
A hard fight

4 days passed….

A wooden great sword slammed against the dummy making it shake. It had many marks on it, the great sword didn't stop as it went on attacking the dummy again and again without stop.

[great sword beginner skill level up]

With sweat dropping furiously from his head, Zach shouted in happiness.

"Finally…" Amil said as he too stopped practicing his sword, he couldn't use the dummy as from only one strike, it would break apart.

"Amil, the skill's level 5 now...!" Zach said in excitement. His body was not changed much, slender arms with little muscle, a height of 5'6. An average face in terms of humans. Not much to be expected as he was only 16 years old kid.

"Yeah…good job" Amil smiled as he patted his head gently to not hurt the kid's head with his nails.

"Now…it's time. We will go to the outer forest where you will be killing the snakes till you reach level 2." He got an excited nod from Zach and just left.

After a while, they met with fluffy and pumpkin at the hut. Elena too was there; she had been coming to the training area and observed Zach at first to find something against him. But she could only see a weak human with a huge hunger for power. She was very satisfied seeing him practice non-stop for 7 hours and then puke his gut out. Since then, their relationship was going well, Emil gave him pointers for the sword with annoyed Amil as a translator.

They went into the outer forest in a hurry spotting a snake at the arrival, Amil had to keep grabbing pumpkin trying to eat the level 1 snake. Fluffy could only shrug at the glutton snake's attitude.

Zach just sprinted at the snake with the wooden great sword ready to pounce. The snake on the arrival just spat the poison, Zach knew about this skill beforehand and just dodged the black spit.

Zach slashed the great sword at the snake's neck, the snake being more agile dodged it. It dug its fangs in Zach's thigh filling him with poison. Zach did not even flinch from the attack; he picked his sword with both hands up and with all his strength slashed it downwards. The snake still with his mouth attached to the thigh got hit by the sword and went limp.

The snake's skin was not even pierced as the sword was wooden, but the body was all out of shape from the slash. He got the notification and sighed.

Amil was looking at him all surprised, Zach couldn't really feel the pain and was not scared of the attacks at all. He just sighed and thought about how Zach was treated by the humans with a pained expression.

"Take this" He gave a potion to him for the poison. Zach gulped it down in a second. He looked at Amil with determined eyes.

"Let's go to another, Amil."

Amil just smiled and told him the next location.


2 days later, Zach was fighting with the last snake till he leveled up. His fluency had increased again as well as his proficiency.

This time around, he didn't even give time to the snake for spitting as he smashed the sword's flat surface at its head till it was on the ground, on taking the sword back, they could see the snake's head squeezed flat on the ground with its body limp. A truly pitiable site to see.

"You have become good and ferocious, Zach. That's good, now I will take you to the wolves for a fight. I was always good at killing them due to my skin being all tough but it's gonna be tough for you"

Zach just nodded excitedly; he had reached level 2 all because of his hard work. But then looked at the person who gave him the opportunity to even do the hard work that he didn't get. He took a knee in front of Amil with his sword in front downwardly.

" I swear to give my life for the good of my master. My strength is all yours to use"

"Wow wow that's too cringe! What are you doing?!"

"Uhh…I saw some knights when I was in a town pledging loyalty to the town lord like this so felt like giving it a try" Zach said while awkwardly chuckling.

Amil didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Nevermind, it's the emotion that matters. And I feel like you have chosen to be my companion"

Zach nodded mildly making Amil satisfied.

"Let's go, Let me get a good broad sword for you now"

They left the village while sprinting reaching the merchant's shop, Amil was used to the tribe staring at them but Zach always got nervous looking at so many kobolds just staring at him.

"You really don't want to marry my daughter?"

"Will you shut it about the marriage already? I am fucking 32 days old only!" Amil said with distress, Zach looked at him with wide eyes. 32 days old? the fuck?

"I need a good broad sword"

The merchant just chuckled and went to the back, after a while, he came back with a long shining sword.

"Here, try this, It's an iron one and a lot more durable." He gave it to Amil who after some examining gave it to Zach.


Iron Broad Sword

Normal grade

+4 Strength

Durability 50/50


"For the Human? It's 50 gold coins you know" Merchant asked with curiosity. Amil looked at Zach swinging it left-right with a childish grin.

"Yeah, I will take it," he said while giving him the 50 gold coins instantly. He didn't dilly dally and went to the forest again.

"Let's part ways here, I've got to level up too. You have to survive on your own now, meet me when you reach level 3" Amil said seriously, he couldn't just keep babysitting Zach.

Zach was determined and nodded, they bid farewell and Amil left sprinting on fluffy's back.

In the inner forest, they kept getting deeper until finding a boar. Amil was very bored of killing all those same animals. He was just going to get off fluffy to attack, but fluffy roared while sprinting towards the boar with Amil in tow.


Both the boars activated their tackle and went for the collide.

"N-NO! Fluffy! Let me get ooaaff!" Amil said while trying to jump, he wanted to just get off, but it was too late. Both the boars collided making a bam sound.


"Aaaahh!!" Amil went flying off fluffy's back due to the collide. His head hit a tree making it make a loud sound.

"Fluffy! Fucking dumbhead!"

Pumpkin was just snickering at the scene which only looked like a snake making hissing sounds.

