
Reincarnated As a Ninja With Cheat System

Jin transmigrated after his death in Naruto world into the same generation as Minato Namikaze. He knew that war was near so he started training with all his might soon. He discovered that he was also blessed with a system but it did not provide many benefits. But the system would start issuing quests more often and Jin would enjoy the rewards after completing them. 2nd world war and Jin would make sure that all the big shots remember his name. 3rd world war and Jin would make sure that enemies would tremble as soon as his name was heard. English is not my first language so dont expect perfect writing from me.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Mori Jin

" Ne ne.. Jin! "

" Tsk.. what do you want Minato ? "

" Sigh.. why do you always try to avoid me ?"

" Well you are simply annoying ! I just want to sleep in classes but you and other classmates chat too much and wont let me sleep.."

Then Jin ignored Minato and walked away nonchalantly with both hands in pockets of his trouser.

Namikaze Minato and Mori Jun are both orphans which are not that rare in Konoha because of wars and whatever. Somehow both of them became close friends and now attend the ninja academy together.

Both of them are 10 years old and still have two years before graduation. But Jin knew that they would be graduating this year because the second ninja world war would begin soon.

As for why he knew this information? Simple! Not only this but also many more future information. Jin knew all this because he had the memories of his past life and there this world was fiction and Minato was one of the badass characters in it.

Jin's memories of past life suddenly awakened one day when he was 5 years old. Until then Minato and he were best friends but after that their relationship became somewhat awkward.

The reason was that Jin was having trouble of accepting his new reality. He had already accepted his death but for some reason being a part of story really irked him.

It took months before Jin finally had to accept that he was living in a full fledged world and his body was circulating real blood.

The next step Jin wanted to take was to became best friends with Minato once again but he soon realised that he was worried for nothing.

Jin was worried that Minato would have troubles making friends with others and thus have a lonely time. But his worries were for naught because even though Minato was an airhead , he was still very talented and charismatic. Others were attracted towards him automatically.

From then on Jin chose to not care much of Minato's life and instead focused on the most important task of becoming stronger. After all this world was filled with bloodshed and Jin knew that he did not have much time before a full blown war was upon the village.


After separting from Minato , Jin started walking towards his shabby apartment which was provided to him by the village government. Well it was not that bad but for Jin who was a modern earthling in his past life , it was not that satisfying.

Jin's apartment was located in the outskirts of Village market. The building was a two storey one and the ground floor was occupied by the owner who ran a grocery shop.

On the first floor , Jin's apartment was located. It was nothing big and just had one small living room , one small bedroom , one small kitchen and one bathroom.

Jin locked the front door from inside and could not help but sigh after taking a look at his desolate surroundings. He was feeling a little lonely because in his past life , he was used to live with his father , mother and big brother. Their relationship was not that bad either so Jin also felt guilty for leaving them so soon. After all he was just 17 when he had died in a car accident.

' Oh well .. let's just cook something good and fill my empty stomach first. ' Jin thought and let out a small forced smile on his face.

Actualy Jin was very handsome. White skin , pitch black hair , sword like eyebrows and a well toned body. He was just 10 this year but looked no different than other 12 or 13 year old ninja kids. Now he knew the annoyance of Sasuke from the anime because he also had his own small girl fan club.

Jin went straight towards the kitchen and started cooking a large plate of delicious fried rice. While cooking , he decided to check out his STATUS . It was easy task because he just had to focus and a screen will appear inside his mind.












' Heh.. I have come far in these five years but it's no where near enough.'

When Jin thought about thousands of jonin and stronger ninja , he could not help but frown in displeasure.

He was feeling displeased with his system because there was no Shop function available and it barely issued any quests too. Aside from his one perk , he had recieved nothing else from the system.

The Mind eye perk was reward of a hidden quest which turned out to be reaching chunin level in strength , agility and chakra stats.

Soon the dish was finished and Jin decided not to waste any more brain cells for the stingy system. He started eating at the dinig table while thinking about a way to meet and learn medical ninjutsu from Tsunade..