
Reincarnated As A Pokémon: The Tale Of The Hisuian Decidueye

Reincarnation is splendid, usually when you're the one experiencing it. Plus the perfect world and helpful cheats, it has a lot of content to use. Will just had to be lucky. - Pokémon MC - System - Alternate Universe - Overpowered MC - R18 - Harem - Writing for fun, but I'm always happy for constructive criticism.

AFKPlayer2204 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

Will, now a newly evolved Dartrix, cleaned his feathers at the water's edge.

After some much-needed introspection, he had cooled his head over those who were dead.

'Why the hell am I such a clean freak?' Will also had another problem arise, 'My feathers are not dirty, but I want to dust them off some more,'

His talons clawed at the ground.

'At least,' Will stared at the pouch next to him on the floor, 'I have something of use,'

After another check of his feathers, Will rolled a shoulder in irritation. He forced himself not to look at his wings again, in case he decided to mingle with his spotless feathers.

In fact, this led to some frivolous mind games.

'I know what I need,' Exhaling deeply, Will laid on the ground, his back against the dirt, 'it'll be the perfect solution,'

Raising his wings, he squished his face roughly with them.

'I need some woman's thick thighs,' Sometimes, one can often spot the man who is most lonely, 'or some firm breasts or ass to-'

Will narrowed his already shut eyes.

'I'm surprised with myself,' He thought, shaking his head, 'there's more to a female than their...assets,'

He sighed.

To Will, good looks are a plus, but the personality is what everyone wants. It is like a restaurant. The presentation can be excellent, with tempting advertisements, attractive design, and a catchy slogan that can appeal to any customer.

It can have a good look from the outside, but if the food and service are subpar, someone will soon have the temptation to post a one-star review.

Vice versa, a restaurant may have the best food imaginable, but poor presentation.

In the end, it all comes down to whether you yourself feel ready to get into that relationship.

'Come to think of it,' Will stood up, flicking the single lock of hair dangling in front of him, 'there are two ways to get into a woman's heart,'

'One: Don't be an asshole,' He flicked his wing, and a feather darted into a nearby tree, 'be yourself, respect each other, and if the going gets tough, make sure to always help each other push through,'

He rolled a shoulder.

'The second way,' Will grinned slightly, 'is through your-'

'Wait a minute...'

His eyes met with his crotch area.

Lightly patting over it, Will fell into a shrill panic.

"W-Where-" He stammered, his touches intensifying, "Where's my cock? Where's my cock!?"

Will instantly stared at his stats.

He sighed in some relief.

By what the system showed and how he felt, Will was obviously male. Although, he was not too sure about his dick. He shook his head.

'I'm missing the point,' Will turned, his eyes on the pouch next to him, 'how rude of me to think of such things at a time like this,'

With a wing, he picked it up by the string, and it dangled in front of him.

'What could be inside here?'

It was surprisingly easy to open. All he needed to do was loosen the tightened end, and that revealed what was inside. For a moment, Will stood there, his head in the pouch, his face in a daze of bafflement.

Using a talon, and having such good balance, Will brought out two items.

A blue berry and a coin.

Will was not too confused by the berry, but the flat and round object with a weird letter ingrained into it left him in a world of confusion.

'Pokécoin?' He thought, studying the object on his talon, 'Never know unless it's needed,'

After Will lobbed the coin back into the pouch, he stared at the small berry in front of him.

The length of his survival until now has to be around two days, and in those two days, Will never felt hungry.

Yet, glaring at such a small and rather unfulfilling treat, he felt a conglomeration of hunger form in his stomach.

In an instant, Will tore the Oran berry to shreds.

The taste was what he expected. He knew that this very had a bit of everything.

However, despite this small morsel, it was as if he had eaten a feast.

'Interesting,' He muttered, feeling the hunger fad into obscurity, 'this is how berries work in this world?'

Just then, Will planted his face on the surface of the river and began to drink.

Much like the berry, the water reinvigorated his weak self.

'One berry single-handedly rid of my starvation,' Will thought, fiddling with his feathers, 'and I found that berry in this pouch,'

'Furthermore,' He hopped out of the stream, 'I didn't see a single berry growing in this forest,'

Those were not the only other things.

