
Kabi, The Bartender

"Hey! The world doesn't revolve around money! Don't you know, money is the root of all evil," complained VK.

"Yes, and I am also aware that the whole phrase is 'the love of money is the root of all evil'. Don't blame an inanimate object for your own sins. Besides, I fully embraced the fact. If I don't have money, I can't pay the rent. With no shelter above my head, I can't survive."

The Mafia Head took out a small brown sack and tossed it to Kabi. The bartender quickly caught the small bag without a flinch or so much as a look. Kabi then opened the pack and counted before smirking.

"I see that you've put in some extra Silver Pieces... Is it to bribe me for this next task?" quizzed the proud man.

"Yes, and for that good job you did back in Urnsfield. If you hadn't reached there before those bandits, I don't think that village would still be alive."

Kabi sighed as he closed the bag. He shook his head and looked toward Vincent and me before returning to VK.

"You know I don't do well with Mages, yet you are forcing me to work with them again. And this isn't the first time you've asked me for this favor... And what happens in the end? I get the short straw or am left for dead while my so-called teammates rush off with the loot."

I felt a sharp pain in my neck when Kabi explained the story. I knew about betrayal very well and hated it.

"Is this your version of a surprise waiting to happen?" questioned the bartender as his words were laced with venom.

I would've been best friends with this genius if I had met this guy in my precious realm. Either that, or he would be one of the sassiest victims I would ever have to kill.

"Not exactly... I was using that phrase regarding your love life. And I'm well aware of you disliking the Mages, but I can guarantee these two Mages are no disappointments. You know enough about Vincent for me not to talk more about him, but this class is different."

"This lady has the bravery to go up against me twice and managed to knock me out earlier. So don't think for a Tock that she will drag you down."

"As the newest addition to the Barren Pillars, Swordsman Shadow has already engraved her name into the Archives for defeating the World Serpent and Goibinu while having enough strength to fatally wound Fabian Brookes," praised VK, shooting me a quick wink of support.

I was genuinely shocked that VK would offer such nice compliments about my short achievements to convince one of his men to join forces with us. Barely a Tick ago, I was ready to pry his heart out of his ribcage, and now he is doing this for me?! Man, this guy is giving me too many mixed signals!

"Your words don't mean anything to me... I have to see that strength for myself!" shouted Kabi as he balled up his fist and threw it right at my face.

Anyone had barely enough time to react, but Vania could see that happening from another lifetime away. I caught the fist in time while Vania enhanced my physical defense for that split Tick. We both held our ground until Kabi broke the stance and tried to strike my head with a high kick.

I dodged and extended my leg to stop his other leg from kicking me. This action forced him to change tactics and back away from me. I clenched my fists and got ready to pounce by rushing forwards and slamming my left fist into his jaw.

The man missed, caught my wrist, and I was stuck there. But I acted fast and forced my wrist downwards, lowering Kabi's head. Then, I kneed him as hard as possible, making the man howled in pain. Kabi backed up, pulled a machete off the wall, and swung it against my head.

That's when Vania had enough, and out came my sword with its blade shining in a prism of colors. My Elemental Energy levels were slowly rising as sparks flew while we clashed.

"There it is... That's the thing about you, Mages. You are so reliant on your powers that you are nothing without them. You are nothing but a little girl blessed with body and looks while being gifted Magecraft. You would never be able to-"

Before Kabi could say another word, I dropped my blade to use a hand to grab his throat and slammed his body into the stone wall. I held the man up as I tilted my head to the side, with eyes holding nothing but disgust and anger in them.