
Chapter 22 – Rescue

"Damn, it's cold!"

"I agree Ikarus-sama"

"Even I'm freezing"

"It doesn't help I just had to change my form as well, feathers are so much better"

Despite us wearing big fluffy fur clothing, all of us could feel the weather up in the snowy land of the north. The prince did describe it best, it is freezing.

In the end, it took roughly two weeks in total to get to the northern settlement. The journey was actually uninspiring other than the encounter with the blind woman. Since I'm spending a good twelve hours a day in flight, we didn't end up encountering a single bandit. Did stop to hunt and get food every now and then but no human enemies, didn't level up as well.

I could've flown for longer hours but it never hurts to keep energy spare in case I need it for something else. Did also fly over some noticeable locations without stopping though, main one was another city and also did get a small look at a huge monastery off in the distance.

The city wasn't close to being comparable to the capital but still was impressive, the amount of crop fields it had was actually slightly mad. I think it's safe to assume that city provides a lot of food for the empire. The monastery I only got a quick glance at but didn't get close enough to have a proper look.

As for when we were stopping, we did come across an odd inn. Normally, I would fly till I've had enough and then set up camp for the night, this inn just happened to be close to us when I wanted to stop. I say the inn was odd simply because of the amount of attention succubus-sama got, she seriously is like a modern celebrity. I don't think the priestess outfit helps her stay hidden though.

Back onto the northern settlement, it sits upon a cliff face overlooking the ocean and it's roughly the size of a large town as well as every building being made of logs but you can barely tell since it's covered head to toe in thick snow. It really is a winter wonderland up here; I liked snow back on Earth but this is way too cold.

"We'll need to stock up on food before we make our way to the island"

"We might struggle getting large amounts of food up here, crops won't grow on a cliff"

"Charlotte's right, I can't see any livestock or cattle as well"

Both of them are right, they probably have to rely on hunting animals for food, we'll have to do the same. At least it'll keep slowly adding my level up despite it being slower than a tortoise in a marathon.


[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 24]

[Health 4,945/5,000]

[Stamina 2,311/3,500]

[Magicka 3,500/3,500]

'Fifty-five days of having the curse then, at least were making progress'

Despite my impatient nature, I should try and look at this positively. Still have plenty of time left.

As were all walking into the settlement, I can't help but notice something odd.

"Why is everyone out and about? It seems way too cold"

A few people being out would make sense but it seemed like nearly this entire log cabin town was out and about, they all looked slightly stressed and seemed nervous as well.

"We should find an inn or bar and ask around, they seem a little distracted right now"

(Charlotte) "Good thinking Nathan"

I nod at the two of them and then we make our way to the closest inn which conveniently is really close to where we are.


Looking at the sign to the inn, I can't help but make a laugh.

(The Frozen Ballsaq)

The wooden sign hanging from the wall is even shaped as described and is frozen over as well. Sure, it's a bit crude but it's still funny regardless.

"At least these lot have a sense of humour up here"

The priestess doesn't look best pleased by the sign and the knight is trying hold in a little laugh, at least he can see the humour of it.

Entering the inn, all three of us are greeted by a middle-aged man behind a bar.

"Oh, we have visitors. Can I get you something to fight off the cold?"

"A strong whis-"

Before I even have a chance to finish, the priestess gives me a nasty glare. She's going to start preaching to me again if I drink now, I can't be bothered to listen to her moaning for now so I'll order something else.

"You have anything sweet?"

"We have a snowberry tonic if that's to your fancy"

Is this bartender trying to kill us?

"Aren't snowberries poisonous?"

"You must have had something different, snowberries are perfectly safe"

(Charlotte) "I've had the drink before, it's good"

(Nathan) "I'll have one as well if you don't mind"

Huh, maybe snowberries are different in this world then. They definitely are poisonous on Earth.

While we're all getting served a glass of the sweet drink, I couldn't help but compliment the owner's naming sense.

"Nice sign you have out there"

"Ah that, you can blame my wi-…"

The inn owner finishes pouring the drink and then pauses for a second.

"… Wait a second, is that you priestess-sama!?"

"I'm surprised you remember me David, it was a very long time ago"

"You even remember this lowly being's name as well!?! This empire doesn't deser-"

Another one of the succubus-sama's fan club, I'm not in the mood to listen to this right now.

I end up putting my money for the drink on the counter and take my drink over to a table, I'll leave succubus-sama to deal with this.


In the end, they ended talking for a good half an hour or so catching up on stuff, I knew this type of thing would probably happen so that's why I rudely left walking away from the conversation to an inn table. Nathan didn't get the memo and even he looks a little bored up there by the bar.

Thankfully, they seem done now and both the party member have joined me at my table.

"Sorry about that Ikarus-sama, I haven't spoken with him in over a decade"

"Nah, its fine. Remember the reason we came in for though?"

It's not fine, I'm bored out of my mind. I even took out some of my backup alcohol out of storage, she didn't notice me doing it which is good.

"Of course, David also told me what's going on around here"

"Apparently a few children disappeared several days ago from the village, everyone has been in an uproar about it since they can't find them"

Nathan is even answering for Charlotte now. Oh, how their love is slowly blossoming. I should probably take this seriously though if there are children involved.