Fluffy didn't hear as he was fighting the boar, it wouldn't even be called a fight as the two boars were just stuck with their heads connected trying to make the other step back.

Pumpkin went to the boar and bit him on the head, the skull broke in an instant making him damage the brain. The boar went limp on the spot making them get the notification. Fluffy snorted and went to the constipated-faced Amil, pumpkin coiled around Amil's tail.

"Let's go deeper…"

They started moving more in where the level 3 don't. He was just too bored and fighting with the ones one level up was really fascinating for him. They traveled for a while not seeing a single sole.

"What the hell" He felt like someone was observing him. He shivered a little getting uncomfortable but kept moving. But after a while, it was unbearable. He looked around and up, no bird or land animal could be seen, and shrugged.

Around a tree branch, a brown silhouette was observing him trying to get a sneak attack. But alas Amil had already seen him just was pretending.

'Let it attack, I am gonna fuck him up good' He thought grinning ear to ear.

"Let's stop here, will eat something now"

He made a camp and put some flesh pieces on sticks around the campfire. The silhouette was dangerously near him now around the bushes. Amil was all ready to materialize his sword anytime.

He took a bite off the wolf flesh making satisfied sounds. Pumpkin and fluffy just kept eating not knowing there would be an attack soon.

The silhouette couldn't really control itself now, it's prey was eating leisurely in front of him. It pounced on Amil's back trying to make a clean hit.

Amil just moved leading it to just fell in the fire.

"KIIIAAGHHHK" The silhouette shouted with fright as its fur was on fire. Amil took the time to just look at its status.


4-Handed Monkey

Level 4

HP- 86/90



He looked at the monkey in the fire, it had four arms and eyes drifting around creepily from the fear of the unknown. It seemed like it was the first tie it had even seen a fire.

Amil didn't wait as he took the opportunity to cut one of its arms. The sword connected and cut the flesh but the bones were too strong to be cut.

The monkey shrieked in pain and stepped back, the fire on it was gone and it was covering its wound with a hand. His eyes were bloodshot, Amil could see how pissed of it was.

The monkey pounced again but this time it actually activated a skill. Its hands started moving in a very speedy manner making it blur. Amil tried to cut them but as he hit the blurred hands, the sword went flying out of his grip. The monkey got a little close and started hitting Amil, the strikes were like slaps but painful ones. Amil was assaulted by various slaps on his face not even able to retaliate, about 100 slaps hit him, if not for the tough skin, it would have shed till now.

Pumpkin and fluffy looked at him in worry, fluffy used tackle on it and ran very fast from the side, the monkey saw this and frowned, it had to stop its attack and defend itself.

Amil felt the world spinning after the attack stopped, he sat on the ground for a second to get his shit together. He saw Fluffy and pumpkin trying to push it back.

"RAAARGHH!!" Amil shouted and dematerialized his sword. With bear claws and fist, he pounced on the monkey. Their attacks hit each other, more from the monkey because of the four hands. Amil was getting pumpkin ready to pounce explaining to him with the mind link.

He at the perfect time, bit one of the hands and kept it in his mouth, grabbed two more with his hands leaving the wounded one.

'Now!' He shouted internally in the mind link.

Pumpkin wiggled with speed and coiled through the monkey's back reaching the neck soon. He tried to bite it but alas it took some time. With a lot of continuous pressure for 5 seconds, the fangs went inside. The easy part had begun, pumpkin released the poison 4 times without stopping and got off. Fluffy was just there waiting for his orders restlessly.

The monkey just felt a tinge of pain and something enter him but didn't mind. The poison damage was not that lethal.

It punched Amil's pointy nose with his wounded hand. Amil stepped back holding his tears from the hit. He wasn't done as he activated the iron nails and kicked the monkey. The nails on the leg went inside near the hipbone easily making the monkey wince in pain.

The monkey due to desperation dripped two of the hands together and with all the strength hit Amil's shoulder vertically.


A loud sound came out of Amil's shoulder. He removed the claws and stepped back wincing in pain.


The shoulder was out of the socket and Amil didn't know how to treat it. The monkey was just going to attack again but pumpkin sprayed the poison on its face giving Amil some time before the monkey attacked again.

"Arghh…." Amil grunted, it was his first shoulder dislocation and was not normal at all, The flesh kept getting between the two bones making it squeeze and painful.

"Fluffy! Keep him busy!"

Fluffy got the orders he yearned for and went running to the monkey with the skill activated. The monkey although hearing the sound of someone approaching but couldn't concentrate with the acid-like poison in the mouth, nose, and eyes.

Fluffy tackled it easily making him roll various times and hit a tree. Fluffy reached again but the monkey jabbed it's punch ahead and with luck, it hit fluffy's neck.


Fluffy started coughing furiously as the hit was really strong.

Amil steeled his will and got up with the involuntarily moving arm. He drank a healing potion getting some relief.

Looking at the monkey, he realized that it was now or never and started sprinting towards the monkey holding its eyes and spitting blood.

Amil activated the skill again and his nails became strong, he slit the throat of the monkey.

He saw the HP of the monkey moving from 10 to 0 in an instant.

[ EXP +41, +1 stamina, +1 strength]

[ Skill 'Lethal 100-punches' detected, acquire it?]


2200+ words chapter people


30 power stone = 2 Bonus chapters with a normal one

50 power stone mark = 2 chapters each day for 3 whole days