
The World

My grandfather was reading a book while I was sitting down on the table next to him listening to him read out loud to me about the history of this world.

This world is called Royersia, it's a world filled with magic there many different races in this world like dragons, beast-men, elves, mermaids, humans, celestial, Demons. That's just to name a few, this world has one supercontinent which is called Argos.

The continent of the Argos is twice the size of Pangea was back on earth. The Heavenly Fang Kingdom is located on the southeastern part of the Argos continent. We are one of the many powers that are on the continent.

The Heaven Fang kingdom was founded by zekial victus Godfang who was the son of a heavenly dragon and a human woman. During his time the world was in chaos and war between nations was a natural occurrence like rain. The village that he was born to was soon drawn into the chaos and he lost his mother to the violence.

He was sold into slavery as a child and sent to fight wars on the battlefield for his master. He manages somehow to get free from the slave mark and kill all those who had wronged him when he was in captivity. He freed all his fellow slaves and brought them to this land and founded what is now the heavenly fang kingdom.

This is why the heavenly fang kingdom prohibits slavery and the punishment for anyone who breaks it is very harsh. this is also why a lot of the countries of the eastern block of the continent hate us is because we give safe harbor to slaves that escape and also we are one of the few non-human lead kingdoms on the entire continent.

On the continent, some countries look down on other races and think that their race is the best. The human race is such a race, there a kingdoms that follow this philosophy and religions that preach it. they discriminate against other race especially the beast-men as they see them as just animals and they enslave them.

My grandfather told me to beware of the radiant church of ixoria, they are a religion that can be found in half the countries on the continent. they preach about the light of ixoria who blesses all those who believe I him. but they secretly hate those of other races, especially the devils, who see them as evil. they also think that humans should have the supremacy of the whole continent and works to make that a reality. They try their hardest to recruit those with an affinity to the light element where it is magicians or warriors.

I was wondering why in the hell he was telling a six-month-old baby all this grown-up shit. when he told me something that answered a question that had appeared in my mind when he was telling me the story of zekial.

"Little one I bet you're wondering why didn't zekial father save him and his mother when the war had reached the village. the truth is that his father had tried to intervene, but the army that was attacking the village was supported by two palladian knights, eight Templar knights who were sent by the church to back up the army. The fight that happens resulted in the death of half the army and all eight Templar knights and the death of the two palladian knights. But also the death of our ancestor the Heavenly dragon."

When the battle was over the there was huge cater where the body of our ancestor laid bleeding into the ground unable to save his lover or son. he roared one final time and when he was done. The remaining army was shocked to find that the body of our ancestors had disappeared and that the land under their feet had turn barren and unlivable, this stops many countries from expanding towards the land.

This is why when zekial return to his place of birth many years later he was able to create the kingdom and claim a vast amount of land without the interference of the neighboring kingdoms because they all assumed it was a barren land with no resources. but land began to bear life again when zekial return and many people in our kingdom called this the dragon's curse.

"that is why you should be were of the radiant church "

Just when I was about to answer him


Leo Looked up and saw a blonde woman with long hair and sky blue eyes and a face with beautiful features that was ruined with the tears falling down her face. next to her was a young man with long black hair and silver eyes . he had a lean and muscular build that would make any girl back on earth swoon.

Leo Saw his mother tears and realized he fucked up as he forgot he had snuck out of his room and had probably worried her sick

------3 years later----

3 years have passed and I have spent my time cultivating my soul and studying about this world in the royal library and listening to the stories of my grandfather about his adventures, during the day. while at night I would study the knowledge in my brain and start to create concepts for new magic that I want to make when I have time.

I also started to learn about magic from my grandfather. There are different types of magic and they can be classified as elemental, unique, and acquired. elemental type magic is the magic of the elements like Fire, Earth, Water, Lightning, Wind, Light, and Darkness. Unique magic is magic outside of the basic elements. The last type is acquired magic is magic that can be passed down or gain from an Ancient ruin or dungeons

I also learn that not everyone can use magic and only 15 percent of people in this world have the ability to use magic. But that doesn't mean that all the people who can't use magic are defenseless. There are people who have the aptitude to use other ways of fighting one way is called Battle Energy which using the mana inside to cover their body and increase their power it's similar to Haki but in my opinion less efficient because it uses more energy.

I also learn that this world has a power system that individual for Mage, Apprentice Mage, Junior mage, Intermediate mage, Advanced mage, Elder Mage, Great magus, Master Magus, Archmagus, Divine magus.

The warrior power system is Martial Apprentice, Junior Fighter, Intermediate Fighter Senior Fighter, Martial grandmaster, Martial Ancestor, Martial Venerable, Martial Saint, Martial god.

I know what your all thinking that when you heard the rank of god. but this does not mean that you can become a god it means that your power has reached the heights of a god. but every increase in power does increase the lifespan of a person.

Each individual level has 4 sub-level which are, Early-Stage, Middle-Stage, Late-Stage, Perfect-Stage.