
Reincarnated as a Noble son

In the Modern world a young man named Blake lived hell since he was born, when he was born after his birth his mother died giving birth to him. after 7 year then later after he was born his father's bussiness had grown big that listed him as top 3 riches man in new york but something happened his father had offended someone that should'nt have offended,when that person ordered a kill list with his father name on it,his father died as he was killed by the Evil organization that called themselves Creed. Blake life turn upside down when he heard his father died his butler made him escape and hide from the public for half a year when suddenly realize that he could not go on like then decided to disquise himself as an orphan as he wanted to become a assasin so he can find and kill the one who killed his father and finally joined the evil organization Creed,he first learn to kill when 8 year old after 12 years later as he trained and killed many lives like cutting cabbage and he finally got a nickname "The Devil" because of his brutal way of killing and tortured his victims until they die he continued this until he was 20 years old but then his butler suddenly send him news that the one who assasinate his father was the Creed. His heart turn cold after that he massacred and harvest countless members of the creed, but he also paid a prize his left eyes and he was exhausted and finally he was cornered was killed. When he in his last moment he had many regrets many things that he had not done yet he did not even had a girlfriend he died as a virgin,Blake laught at himself for his pathetic life as he lost his conciousness. In his eyes he could only see endless darkness everywere but suddenly he saw a brightlight that his eyes closged but when open his eyes again he found himself becoming a baby. This is a story of a man reincarnated as a noble son and find himself that he was a son of a noble will he find his purpose in this second life and find out as he travel the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Disclaimer:I dont own my coverbook] (author: Hi guys im new here if you like this novel of mine pls support me everyone and don't forget vote me everyone)

Dragon_Warrior1 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: The Beginning

Days and months past by finally I am now 4 year old, everyday I always sneak in the library for me to find information in this world.

After 4 years I finally got some ideas where I am, In this world there are 4 continent exist each one continent are ruled by one race the first is King'sLand the Land of Humans Known for there intillegence and wisdom they ruled this land for centuries, Second is BeastLand the Land of Beastmen they are Humanoid beast and Known for there strength and courage, Third ElvesLand The Continent of Elves where the Sacred Tree of elves are located and also known for there Archery and swordmanship, last the DwarvesLand the land of dwarves they are short(1meter hieght) also know for there smithing, crafting, metalworking, and masonry.

Since when blake started sneak inside the library he accidently read magic, thanks to his newly acquired system when he was 2 years old he had awakened his system with the help of his system he finally learned magic the fiest was fireball he had level up his fireball to level 7 and lightningball to level 5 also he also learned Shadowbind to 10(max) because of his dark affinity that he had max this spell after 2 years of learning he finally push his mana pool mage level where he can now cast an advanced magic he also learned skills like stealth he also max this skill to 10 because he was a assasin before he died.

"Young master its time for dinner"

while blake was practicing his lightning ball spell he heard a maid calling him.

He used his stealth as he vanish into the shadow, at his room he suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

" This skill really amazing I can blend in dark places and move through the shadow making this useful for escape and sneaking or attacking my enemies while caught off guard.

As blake said he open the door and walk to the dinning room where he found his parents and grandparent sitting in dinning chair with many servant standing there while waiting for him.

"son come here sit"his mother ask him.

"yes mom"he said that as he sit down.

While we were eating I suddenly said to my father that" Father i want to learn swordfighting". Startling them father look to mother but his mother said," Blake your still young you just until your old enough"

"Mother I want to be strong like father" Blake said in beggingly said with his big cute eyes"

"Sigh alright but promise me not to overdo yourself okay"His mother said as she sigh.

"Yes mom, Dad I want to train right now" Blake said to his father.

"Alright but we can do it tomorrow" Blake father said as he glance at his wife.

"Okay"blake said in a high voice.

"Alex you need to be gentle with blake or else hmmnn.... mother said with her threatening voice.

"Cough cough"

While there were takling a cough suddenly could be heard.

"Blake come here I have something"His grandfather albert suddenly surprising blake.

"What is it Grandpa"Blake said as he came closer to Albert.

"Here I have a gift for you" with a wave of his hand suddenly his golden ring in his finger emitted a bright light while a red fiery sword suddenly puff out of nowhere surprising blake.

The Sword had emitted a red flame like aura and had a red gems inlaid in the center of blades of the handle making it look like masterpiece create by a master craftsman

"This is a magic sword that had reach Epic grade and also one of the 7 magic sword that had reach Epic grade in the entire Avalon kingdom, I had paid a heavy price just to get this crafted by a peak master craftman,I also had to hunt a monster lord a FireLion lord just to get this crafted so do you like i..... ahhhh awww ouch

While Blake was admiring red sword suddenly his grandpa suddenly interrupted his thought and explain this sword as magic sword and epic grade at that he was shocked because in the entire kingdom of avalon there only 7 magic sword that had reach epic level and 3 legendary grade weapon what made him also speechless was that his grandfather said that he had hunted a monster lord a monster lord had the strenght of master knight in human terms and also had an army low-level monster, a goblin had the strength a apprentice knight level, a orc had the strength of an elite monster or a knight level, a troll had the strength of an special monster or a elite knight level, next is a monster lord that had an equal strength of a master knight, Lastly A monster king also had an equal strength of a dragon or a GrandMaster Knight.

As blake continued to listen to his grandfather his grandmother suddenly hold his ear making him shout in pain.

"Albert what are you doing you want to give blake a sword are you out of your mind his still a child come here you old bastard I'll teach you a lesson, sweetie grandpa just making nonsence dont listen to him.Blake's Grandmother said to him while dragging his grandfather while leaving.

Now what should I do?hmmn I should practice some sword technique for tomorrow.

Blake then go outside and pick some braches while going back to his room using his stealth as he had become one with shadow as he vanish.