
Reincarnated As A MC With The Highest Compatibility Rate

[WSA 2024 Entry] Mark, a military officer, dies in battle and unexpectedly regains consciousness, only to discover he had inhabited the body of a 17-year-old named Dennis. He also realized that this was a different earth. As he recovered memories from Dennis, he made even more shocking discoveries... "Earth's location in space got shifted three years ago?" The circumstances encompassing this revelation, as well as the effects it brought upon the human race, rocked Mark to his core. Dennis, who was orphaned from the earth-shifting incident, had gotten drafted into the Modified Combatant program. This was created to train humans and experiment on them to increase their compatibility rate with the new Ultimate Vestro Battle suit created by government scientists, which had an inbuilt system. This was in a bid to bring out the full potential of the suit so humans would be powerful enough to resist and battle against the extraterrestrial forces plaguing the planet. Despite this being a dangerous endeavour, Dennis agreed to be a part of the program so he could cater to his little brother, who happened to be the only family member he had left. How will Mark, who had now become Dennis, move forward after getting thrown into such a catastrophic world while bearing an insanely high compatibility rate with the suit...? ------- [ Activating Memory data... ] [ Operator recognised ] [ Operator name: Dennis Slark ] [ Level : 1 ] [ Compatibility rate: 99.09% ] [ Cores Harvested: 0 ] --------- "Cores? What is that?"

TimVic · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
102 Chs


The surroundings fell silent, all eyes on the trio as they made their way to the general, curiosity and speculation trailing in their wake.

Led through a series of corridors, the three found themselves in a private office, the General's sanctum, where strategy and fate were often decided. General Gustav took his place behind his desk, his expression serious yet imbued with an unspoken promise of significance.

"Dennis, Rodrick, Darrin," he began, locking eyes with each in turn. "You three have shown exceptional prowess, and when push came to shove, you performed beyond all of your peers. Which is why you three won't be under any division. Your roles as Modified Combatants... are to be distinct."

Dennis leaned forward.

"Sir, what exactly are you trying to tell us?"

Rodrick was just as intrigued even though he remained silent while Darrin's usual sleepy expression disappeared completely.