
Slayer Verna

"Yes. She and I work together during various missions since we are under the same Ark. We were both recruited and personally trained by Mavislin. Though, that Butterfly Girl has been known to be very hostile to newcomers or people who are unreasonable," elaborated the Mage.

Very hostile is one thing... But going for the throat is another! If I had a dollar every time she aimed for my head or heart, I would've gotten enough to own a yacht! I am a newcomer... But I'm not new to combat either. And we didn't even speak throughout the fight!

"But she only goes on the kill when I'm not around. If I'm partnered with her, she tries to push all the killing to me. She claims that it was for me to get more experience on using my Magecraft to eliminate others but I think she's just scared that Lady Roydon will scold for going overboard."

"What do you mean, go overboard?" I asked, looking at Verna with worried eyes.

"Well, we went on some sting operations of the minor kind and we were supposed to apprehend the suspects. She ended up torturing all of them to the brink of insanity. She broke their minds and we couldn't get the proper information out of them," answered Bryan, without batting an eyelid.

"The way you explained that sounded like this happens quite often... That's worrying to know."

"Well, after those small missions, if the mission called for killing, she'd just tossed them to me. She acts likes she is the one who needs protection. But when I turn my back or leave her alone, she decimates the enemies in one fell swoop," sighed the Mage, not understanding the girl's actions.

I smirked as I realized what the Butterfly Girl was doing. So even in this realm, this Universe, girls have their way of getting the guy. And this poor chap thought she was just wanting him to get more experience. I shook my head at how he couldn't understand her advances.

"I mean, it's not fair if I do all the dirty work... And she becomes totally different when battling others, it's scary..."

"Perhaps that's why she doesn't want to do the dirty work. She's upset that you are scared of her combat appearance. I would be upset too if I saw my friends getting scared of my combat attire when I was just trying to protect them or do a mission," I said, pointing at the Mage.

His eyes widened before turning away from me. But I didn't need the Words Of the World to tell me he was beetroot red.

We then began to head to the east of the village, with the young man taking the lead. I was still smiling on the inside, at the fact that he still was going on about Rina, how her excessive cuteness was annoyingly attractive to him.

It took over twenty chapters to see them get together, I'm gonna cut that down to five.

"By the by, my name is Verna, Slayer Verna. I know, it's a girl's name... But that's my codename, I only tell it to newcomers or recruits. What's yours?"


"Oh, short for 'Elizabeth'?"

"No, short for 'Lizard'..."

"Oh, that's quite the name..."

"Of course not, you numb skull. My name is Elizabeth Einzfield," I replied, with sass.

"Hmph, you remind me of Lady Roydon. She was sarcastic to me when we first met as well. And don't mind me budging but how did you get the feather from her?" asked Verna.

Words Of the World, is there any ill-intent on this person, or can you show me his Hostility level?

"Notice. I cannot find any malice behind his actions or words. His Hostility levels are on the lower side. Significantly lower than the Valkyrie from before."

So, I can trust this man? He seems like a ladies' man and sounds like a smooth talker. He may want to trick me into doing nasty things. But, if the voice says he isn't a bad person, I guess I can relax for a bit. However, I will not hesitate to behead if the need arises.

"I got transported here, in the open field during the middle of the day. That was when I got attacked by a Time Mage named Raiyen. And when I was about to kill him using the Spell; Tsunami Of the Full Moon, the Valkyrie appeared out of nowhere and kicked me in the head," I explained.

"She tends to pop out from nowhere... Say what now?!" yelled Verna, fully processing what I had just told him.

"She kicked me in the head and absorbed my spell that was supposed to finish the Time Mage off," I repeated, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.