What of the sheathe, housing a sword that is used for a human, that the Raticate had at the time? What about the necklace? And the conversation of yesterday?

'They mentioned wives. Plural,' Will got a little too excited, 'does that mean there are harems?'

He slapped himself.

If there was a reason, why would Will want a harem?

'They are weird,' He thought, walking away from the river, the pouch in his beak, 'Why can't I be satisfied with only one? What about jealously?'

Will let out a chuckle.

'I won't deny a harem,' The tree came into view, 'they are for sure many people's dreams at some point,'

Once he made it to one of the branches, he set the pouch down.

It sat near the perfectly balanced sheath and clumped-up necklace.

'But, right now,' He breathed out, settling on the branch, 'I have my survival to worry about, not a harem,'

As he leaned back, successfully getting into the upside-down position he became so used to, Will couldn't help but think of such thoughts.

'My best bet is to train,' He thought, gazing at the ground, 'rather be prepared for nothing than to be unprepared for something,'

As he landed, Will unleashed a feather into the tree.

That was the start of another training session.

After moving the bodies of the five he killed, this was the perfect way to get his mind off that.

'I feel so much better,' He flung two more feathers effortlessly, 'did say that I'm on the road to becoming overpowered,'

Soon, Will concentrated.

Around him, floated several curved leaves, each looking deadly.

The leaves sliced forward, their ravenous hunger to destroy unleashed upon a young tree.

What was left of this plant were only the deep wounds of the projectiles that carved a piece for them to feast on. In every way, this attack was stronger than whatever Will threw at the feather-filled and scar-ridden tree.

Will smiled a little. This was evidence of the quick progress he had been going through.

And so, here commenced another few hours of training, which was just Will spamming the same moves he had over and over again.

By the evening, he settled on a branch, satisfied.

If these moves were strong, then Will would be better equipped if he were to fight. However, it all came down to the subject of killing.

'Kill. Or be killed.'

This would mean that if an enemy were to surrender or beg for mercy, he would end their life right then and there.

It was harsh, but this world was harsher.

As his surroundings grew dark under the starry night, Will shook his head.

'It's either them or me,' He looked at his wings, 'Oh god-sorry...Oh Arceus, I must not clean them...again...'

A soft flicker of light interrupted his preening.

On a first look, Will would've missed it, but as he stared for a few moments, he saw it.

Besides his ability to look in the dark, he saw light.


As he silently moved through the shadows of the dark forestation, the more the surrounding trees and bushes Will could see.

Whatever may have created this light, Will needed to be ready.

Of all things, he knows what it was like to kill. If the situation calls for such action, Will can get the job done.

Gradually, the light revealed more and more.

He could hear the cackles of a joyous fire. Once Will found the spot of the light, he swiftly landed in a tree, peaking to see what it truly was.

It was fire.

Or a bonfire.

Rocks surrounded the area of the warming heat, the sticks within cracking and burning, keeping the fire alive through the night.

That was not all.

Standing near the flames, its hands, if he could call them that, reached out in front of them, trying to receive some warmth from the heat.

Will could perfectly see this Pokémon.


After heating their hands, it scratched its chest, and picked up a bone next to it, holding it like a weapon.


But, the reason Will was so stunned, was because he saw, lying on the other side of the ground type, a sword in its sheath.

He remembered the one back at the tree.

'Those swords must have a purpose,' Will took another look at the Marowak, 'by the looks of it, now could be the time for...'

Will thought for a moment, then shook his head.

Of course, the world is harsh, but not everything has to be solved with violence.

'Best bets to speak to this Marowak,' Will softly hovered into the air, 'not a good idea to just land in front of a possible enemy,'

He looked around the lit area.

Across from Will, he could see the road not too far away.

'I may be able to fly, but I need not be hostile, that's plan B,' Keeping himself hidden, Will made his way quietly to the other side of where he was, closer to the road, 'this will be nicer,'

Finding it, Will dropped purposefully onto a stick.

The sound sliced through the silent air and into the ears of the ground type.


A/N: Sorry for the late update.

My degenerate mind has been acting up lately.

I want to hear from you guys, just as suggestions, what pokémon you'd like to see in the harem. Funny story, but I've only been thinking of the characters and not what pokémon they'll be.

So, if you want, comment to tell me what you think and notify me of any errors in this chapter.