Elizabeth Einzfield. A girl born with a silver spoon but wanted nothing to do with wealth. Her curves and ample chest made men fall for her. But she was just a teenager that just wanted to be normal and hang out with others in the 21st century. After being killed by an unknown fire, Elizabeth is transported to a new world. One that uses Elements and Powers to determine the ranks. Only the strongest will survive, they do not care for your appearance. However, Elizabeth was not just some girl you could mess around.
"The Corruption Elemental Levels within the waters are mostly from fallen Husks that are still trying to die from the previous times. Husks can't die naturally, so their bodies would have to play the waiting game. But the levels should be decreasing, not increasing."
"That means something in the ocean is storing the Husks' Elemental Energy for future use. Z's concern now, but he hasn't got enough people to do a full investigation since the place to tackle would be the Earth's lowest depths, the Mariana Trench," explained Raiyen.
"I sure hope that the storm isn't a Husk that Benjamin created, though that would be the most plausible theory right now. But that would mean it would be easier for me to quell the calamity since it isn't the real deal," I added, lost in my thoughts.
"You shouldn't count on that fact, Lady Lizzie. Being Corrupted may handicap the Beast's intelligence, but it significantly enhances their raw power stats. So even if it isn't the real deal, Benjamin might make a far more powerful copy than the original idea," warned Raiyen.
"I guess you've got the point there..."
Out of nowhere, Duncan awoke by coughing his lungs out, giving us all the fright of our lives and a dreadful alarm for the Slayer. But I have to say, the way that Bryan woke up was alarmingly hilarious for me to see. The guy woke up shaking, and his eyes went everywhere.
I wanted to ask what was wrong, but Vania's emergency warning went off like a loud hailer, summoning my full gear out of nowhere. Everyone was understandably shocked, but I had no choice. It was then that we heard the crashing of waves.
"Pack everything up, NOW!" I commanded as Tomoe and Raiyen did while Bryan tried to soothe Duncan's lungs.
"Warning! A huge influx of Water Elemental Energy is headed in your direction. Estimated arrival; instant," said Vania, as everything on my HUD (heads-up display) flashed red.
I pulled out the entire drawer filled with my defensive spell and found one I had never seen before. Thinking it was because of some affinity with the Flower Element, I decided to try the new bit out.
"Give me some space and get ready to run the moment I stop the incoming waves. Don't look back until you can't hear the waves anymore when you do so. This liquid isn't just water. It's an extension of the storm to flush us out," I explained, cracking my right hand's knuckles.
I shot out my right arm and used my left hand to grip my extended's arm's elbow firmly. Pink Elemental Energy formed around my body as I started the chant.
"The Shield that could not be pierced during the Trojan War. Wielded by Ajax the Great, I allow this spell to blossom to its full potential. Born out of the Blood of its owner, I summon thee to protect my brethren..." I called out as I saw the incoming waves.
The water looked more like a deformed creature trying to devour everything in its path. But as the power flowed through my arm and into my hand, I was confident that I would win this round first. A bright pink orb appeared in my palm, readying the spell.
"The Seven Rings that Cover the Burning Heavens..."
Here it comes!
"Rho Aias!" I shouted as the bright pink orb blossomed into a colossal Rocket Larkspur with seven petals.
Seven layers of rounded shields appeared in front of the flower as the waves crashed into the shield. My hand shook as I tried my best to hold my defense against the torrent. But, I will not let the famed shield of Ajax get defeated by some halfwit of a Beast!
The shatter of the first layer echoed through my ears as I shouted for the rest of the group to run. They turned on their heels and bolted towards the direction of Teuton, giving me the chance to use my skill of Avarice with Rho Aias.
"Notice. Activate Avarice?" asked Vania.
Yes! As soon as I agreed, the Rocket Larkspur turned from bright pink to black as it started engulfing the water like a thirsty creature. Then, because of the sheer power I was absorbing, the armor pieces of my right hand shattered, and the sleeve began to rip apart.
After an exhausting moment, the torrent of water was fully absorbed into my arm. But now, I have to let go of all the power in my arm, or else the limb will explode—the problematic side effect of using Avarice. The arm felt heavy as Vania thought of a spell to release the pent-up power.
"The Animosity Of the Brine King!" I shouted, unleashing a tsunami's worth of seawater in the opposite direction of where the group was running.