"So… a few children have disappeared from this freezing hellhole"

Both my party members seemed concerned from my comment, it wasn't meant to come across like that though, just was making an observation.

"What do you want to do Ikarus-sama? I've already wasted too much time of your time today as it is"

"Yeah Ikarus, the choice is yours"

Thes two asking me this is irritating; Do I appear like a heartless being or something? Isn't it obvious what we should do?

"Why are you even asking me this question?"

(Nathan) "Because something like this will take up time"

(Charlotte) "We both know you have limited time"

"You two can really be as dumb as rocks at times… *sigh* I have literal years left, why are you even asking me this? Of course, I don't mind searching for some children, just what do you take me for?"

Both of them smile at my response and don't respond to my question. Just before we get up to leave the bar, I want to know if I can get a reward out of this.

"Oi inn keeper! If we happen to stumble into the kids, you'll be willing to give me some free booze, right?"

Got to try my luck somehow, am I right? Might as well get some form of payment without being really greedy about it. Asking for a free drink as reward is pretty tame.

"Are you kidding me!? You can drink as much as your livers can take if you find them. The rest of the town would also be sure to reward you with whatever they can as well"

"I'll make sure you hold up that bargain then, you will end up regretting it though"

I can't help but give a little smile, I'm gonna drink this bar dry! Who cares at the look I'm getting from the priestess? This will be my reward! Her God can cut me some slack on a bit of devil's drink if it's a reward for saving some lives.

"Let's go find some kids then, I just hope we can find them"

(Charlotte) "Agreed"

(Nathan) "Let's go"


Flying slightly above a white forest, I'm carrying my party members on my back while we're all looking down for any signs of the children.

"Feathers are seriously the best! How are you two holding up back there?"

"Lord, it is cold"

"I really wish I had feathers"

I can't help but feel happy seeing them cold on my back, I don't enjoy seeing people in pain but knowing how cold I was earlier and now I'm all fluffy and warm and those two aren't, it really is a brilliant feeling!

I'm might be slightly a dick, I don't actually wish them pain, I swear! It's just that human thing like when you see someone stub a toe or fall over and can't help but instinctively laugh at them, it's like that. I should probably stop this.

"Can you two see anything?"

"Nothing Ikarus-sama"

"Same as well"

I think a blizzard might be incoming, the amount of snow falling is starting to make visibility worse. We're just looking for any signs of life in this snowy forest and seriously struggling to. We all thought it would make sense to start searching deep into the unsettled forest since everyone else was looking around the town for the children.

Then without warning, the priestess shouts.

"IKARUS-SAMA!! There!"

The priestess points to a direction off to my side and I fly to investigate.

"I'm heading there now"

Getting closer to where she's aiming, I can just about make out a little bit of red in the snow and a grey body half hidden within the snow.

"Phew… it's just a wolf"

"Thank the Lord"


Landing to investigate, Nathan is the first to notice something and jumps of me, then crouches down to confirm what he noticed.

"That wolf… it's died by sword wounds. Actually, that might be wrong, it could be an axe"

No point in questioning a knight, he should know what he's talking about when it comes to a weapon wound.

"Are you definitely sure Nathan?"

The priestess has now joined him on the floor and is looking at the animal corpse as well.

"Yes Charlotte, the form is really sloppy though, the wounds are from someone inexperienced"

"Form is sloppy? Like a child swinging a blade?"

I had to ask this, could be that were on the right track.

"Maybe, I can't be too sure though"

Both the party members get slightly uncomfortable from this but I'm quickly at hand to cheer their spirits up.

"No need for the uncomfortable feeling, if one of the kids fought off the wolf, then that should mean there alive and okay"

(Charlotte) "I appreciate your optimism"

(Nathan) "Hopefully"

"We should really get a move on though; it's starting to get dark and I don't have night vision goggles on hand"

Both of them obviously have no idea what I'm on about but the priestess quickly gives me a response about the darkness approaching though.

"Me and the Lord both have some magic that might help with that Ikarus-sama if you're able to fly for longer"

"Ah good then, let's continues our search. They should be hopefully be close"


"That… is, just absurd"

Darkness has fallen upon the frozen forest and it isn't affecting us in the slightest. Just as visibility was going really bad, the priestess uses a type of light magic spell and shot it up in the sky.

"I can't get over how bright this is"

Her magic is stronger than the flares the military use for lighting up the night. Seriously though, it looks like it's midday out right now! That light flare she has is like a mini sun!

"It only has limited range unfortunately; I'll have to sum-"

Before she gets a chance to finish, Nathan swiftly cuts her off.

"No need Charlotte, ahead of us! Over there!"

He points directly ahead of where I'm flying towards a small cave.

"If they're anywhere in this forest, it should be in there!"

All being in agreement, I fly towards the cave and land just outside it. The two get off my back and then faint noises can be heard.

(Ikarus) "Are they… growls?"

(Charlotte) "Let's hurry"

I don't have the time to switch form right now so we all rush into the cave and witness a nasty scene in progress The children are screaming at some wolfs.

