
The Town Called Insvield

By this time, I had hidden my weapons and armor, only wearing a dark blue long dress with knee-high brown boots. My hair was done up in a ponytail with a rose hair tie; something Vania had stored for me if I wanted to look innocent and 'certainly not a combatant'.

The guards nodded and allowed us in, but Vincent blocked my way and turned to look at me with stern eyes.

"So, after hearing my explanation and true intentions... Are you still willing to embark on this journey with me?" asked Vincent.

A message popped into my vision, asking me to accept the party invitation in a true MMORPG style. I sighed and clicked 'Yes', much to Vincent's surprise.

"Huh? I thought you were angry at me for making the mess earlier, so why are you helping me?" asked Vincent, getting closer to me.

"If I don't, what else am I supposed to do? I've got no heading, so joining you is my only option. And you are going where danger is headed... Something I've always dreamed of going... So, I will party with you and defeat the Four Symbols and, eventually, the Gorgon."

"No backing out?"

"Of course not! Are you going to?"

"Hell no!" yelled Vincent with a big goofy grin.

We nodded and entered the village of Insvield, which was more bustling than I ever could imagine, unlike the town back at the Campania. The shops looked more... Advanced without the use of technology.

The people were dressed in attire similar to mine instead of the usual tunics with some suits here and there. However, one thing I couldn't shake off was the gaze of the locals drilling into the back of my head. It felt as if I was on my way to getting burned at stake.

A prey was walking through the lion's den... I was afraid that if I met the wrong person or did something wrong, I was coming out of the town with wings and a halo. Vincent finally turned around and saw my darting eyes before wrapping an arm around my neck.

I was shocked but relaxed when he pulled me close to tell me his plan.

"Sorry I failed to tell you this earlier, but you'll have to act as my wife. Once they know you are my significant other, they won't bother you anymore. Because no one dares to anger anyone in the Mafia within a place run by them."

I shot a glance at Vincent before nodding my head. The man smiled and kissed my forehead before taking his arm away. He then held out his hand towards me.

My eyes were still looking around since I wasn't sure how the people would react to such a display, but I stretched out my arm to grasp Vincent's opened palm. The man closed his eyes and crouched down, getting onto a single knee while kissing my hand.

As I nodded, I couldn't help but feel the lava on my cheeks. With Vincent grinning, I was sure he was enjoying every second of this display... And my facial expression. That guy was a sadist when it came to finding my weak spot. There's a reason why my nickname is Shadow.

And suddenly, I wished to become a rock. Meanwhile, I could hear Mordred roaring with laughter in my mind while Vania was giggling like a schoolgirl. God... I hate those two at times.

"My dear... Shall we get a move on from the nasty eyes of this area?" asked Vincent after he tied my shoelaces properly.

I was in shock; I didn't know that they were untied! I nodded quickly, and Vincent got up, took my hand, and continued to walk onward. I was hyper-focused on not tripping because Vincent was a fast walker for some odd reason.

After passing some random people selling gems and steaks, we finally found our destination at the heart of Insvield. I was... Disappointed, to say the least, when I found out the Mafia HQ was a medium cottage that looked like the house from little red riding hood.

"Looks can be deceiving. Besides, do you think we would have a mansion with our work style? We can't draw unneeded attention to ourselves," said Vincent as he went up to the front porch and rapped on the door.

"Yea, but isn't this a bit too... Fake? It's as if I'm looking at Hansel and Gretel's house from a fairytale book! At least try to blend in with the rest of the houses or buildings around it!" I said, peering around the place.

"Just so you know, this house has been preserved for the past fifty generations. So if anything, it's the original way the ancestors of this village built their homes back in the day."