
Being A Hitman

"Are you sure about this? The missions I go on are different from a new member's missions. The stakes are higher, the enemies are deadlier, and the area is rougher. Sometimes, the bad guy might not always be the ruthless one. Most of the missions I'm being sent on are mind games."

"It messes up your brain. The missions I take up do not have any boundaries. The opponents would use human feelings to their advantage. Some Mages have committed suicide just because they couldn't face the reality of killing their comrades that the enemy infected."

"The enemies would turn your feelings against you to oppose your teammates or boss. Are you still on board with that idea?" warned Bryan.

I started laughing like a maniac as Bryan gave me those warnings. My laughter caused his eyebrow to furrow with worry. Finally, I composed myself and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"I do not mind at all—I kind of like the thrill of a plot twist. But, I want something fun and challenging for the first mission I'll ever do. I've always been fighting the same kind of people, the ones that want to take advantage of a female's body."

"Back in my realm, we didn't have such things as Magecraft. Thus, the enemies are just plain humans who were greedy. Of course, there were some lucky cases that the guy was deranged but not too much of a challenge. But here," I explained, spinning around.

"There might be a chance I can see mystical beings. I could fight better beings with powers. To me, going on a high-stakes mission is like showing a kid the entrance to candy land. I want to get the adrenaline of battling fearsome beasts and learning more about this realm," I finished with a smile.

"Sometimes, you frighten me. You seem innocent, pure as a young child. But the cogs in your upper storey are turning the opposite way to town. The way you held your weapon as well reminded me of a deadly assassin, not a pretty maiden like you."

"Fine, if that's what you want to do, be my guest. But don't complain or blame me if the mission isn't up to your expectations. I'm just saying that the enemies you face might be more dangerous and psychotic the ones you encountered in the other realm," warned Bryan.

I started laughing again, freaking the poor Slayer out. Finally, I tilted my head to the side.

"I'll be hearing that freakish laughter in my nightmares now if you don't stop... And the smile you've given me for the past few minutes is like looking into a mental asylum..." complained Bryan, shaking his head.

"Sorry, I was thinking that you were cute for not knowing what I've seen in my previous realm. I also do missions, and my targets were as mad as hatters. And you'd find that I'm quite difficult to manipulate. My mind twists so much that others cannot play mind games with me."

"I've watched people beg for their lives with whatever ounce of breath they had. The crimes they committed were in various levels of lunacy. Even a girl kept getting pregnant to make sure the husband did not leave her side. That maniac used her children as baits and enslaved people."

"The husband loves the kids but not the girl. He only stayed because she threatened to kill the kids if he left. In addition, the girl's family was rich and could pay off the authorities without getting into legal trouble. Thus, this man was backed up into a corner."

"What broke the straw on the camel's back was the day that he found out about what that woman was doing to the oldest daughter. The daughter was forced into a weekly routine where men lined up to assault her sexually. And the youngest girl was forced to watch."

"The guy got hold of me since the people knew that I handled cases regarding females," I explained in great detail.

"Cases for women? Were you a police officer in your previous world?" asked Bryan, curious about my story.

"I'd be holding a gun if I were a police officer. And I would hang myself if I had ended up joining the force since the police officers in my world were useless. They could not be bothered by small things like the cases we were handing. No, in my old world, I was called a 'hitman.'"

"A person who solely kills someone because of a mission. The person hires me and gives me money to slaughter the enemy of their choice. And no matter what, I cannot back down halfway. Or else I risk getting myself slaughtered. No feelings can be involved. So I was a very picky hitman."