"*Growwllll*" "*Snapp*" "*Snarll*"

"Get back, you stupid dogs!"

"We already stabbed one of you, just go away!"

"M-Mummy, I want m-mummy"

Three wolfs are surrounding a large rock growling and snapping at three children but the kids are just slightly out the animals reaches. One of the boy's is holding an axe, another is trying to kick the wolfs away and the last being a girl who is sobbing and being protected by the other two. They all look like they must be under ten.

"Knight, help me. Priestess, this situation isn't suited for you"

"Okay Ikarus"

"I understand what you're getting at Ikarus-sama"

Good, she understands her magic might be slightly overkill here. Danger close and all that.

Nathan pulls out his sword and we charge together towards the wolfs.

"Back off you dumb dogs!"

"I'll hit you again!"

"S-Stupid w-wolfs"


My claw finds one of the attacking wolfs and it gets thrown from the impact of my kick into the wall of the cave, the kids have finally noticed that they have help here as well now.


Nathan's sword finds the neck of another one just leaving the last creature alive, we really got the jump on these beasts, the children have also gone silent from watching our fight.

"Ikarus, watch out!"


The final wolf decides to switch its target from the children and aims for me this time, it pounces towards me and I kick it mid-air sending this one flying as well. I'm sure my power kicks are getting more powerful but I have no idea why though. Experience perhaps?

"It's safe to come down now children, you have the Lord's and our protection now"

"Charlotte is right, the wolfs are now dealt with"

The priestess has now joined us and the knight has sheathed his sword so I'll allow the party members to deal with the kids, I'm always a little uncomfortable dealing with children.

Both the boys jump down from the rock but the girl stays perfectly still not wanting to move an inch. I'll shortly find out the reason why though.

"E-Erm, e-erm… ARGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

The scream the little girl has is ear piercing, she's sobbing even more now.

"Why are you screaming sis?"

"They killed the wolfs, it's fine now I think"

"The c-chubby bird is g-going to eat us!"

That little brat just called me chubby… forget it, I can't get mad at children even if I want to. I might have an idea how to get the sobbing kid down though, both other two kids are a little unsure about me as well but were still willing to come down.

"Oi kid, if you don't come down, you won't get any cake"

Giving the kid sweets should calm her down I think, at least you would think that. I really don't know much about kids though. I've just realized I'm literally giving candy to a child; modern society would hate me right now. Never accept candy from a stranger!

"You said you were low on food Ikarus-sama"

The priestess give's a little annoyed look at me while saying that.

"I wasn't lying, this is my special in case of emergencies sugar collection. You and Nathan aren't allowed any of this"

Is the priestess actually sulking at me hiding sweets? She really has an odd personality at times.

"Ikarus won't hurt any of you, she's only big because she's eaten too many sweets"

Nathan is calling me fat as well now; I'll allow it since the child seems to be thinking about coming down now.

(Girl) "O-Okay"

"Nathan, hold your arms out"


Walking over to the knight, I quickly communicate with system.

'Aesa, cake'

[<-User- has 29 items that have the designation -cake-. -User- needs to be specific>]

I'm such a pig, those spare days I had in the capital definitely started filling my storage up with crap. I was saving these for a rainy day but now I'll need to share my sweets, it's an unfortunate sacrifice but one that must be made.

'Just any at random, okay? I can't complain which gets chosen then'


I put the tip of one of my wings above Nathan's held out arms and a fully sliced carrot cake on a plate appears in his grasp after I get it out from storage.

"Wow, you really have been hiding something of this quality in the ring"

The kids' eyes lit up looking at the sweet treat staring them in the face and I'm sure I can hear multiple stomachs growl.

(Nathan) "Let's all have a slice, shall we kids?"

"I'm having some as well selfish Ikarus-sama"

While my two-party members are sharing out MY food, I can't help but get pissed. I don't feel an inch of guilt for not telling them about my stash of cake though. I'm pissed for multiple reasons right now.

'Aesa, that was my last carrot cake! There's no way that was random chance'

[<Does -user- doubt Aesa's capabilities?>]

'No… I'm just sulking over it, Ikarus doesn't share food, at least, I don't like to. Especially good shit like carrot cake. It literally takes disgusting vegetables and turns one of them into something nice'

This world actually has quite a modern selection on deserts, probably the reason for me buying so much unhealthy sweets in the capital. Chocolate isn't a thing though, unfortunately. That would turn this bird chubby, chocolate is way too good.

While the two adults and three children are scoffing down MY cake, I look outside the cave and realize there might be a problem.

"We're gonna have to stay here the night, there's no chance of me flying in that. That's too risky even for my liking"

The heavens are dropping mountains of snow right now, I'm clearly exaggerating but the snowfall is close to being unflyable, unsure if all five people could fit on my backs as well, way too risky.

"No worries Ikarus-sama, the kids can use our bedding tonight"

"No problems over here"

The kids don't respond, they clearly haven't eaten in a while and are scoffing the sweet cake down. I can't help but get jealous looking at them.

"Hang on, all of you stop eating for one second, save me a slice! I'll get another cake out as well!"

I'll get them out a crappy one and see if I can temp them away from the other one.