
Reincarnated as a hermaphrodite with cheat skills so I built a harem

In all Isekai stories the Mc dies and meets a god or goddess then reincarnates then saves the world or does this and that etc. Well, this one starts the same with two different detail that changes the whole story, the goddess allows her to make her ideal body and give it skills, etc, which isn't too different but the big deal is the second difference. The Mc f*cks the goddess. The goddess then gives her the idea to build a harem so the MC does that. *It is a long build-up till the actual story sorry. It might also contain revenge NTR/Netori*

Resset_Potato · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

First Breakfast

(I am so so sorry for making you guys/girls/people?/animals? or whomever you identify as, I was busy with stuff for so long, like trying to find the right AI editor, and I now use three different ones. Let me know if you want names. Then, right when I was starting to write again, we had a death in my family, so I'll be busy with that. But I'll try to write as much as possible when I can. I have about 4-5 more chapters written; let me know if you want them now or want to wait until I mass release. I'll release one of my pre-written chapters every week until I can mass release; it shouldn't be too long from now if I don't get interrupted. Once again, I am sorry.)

Rika dashed around the kitchen, her movements fueled by a desperate determination to ensure their breakfast turned out perfectly. Those four words from Lillith, "Different kind of fun," played on a loop in her mind, her cheeks flushed as she pondered their meaning. Little did she know, Lillith was relishing the sight of her flustered confusion. In truth, there was no hidden meaning behind Lillith's words, she simply delighted in watching Rika squirm.

Amidst her bustling, Rika's eyes met Lillith, who had casually plopped down on the couch and started idly channel surfing. Lillith's aimless wandering through the channels abruptly halted when a peculiar news report captured her attention. A woman, draped in a form-fitting dress and a stylish wig, stood beside a middle-aged man who exuded an inexplicable aura. Jack and Jill, their mysterious connection shrouded in intrigue, were the subjects of this unusual report. Lillith, typically uninterested in news, found herself captivated by this particular story.

As the news anchor's voice echoed through the room, Jack's eyes widened in genuine astonishment. "It's truly incredible that penguins can't fly!" he exclaimed. Jill's response was a headshake laced with palpable disbelief. "Remarkable indeed," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Lillith couldn't help but chuckle, likening Jack's amazement to a car salesman desperately pitching a flaming vehicle or a child passionately trying to convince their mother of the extraordinary, despite it being a mundane fact. The news topic shifted to seismic activity in various regions, minor earthquakes becoming the center of discussion.

Just before Lillith could hear the full details of the earthquakes, a voice called out from the kitchen. "Hey, come eat your first breakfast!" Despite Rika's attempt to keep it discreet, Lilith's keen hearing caught every word. Lilith moved to the outer kitchen counter, her presence surprising Rika. Blushing, Rika stammered, "Y-you heard what I said, didn't you?"

Lillith's smug expression resembled the triumphant look a child might give while perched atop a jungle gym. "Indeed, I heard your little comment...second breakfast. You're aware of my acute hearing, right?" Her sly smile was a testament to her enjoyment of the situation. Rika's gaze shifted, her response implicit. Lillith extended her hand to claim a plate, her satisfaction evident. "Let me take one of these plates," she declared.

Rika handed over a plate with a bashful smile, her cheeks still tinged with the remnants of embarrassment. Gesturing for Lillith to join her at the counter, she hoped the simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast would please her companion. The aroma of the food tantalized Lillith's senses, prompting her to take a bite of the bacon. Its exquisite flavor practically melted in her mouth, eliciting a genuine expression of joy. Rika's smile mirrored the sentiment. She turned to the stove to clear the pots, then returned to sit beside Lillith. "I'm so glad you enjoy it. I made it with you in mind."

"So, are we just staying home today? My brother might swing by for cake, or are we just eating cake without him?" Rika's hesitation was palpable as she considered whether to divulge their plans for the day, which didn't heavily involve cake. Lillith, perceptive as always, intervened, "To put it simply, my present is a cake, correct? You know how much I adore sweets." With Lillith's prompt, Rika finally revealed, "We...didn't get you a cake."

Have some criticism, opinions, or ideas for or about my story? Comment it and let me know. I am a new writer so im probably terrable at story telling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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