like. Maybe he could get some information about her from Winter.

"Alright, I'll head over and save your men. Send me the destination to my scroll." Shallot said while pulling his scroll out.

"I don't have the contact information for you," Ironwood said.

"Nevermind, I got it." Shallot said while Ironwood saw the info he wanted to send was copied over to somewhere else.

Ironwood was having a hard time keeping a straight face seeing that.

"Well, it seems that I need to get going since this Grimm might be a bit more interesting." Shallot said while walking toward the elevator.

"Shouldn't you hurry to get to them?" Ozpin asked since he knew that Shallot could fly.

"I can break your window and fly out heading toward them." Shallot said while still walking toward the elevator.

"Ozpin, I will pay for the repairs. Just let him break the window so my men can be saved." Ironwood said while looking at Ozpin.

Ozpin exhaled thinking that he enjoyed the look of his office and didn't want to have it messed. He has had this office for 40 years already.

"Alright, the second window to the right can be removed from the henges. Just press around the side with enough force." Ozpin said thinking about how he still didn't want his office ruined.

Shallot walked toward the window and lifted his finger. He pointed it at the window firing a ki beam and cutting out the window sill area. He pushed the window out and grabbed it setting it on the side.

Shallot jumped out the window before blasting off into the sky heading toward the location where Ironwood's soldiers and Winter should be at.

Ironwood was looking at Ozpin. Ozpin sat back into his chair looking at the window where Shallot flew off from.

"Do you think agreeing to Shallot's idea is a good thing? If others can do what he is capable of then I'm not sure if the kingdom would become safer or more dangerous." Ozpin said thinking about his idea.

Ozpin had lived for a long time and knew that human was destructive by nature even when there were external threats to there own race. Ozpin knew that if he died he would just appear in someone else until his soul merged with the new body and he was in charge again.

Ironwood was thinking about it and used his semblance. The first thing that he saw happening was someone teaching a friend and that person teaching someone else.

After a couple of months, a large number of people knew which made dealing with Grimm easier but the criminals also managed to learn and started causing problems leading even more Grimm to the city.

"I don't think it's a good idea. From my prediction, it can go very poorly even if it helps for a short period of time." Ironwood said.