
Reincarnated As a Multiverse

ImmortalCyber · Action
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3 Chs


kite open his eyes and he only saw darkness until he heard something

Obtained Multiverse system

*congratulations you have been chosen to be a multiverse you are lucky*

Kite said "What? Me a multiverse?" the system *now host I will show you the skill you got*

Skill obtained creations (you can create whatever you want inside your multiverse)

Skill obtained Destruction (you can destroy anything inside your multiverse)

Skill obtained Universe creation (you can create universe as much as you want inside your multiverse)

Skill obtained universe controller (you can control the universe you create, and you can create anything inside that universe)

Skill obtained Soul creation (you can create any kind of soul you want)

Skill obtained Life creation

Skill obtained Planet creation (you can design the planet that you want to create this will only work on universe)

Galaxy creation (this will only work inside the universe)

kite was shock and said "Oh my god all this skill is so OP, shall we create 2 universe" Kite Create 2 universe in an instant and million of galaxy inside it

kite said "if I want to create planet inside the galaxy I think clone" Kite used creation to create skill clone

Skill obtained Clone (they will only carry ur 0.1 of ur power but can destroy anything each universe and they have the same mind as you and you can see everything what your clone does)

"Now let's make 1 clone" Kite create 1 clone and order him to go in universe 1 and create anything whatever he want kite created Clone control

Skill obtained Clone control

Kite create another clone and control that clone kite go to universe 2











chapter end